37 research outputs found

    Epigenetic control of nuclear architecture

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    The cell nucleus is a highly structured compartment where nuclear components are thought to localize in non-random positions. Correct positioning of large chromatin domains may have a direct impact on the localization of other nuclear components, and can therefore influence the global functionality of the nuclear compartment. DNA methylation of cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotides is a prominent epigenetic modification of the chromatin fiber. DNA methylation, in conjunction with the biochemical modification pattern of histone tails, is known to lock chromatin in a close and transcriptionally inactive conformation. The relationship between DNA methylation and large-scale organization of nuclear architecture, however, is poorly understood. Here we briefly summarize present concepts of nuclear architecture and current data supporting a link between DNA methylation and the maintenance of large-scale nuclear organization

    Modification of the membrane-bound glucose oxidation system in Gluconobacter oxydans significantly increases gluconate and 5-keto-D-gluconic acid accumulation

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    Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2343 (ATCC 621H)catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid and subsequently to 5-keto-D-gluconic acid (5-KGA), a precursor of the industrially important L-(+)-tartaric acid. To further increase 5-KGA production in G. oxydans, the mutant strain MF1 was used. In this strain the membrane-bound gluconate-2-dehydrogenase activity, responsible for formation of the undesired by-product 2-keto-D-gluconic acid, is disrupted. Therefore, high amounts of 5-KGA accumulate in the culture medium. G. oxydans MF1 was equipped with plasmids allowing the overexpression of the membrane-bound enzymes involved in 5-KGA formation. Overexpression was confirmed on the transcript and enzymatic level. Furthermore, the resulting strains overproducing the membrane-bound glucose dehydrogenase showed an increased gluconic acid formation, whereas the overproduction of gluconate-5-dehydrogenase resulted in an increase in 5-KGA of up to 230 mM. Therefore, these newly developed recombinant strains provide a basis for further improving the biotransformation process for 5-KGA production

    Glucose oxidation and PQQ-dependent dehydrogenases in Gluconobacter oxydans

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    Gluconobacter oxydans is famous for its rapid and incomplete oxidation of a wide range of sugars and sugar alcohols. The organism is known for its efficient oxidation of D-glucose to D-gluconate, which can be further oxidized to two different keto-D-gluconates, 2-keto-D-gluconate and 5-keto-D-gluconate, as well as 2,5-di-keto-D-gluconate. For this oxidation chain and for further oxidation reactions, G. oxydans possesses a high number of membrane-bound dehydrogenases. In this review, we focus on the dehydrogenases involved in D-glucose oxidation and the products formed during this process. As some of the involved dehydrogenases contain pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) as a cofactor, also PQQ synthesis is reviewed. Finally, we will give an overview of further PQQ-dependent dehydrogenases and discuss their functions in G. oxydans ATCC 621H (DSM 2343)

    A Gluconobacter oxydans mutant converting glucose almost quantitatively to 5-keto-D-gluconic acid

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    Gluconobacter oxydans converts glucose to gluconic acid and subsequently to 2-keto-D-gluconic acid (2-KGA) and 5-keto-D-gluconic acid (5-KGA) by membrane-bound periplasmic pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent and flavin-dependent dehydrogenases. The product pattern obtained with several strains differed significantly. To increase the production of 5-KGA, which can be converted to industrially important L-(+)-tartaric acid, growth parameters were optimized. Whereas resting cells of G. oxydans ATCC 621H converted about 11% of the available glucose to 2-KGA and 6% to 5-KGA, with growing cells and improved growth under defined conditions (pH 5, 10% pO2, 0.05% pCO2) a conversion yield of about 45% 5-KGA from the available glucose was achieved. As the accumulation of the by-product 2-KGA is highly disadvantageous for an industrial application of G. oxydans, a mutant was generated in which the membrane-bound gluconate-2-dehydrogenase complex was inactivated. This mutant, MF1, grew in a similar way to the wild type, but formation of the undesired 2-KGA was not observed. Under improved growth conditions, mutant MF1 converted the available glucose almost completely (84%) into 5-KGA. Therefore, this newly developed recombinant strain is suitable for the industrial production of 5-KGA