383 research outputs found

    Goldstone Mode Relaxation in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet due to Hyperfine Interaction with Nuclei

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    Spin relaxation in quantum Hall ferromagnet regimes is studied. As the initial non-equilibrium state, a coherent deviation of the spin system from the B⃗{\vec B} direction is considered and the breakdown of this Goldstone-mode state due to hyperfine coupling to nuclei is analyzed. The relaxation occurring non-exponentially with time is studied in terms of annihilation processes in the "Goldstone condensate" formed by "zero spin excitons". The relaxation rate is calculated analytically even if the initial deviation is not small. This relaxation channel competes with the relaxation mechanisms due to spin-orbit coupling, and at strong magnetic fields it becomes dominating.Comment: 8 page

    Key signal contributions in photothermal deflection spectroscopy

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    We report on key signal contributions in photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) of semiconductors at photon energies below the bandgap energy and show how to extract the actual absorption properties from the measurement data. To this end, we establish a rigorous computation scheme for the deflection signal including semi-analytic raytracing to analyze the underlying physical effects. The computation takes into account linear and nonlinear absorption processes affecting the refractive index and thus leading to a deflection of the probe beam. We find that beside the linear mirage effect, nonlinear absorption mechanisms make a substantial contribution to the signal for strongly focussed pump beams and sample materials with high two-photon absorption coefficients. For example, the measured quadratic absorption contribution exceeds 5% at a pump beam intensity of about 1.3×105  W/cm2{1.3}\times{10^{5}}\;{W}/{cm^{2}} in Si and at 5×104  W/cm2{5}\times{10^{4}}\;{W}/{cm^{2}} in GaAs. In addition, our method also includes thermal expansion effects as well as spatial gradients of the attenuation properties. We demonstrate that these effects result in an additional deflection contribution which substantially depends on the distance of the photodetector from the readout point. This distance dependent contribution enhances the surface related PDS signal up to two orders of magnitude and may be misinterpreted as surface absorption if not corrected in the analysis of the measurement data. We verify these findings by PDS measurements on crystalline silicon at a wavelength of 1550 nm and provide guidelines how to extract the actual attenuation coefficient from the PDS signal.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physiv

    Spin relaxation in a two-electron quantum dot

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    We discuss the rate of relaxation of the total spin in the two-electron droplet in the vicinity of the magnetic field driven singlet-triplet transition. The total spin relaxation is attributed to spin-orbit and electron-phonon interactions. The relaxation process is found to depend on the spin of ground and excited states. This asymmetry is used to explain puzzles in recent high source-drain transport experiments.Comment: 9 pages in the PDF format, 1 figur

    Comment on "Spin relaxation in quantum Hall systems"

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    W. Apel and Yu.A. Bychkov have recently considered the spin relaxation in a 2D quantum Hall system for the filling factor close to unity [PRL v.82, 3324 (1999)]. The authors considered only one spin flip mechanism (direct spin-phonon coupling) among several possible spin-orbit related ones and came to the conclusion that the spin relaxation time due to this mechanism is quite short: around 10−1010^{-10} s at B=10 T (for GaAs). This time is much shorter than the typical time (10−510^{-5} s) obtained earlier by D. Frenkel while considering the spin relaxation of 2D electrons in a quantizing magnetic field without the Coulomb interaction and for the same spin-phonon coupling. I show that the authors' conclusion about the value of the spin-flip time is wrong and have deduced the correct time which is by several orders of magnitude longer. I also discuss the admixture mechanism of the spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 1 pag

    Double-exciton component of the cyclotron spin-flip mode in a quantum Hall ferromagnet

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    We report on the calculation of the cyclotron spin-flip excitation (CSFE) in a spin-polarized quantum Hall system at unit filling. This mode has a double-exciton component which contributes to the CSFE correlation energy but can not be found by means of a mean field approach. The result is compared with available experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Levitating the noise performance of ultra-stable laser cavities assisted by a deep neural network: The non-intuitive role of the mirrors

