1,399 research outputs found

    Dynamic rewiring in small world networks

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    We investigate equilibrium properties of small world networks, in which both connectivity and spin variables are dynamic, using replicated transfer matrices within the replica symmetric approximation. Population dynamics techniques allow us to examine order parameters of our system at total equilibrium, probing both spin- and graph-statistics. Of these, interestingly, the degree distribution is found to acquire a Poisson-like form (both within and outside the ordered phase). Comparison with Glauber simulations confirms our results satisfactorily.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    A network-based threshold model for the spreading of fads in society and markets

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    We investigate the behavior of a threshold model for the spreading of fads and similar phenomena in society. The model is giving the fad dynamics and is intended to be confined to an underlying network structure. We investigate the whole parameter space of the fad dynamics on three types of network models. The dynamics we discover is rich and highly dependent on the underlying network structure. For some range of the parameter space, for all types of substrate networks, there are a great variety of sizes and life-lengths of the fads -- what one see in real-world social and economical systems

    Quantum computing of delocalization in small-world networks

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    We study a quantum small-world network with disorder and show that the system exhibits a delocalization transition. A quantum algorithm is built up which simulates the evolution operator of the model in a polynomial number of gates for exponential number of vertices in the network. The total computational gain is shown to depend on the parameters of the network and a larger than quadratic speed-up can be reached. We also investigate the robustness of the algorithm in presence of imperfections.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, research done at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    CONTEST : a Controllable Test Matrix Toolbox for MATLAB

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    Large, sparse networks that describe complex interactions are a common feature across a number of disciplines, giving rise to many challenging matrix computational tasks. Several random graph models have been proposed that capture key properties of real-life networks. These models provide realistic, parametrized matrices for testing linear system and eigenvalue solvers. CONTEST (CONtrollable TEST matrices) is a random network toolbox for MATLAB that implements nine models. The models produce unweighted directed or undirected graphs; that is, symmetric or unsymmetric matrices with elements equal to zero or one. They have one or more parameters that affect features such as sparsity and characteristic pathlength and all can be of arbitrary dimension. Utility functions are supplied for rewiring, adding extra shortcuts and subsampling in order to create further classes of networks. Other utilities convert the adjacency matrices into real-valued coefficient matrices for naturally arising computational tasks that reduce to sparse linear system and eigenvalue problems

    Optimization in task--completion networks

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    We discuss the collective behavior of a network of individuals that receive, process and forward to each other tasks. Given costs they store those tasks in buffers, choosing optimally the frequency at which to check and process the buffer. The individual optimizing strategy of each node determines the aggregate behavior of the network. We find that, under general assumptions, the whole system exhibits coexistence of equilibria and hysteresis.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Information Horizons in Networks

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    We investigate and quantify the interplay between topology and ability to send specific signals in complex networks. We find that in a majority of investigated real-world networks the ability to communicate is favored by the network topology on small distances, but disfavored at larger distances. We further discuss how the ability to locate specific nodes can be improved if information associated to the overall traffic in the network is available.Comment: Submitted top PR

    Preferencial growth: exact solution of the time dependent distributions

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    We consider a preferential growth model where particles are added one by one to the system consisting of clusters of particles. A new particle can either form a new cluster (with probability q) or join an already existing cluster with a probability proportional to the size thereof. We calculate exactly the probability \Pm_i(k,t) that the size of the i-th cluster at time t is k. We analyze the asymptotics, the scaling properties of the size distribution and of the mean size as well as the relation of our system to recent network models.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Epidemics and percolation in small-world networks

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    We study some simple models of disease transmission on small-world networks, in which either the probability of infection by a disease or the probability of its transmission is varied, or both. The resulting models display epidemic behavior when the infection or transmission probability rises above the threshold for site or bond percolation on the network, and we give exact solutions for the position of this threshold in a variety of cases. We confirm our analytic results by numerical simulation.Comment: 6 pages, including 3 postscript figure

    Hawks and Doves on Small-World Networks

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    We explore the Hawk-Dove game on networks with topologies ranging from regular lattices to random graphs with small-world networks in between. This is done by means of computer simulations using several update rules for the population evolutionary dynamics. We find the overall result that cooperation is sometimes inhibited and sometimes enhanced in those network structures, with respect to the mixing population case. The differences are due to different update rules and depend on the gain-to-cost ratio. We analyse and qualitatively explain this behavior by using local topological arguments.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Asymptotic behavior of the Kleinberg model

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    We study Kleinberg navigation (the search of a target in a d-dimensional lattice, where each site is connected to one other random site at distance r, with probability proportional to r^{-a}) by means of an exact master equation for the process. We show that the asymptotic scaling behavior for the delivery time T to a target at distance L scales as (ln L)^2 when a=d, and otherwise as L^x, with x=(d-a)/(d+1-a) for ad+1. These values of x exceed the rigorous lower-bounds established by Kleinberg. We also address the situation where there is a finite probability for the message to get lost along its way and find short delivery times (conditioned upon arrival) for a wide range of a's
