3,416 research outputs found

    Convex Hull of Arithmetic Automata

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    Arithmetic automata recognize infinite words of digits denoting decompositions of real and integer vectors. These automata are known expressive and efficient enough to represent the whole set of solutions of complex linear constraints combining both integral and real variables. In this paper, the closed convex hull of arithmetic automata is proved rational polyhedral. Moreover an algorithm computing the linear constraints defining these convex set is provided. Such an algorithm is useful for effectively extracting geometrical properties of the whole set of solutions of complex constraints symbolically represented by arithmetic automata

    Sacrificing Accuracy for Reduced Computation: Cascaded Inference Based on Softmax Confidence

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    We study the tradeoff between computational effort and accuracy in a cascade of deep neural networks. During inference, early termination in the cascade is controlled by confidence levels derived directly from the softmax outputs of intermediate classifiers. The advantage of early termination is that classification is performed using less computation, thus adjusting the computational effort to the complexity of the input. Moreover, dynamic modification of confidence thresholds allow one to trade accuracy for computational effort without requiring retraining. Basing of early termination on softmax classifier outputs is justified by experimentation that demonstrates an almost linear relation between confidence levels in intermediate classifiers and accuracy. Our experimentation with architectures based on ResNet obtained the following results. (i) A speedup of 1.5 that sacrifices 1.4% accuracy with respect to the CIFAR-10 test set. (ii) A speedup of 1.19 that sacrifices 0.7% accuracy with respect to the CIFAR-100 test set. (iii) A speedup of 2.16 that sacrifices 1.4% accuracy with respect to the SVHN test set

    A review of the localities and flora of the lower Permian Karoo strata at Vereeniging, South Africa

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    Main articleThe Vereeniging fossil floras are particularly well known and often referred to, as it is among them that attached glossopteridophyte fructifications were first recorded. No recent review of the localities, flora and age of the deposits is available. The history of collecting and description of fossil plants from Vereeniging dates from 1879. Ten localities have been recorded to date, the most important of which are the three Leeukuil quarries from which a diverse flora has been collected and described over the past thirty years. Two of the localities are considered to fall within the Lower Ecca and the remaining eight within a restricted section of the Middle Ecca coal measures. The older flora is poorly known and is represented only by the genera Gangamopteris and Noeggerathiopsis. The younger flora is fairly comprehensively known and includes some 23 genera and 33 species of plants.Non

    Mountain trail formation and the active walker model

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    We extend the active walker model to address the formation of paths on gradients, which have been observed to have a zigzag form. Our extension includes a new rule which prohibits direct descent or ascent on steep inclines, simulating aversion to falling. Further augmentation of the model stops walkers from changing direction very rapidly as that would likely lead to a fall. The extended model predicts paths with qualitatively similar forms to the observed trails, but only if the terms suppressing sudden direction changes are included. The need to include terms into the model that stop rapid direction change when simulating mountain trails indicates that a similar rule should also be included in the standard active walker model.Comment: Introduction improved. Analysis of discretization errors added. Calculations from alternative scheme include
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