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    The most precise measurand available to science is the frequency of ultra-stable lasers. With a relative deviation of 4 × 10−17 over a wide range of measuring times between one second and 100 seconds, the smallest effects in nature can thus be made measurable. To enable cutting-edge precision, the laser frequency is stabilized to an external optical cavity. This complex optical device must be manufactured to the highest standards and shielded from environmental influences. Given this assumption, the smallest internal sources of perturbation become dominant, namely the internal noise of the optical components. In this work, we present the optimization of all relevant noise sources from all components of the frequency-stabilized laser. We discuss the correlation between each individual noise source and the different parameters of the system and discover the significance of the mirrors. The optimized laser offers a design stability of 8 × 10−18 for an operation at room temperature for measuring times between one second and 100 seconds

    Spin Relaxation in a Quantized Hall Regime in Presence of a Disorder

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    We study the spin relaxation (SR) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the quantized Hall regime and discuss the role of spatial inhomogeneity effects on the relaxation. The results are obtained for small filling factors (ν≪1\nu\ll 1) or when the filling factor is close to an integer. In either case SR times are essentially determined by a smooth random potential. For small ν\nu we predict a "magneto-confinement" resonance manifested in the enhancement of the SR rate when the Zeeman energy is close to the spacing of confinement sublevels in the low-energy wing of the disorder-broadened Landau level. In the resonant region the BB-dependence of the SR time has a peculiar non-monotonic shape. If ν≃2n+1\nu\simeq 2n+1, the SR is going non-exponentially. Under typical conditions the calculated SR times range from 10−810^{-8} to 10−610^{-6} s.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in JETP Letter

    Effects of Aperture Size on <i>Q</i> factor and Shielding Effectiveness of a Cubic Resonator

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    The EMC properties of a cubic metallic shield are highly affected by its resonances. At the resonant frequencies, the shielding effectiveness (SE) collapses, which results in high field strengths inside the cavity. This can cause failure or even breakdown of electronic devices inside the shield. The resonant behaviour is mainly determined by the quality or Q factor of the shield. In this paper, the effects of the aperture size on the Q factor and the SE of an electrically large, cubic shield are analysed. At first, a method is developed in order to determine the Q factor based on the resonance behaviour of the shield in time domain. Only the first resonance of the shield is considered therefore. The results are evaluated for different aperture diameters and compared with theory for the Q factor. The dominant coupling mechanism of electromagnetic energy into the shield is thus identified. Then the effect of aperture size on the SE is analysed. The excitation of resonances is very probable if the interfering signal is an ultrawideband (UWB) pulse, which constitutes a typical intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) scenario. Therefore, the relation between aperture size and SE is analysed using the theory of the transient SE for a broadband signal with a constant spectral density distribution. The results show, that a worst case aperture size exists, where the SE has its minimum

    Auger-like Relaxation of Inter-Landau-Level Magneto-Plasmon Excitations in the Quantised Hall Regime

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    Auger relaxation in 2D strongly correlated electron gas can be represented as an Auger-like process for neutral magnetoplasmon excitations. The case of "dielectric" state with lack of free electrons (i.e. at integer filling ν\nu) is considered. Really the Auger-like process is a coalescence of two magnetoplasmons which are converted into a single one of a different plasmon mode with zero 2D wave-vector. This event turns out to be energetically allowed for magnetoplasmons near their roton minima where the spectrum has the infinite density of states. As a result the additional possibility appears for indirect observation of the magnetorotons by means of anti-Stokes Raman scattering. We find the rate of this process employing the technique of Excitonic Representation for the relevant matrix element calculation.Comment: 4 page

    Cyclotron spin-flip excitations in a \nu=1/3 quantum Hall ferromagnet

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    Inelastic light scattering spectroscopy around the \nu=1/3 filling discloses a novel type of cyclotron spin-flip excitation in a quantum Hall system in addition to the excitations previously studied. The excitation energy of the observed mode follows qualitatively the degree of electron spin polarization, reaching a maximum value at \nu=1/3 and thus characterizing it as a \nu=1/3 ferromagnet eigenmode. Its absolute energy substantially exceeds the theoretical prediction obtained within the renowned single-mode approximation. Double-exciton corrections neglected utilizing the single-mode approach are evaluated within the framework of the excitonic representation and are inferred to be responsible for the observed effect.Comment: 4 pages,3 figures, submitted to PR
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