2,474 research outputs found

    Photoionisation and Heating of a Supernova Driven, Turbulent, Interstellar Medium

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    The Diffuse Ionised Gas (DIG) in galaxies traces photoionisation feedback from massive stars. Through three dimensional photoionisation simulations, we study the propagation of ionising photons, photoionisation heating and the resulting distribution of ionised and neutral gas within snapshots of magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a supernova driven turbulent interstellar medium. We also investigate the impact of non-photoionisation heating on observed optical emission line ratios. Inclusion of a heating term which scales less steeply with electron density than photoionisation is required to produce diagnostic emission line ratios similar to those observed with the Wisconsin H{\alpha} Mapper. Once such heating terms have been included, we are also able to produce temperatures similar to those inferred from observations of the DIG, with temperatures increasing to above 15000 K at heights |z| > 1 kpc. We find that ionising photons travel through low density regions close to the midplane of the simulations, while travelling through diffuse low density regions at large heights. The majority of photons travel small distances (< 100pc); however some travel kiloparsecs and ionise the DIG.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Interstellar H-Alpha Line Profiles toward HD 93521 and the Lockman Window

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    We have used the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) facility to measure the interstellar H-Alpha emission toward the high Galactic latitude O star HD 93521 (l = 183.1, b = +62.2). Three emission components were detected having radial velocities of -10 km s^{-1}, -51 km s^{-1}, and -90 km s^{-1} with respect to the local standard of rest (LSR) and H-Alpha intensities of 0.20 R, 0.15 R, and 0.023 R, respectively, corresponding to emission measures of 0.55 cm^{-6} pc, 0.42 cm^{-6} pc, and 0.06 cm^{-6} pc. We have also detected an H-Alpha emission component at -1 km s^{-1} (LSR) with an intensity of 0.20 R (0.55 cm^{-6} pc) toward the direction l = 148.5, b = +53.0, which lies in the region of exceptionally low H I column density known as the Lockman Window. In addition, we studied the direction l = 163.5, b = +53.5. Upper limits on the possible intensity of Galactic emission toward this direction are 0.11 R at the LSR and 0.06 R at -50 km s^{-1}. We also detected and characterized twelve faint (~0.03-0.15 R), unidentified atmospheric lines present in WHAM H-Alpha spectra. Lastly, we have used WHAM to obtain [O I] 6300 spectra along the line of sight toward HD 93521. We place an upper limit of 0.060 R on the [O I] intensity of the -51 km s^{-1} component. If the temperature of the gas is 10,000 K within the H-Alpha emitting region, the hydrogen ionization fraction n(H+)/n(H_total) > 0.6.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Acccepted for publication in the 1 Feb issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Evidence for an Additional Heat Source in the Warm Ionized Medium of Galaxies

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    Spatial variations of the [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha line intensity ratios observed in the gaseous halo of the Milky Way and other galaxies are inconsistent with pure photoionization models. They appear to require a supplemental heating mechanism that increases the electron temperature at low densities n_e. This would imply that in addition to photoionization, which has a heating rate per unit volume proportional to n_e^2, there is another source of heat with a rate per unit volume proportional to a lower power of n_e. One possible mechanism is the dissipation of interstellar plasma turbulence, which according to Minter & Spangler (1997) heats the ionized interstellar medium in the Milky Way at a rate ~ 1x10^-25 n_e ergs cm^-3 s^-1. If such a source were present, it would dominate over photoionization heating in regions where n_e < 0.1 cm^-3, producing the observed increases in the [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha intensity ratios at large distances from the galactic midplane, as well as accounting for the constancy of [S II]/[N II], which is not explained by pure photoionization. Other supplemental heating sources, such as magnetic reconnection, cosmic rays, or photoelectric emission from small grains, could also account for these observations, provided they supply to the warm ionized medium ~ 10^-5 ergs s^-1 per cm^2 of Galactic disk.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    WHAM Observations of H-Alpha, [S II], and [N II] toward the Orion and Perseus Arms: Probing the Physical Conditions of the Warm Ionized Medium

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    A large portion of the Galaxy (l = 123 deg to 164 deg, b = -6 deg to -35 deg), which samples regions of the Local (Orion) spiral arm and the more distant Perseus arm, has been mapped with the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) in the H-Alpha, [S II] 6716, and [N II] 6583 lines. Several trends noticed in emission-line investigations of diffuse gas in other galaxies are confirmed in the Milky Way and extended to much fainter emission. We find that the [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha ratios increase as absolute H-Alpha intensities decrease. For the more distant Perseus arm emission, the increase in these ratios is a strong function of Galactic latitude and thus, of height above the Galactic plane. The [S II]/[N II] ratio is relatively independent of H-Alpha intensity. Scatter in this ratio appears to be physically significant, and maps of it suggest regions with similar ratios are spatially correlated. The Perseus arm [S II]/[N II] ratio is systematically lower than Local emission by 10%-20%. With [S II]/[N II] fairly constant over a large range of H-Alpha intensities, the increase of [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha with |z| seems to reflect an increase in temperature. Such an interpretation allows us to estimate the temperature and ionization conditions in our large sample of observations. We find that WIM temperatures range from 6,000 K to 9,000 K with temperature increasing from bright to faint H-Alpha emission (low to high [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha) respectively. Changes in [S II]/[N II] appear to reflect changes in the local ionization conditions (e.g. the S+/S++ ratio). We also measure the electron scale height in the Perseus arm to be 1.0+/-0.1 kpc, confirming earlier, less accurate determinations.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Figures 2 and 3 are full color--GIFs provided here, original PS figures at link below. Accepted for publication in ApJ. More information about the WHAM project can be found at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/wham/ . REVISION: Figure 6, bottom panel now contains the proper points. No other changes have been mad
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