10,071 research outputs found
Bohm and Einstein-Sasaki Metrics, Black Holes and Cosmological Event Horizons
We study physical applications of the Bohm metrics, which are infinite
sequences of inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on spheres and products of spheres
of dimension 5 <= d <= 9. We prove that all the Bohm metrics on S^3 x S^2 and
S^3 x S^3 have negative eigenvalue modes of the Lichnerowicz operator and by
numerical methods we establish that Bohm metrics on S^5 have negative
eigenvalues too. We argue that all the Bohm metrics will have negative modes.
These results imply that higher-dimensional black-hole spacetimes where the
Bohm metric replaces the usual round sphere metric are classically unstable. We
also show that the stability criterion for Freund-Rubin solutions is the same
as for black-hole stability, and hence such solutions using Bohm metrics will
also be unstable. We consider possible endpoints of the instabilities, and show
that all Einstein-Sasaki manifolds give stable solutions. We show how Wick
rotation of Bohm metrics gives spacetimes that provide counterexamples to a
strict form of the Cosmic Baldness conjecture, but they are still consistent
with the intuition behind the cosmic No-Hair conjectures. We show how the
Lorentzian metrics may be created ``from nothing'' in a no-boundary setting. We
argue that Lorentzian Bohm metrics are unstable to decay to de Sitter
spacetime. We also argue that noncompact versions of the Bohm metrics have
infinitely many negative Lichernowicz modes, and we conjecture a general
relation between Lichnerowicz eigenvalues and non-uniqueness of the Dirichlet
problem for Einstein's equations.Comment: 53 pages, 11 figure
Charged Dilaton Black Holes with a Cosmological Constant
The properties of static spherically symmetric black holes, which are either
electrically or magnetically charged, and which are coupled to the dilaton in
the presence of a cosmological constant, are considered. It is shown that such
solutions do not exist if the cosmological constant is positive (in arbitrary
spacetime dimension >= 4). However, asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole
solutions with a single horizon do exist if the cosmological constant is
negative. These solutions are studied numerically in four dimensions and the
thermodynamic properties of the solutions are derived. The extreme solutions
are found to have zero entropy and infinite temperature for all non-zero values
of the dilaton coupling constant.Comment: 12 pages, epsf, phyzzx, 4 in-text figures incl. (minor typos fixed, 1
reference added
Exponentially Large Probabilities in Quantum Gravity
The problem of topology change transitions in quantum gravity is investigated
from the Wheeler-de Witt wave function point of view. It is argued that for all
theories allowing wormhole effects the wave function of the universe is
exponentially large. If the wormhole action is positive, one can try to
overcome this difficulty by redefinition of the inner product, while for the
case of negative wormhole action the more serious problems arise.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX, 4 figures in PostScript, the brief version of this
paper is to appear in Proceedings of the XXIV ITEP Winter School of Physic
Dyonic dilaton black holes
The properties of static spherically symmetric black holes, which are both
electrically and magnetically charged, and which are coupled to the dilaton in
the presence of a cosmological constant, Lambda, are considered. It is shown
that apart from the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution with constant
dilaton, such solutions do not exist if Lambda > 0 (in arbitrary spacetime
dimension >=4 ). However, asymptotically anti-de Sitter dyonic black hole
solutions with a non-trivial dilaton do exist if Lambda < 0. Both these
solutions and the asymptotically flat (Lambda = 0) solutions are studied
numerically for arbitrary values of the dilaton coupling parameter, g_0, in
four dimensions. The asymptotically flat solutions are found to exhibit two
horizons if g_0 = 0, 1, \sqrt{3}, \sqrt{6}, ..., \sqrt{n(n+1)/2},..., and one
horizon otherwise. For asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions the result is
similar, but the corresponding values of g_0 are altered in a non-linear
fashion which depends on Lambda and the mass and charges of the black holes.
All dyonic solutions with Lambda <= 0 are found to have zero Hawking
temperature in the extreme limit, however, regardless of the value of g_0.Comment: 24 pages, phyzzx, epsf, 7 in-text figures. Small addition to
introduction, and a few extra reference
Entropy for dilatonic black hole
The area formula for entropy is extended to the case of a dilatonic black
hole. The entropy of a scalar field in the background of such a black hole is
calculated semiclassically. The area and cutoff dependences are normal {\it
except in the extremal case}, where the area is zero but the entropy nonzero.Comment: 13 pages (Applicability of area formula justified and a reference
Mass, angular-momentum, and charge inequalities for axisymmetric initial data
We present the key elements of the proof of an upper bound for
angular-momentum and charge in terms of the mass for electro-vacuum
asymptotically flat axisymmetric initial data sets with simply connected orbit
Nucleating Black Holes via Non-Orientable Instantons
We extend the analysis of black hole pair creation to include non- orientable
instantons. We classify these instantons in terms of their fundamental
symmetries and orientations. Many of these instantons admit the pin structure
which corresponds to the fermions actually observed in nature, and so the
natural objection that these manifolds do not admit spin structure may not be
relevant. Furthermore, we analyse the thermodynamical properties of
non-orientable black holes and find that in the non-extreme case, there are
interesting modifications of the usual formulae for temperature and entropy.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, minor typos are correcte
Bounds on area and charge for marginally trapped surfaces with cosmological constant
We sharpen the known inequalities and between the area and the electric charge of a stable marginally
outer trapped surface (MOTS) of genus g in the presence of a cosmological
constant . In particular, instead of requiring stability we include
the principal eigenvalue of the stability operator. For we obtain a lower and an upper bound for in terms of as well as the upper bound for the charge, which reduces to in the stable case . For
there remains only a lower bound on . In the spherically symmetric, static,
stable case one of the area inequalities is saturated iff the surface gravity
vanishes. We also discuss implications of our inequalities for "jumps" and
mergers of charged MOTS.Comment: minor corrections to previous version and to published versio
Some Dynamical Effects of the Cosmological Constant
Newton's law gets modified in the presence of a cosmological constant by a
small repulsive term (antigarvity) that is proportional to the distance.
Assuming a value of the cosmological constant consistent with the recent SnIa
data () we investigate the significance of this
term on various astrophysical scales. We find that on galactic scales or
smaller (less than a few tens of kpc) the dynamical effects of the vacuum
energy are negligible by several orders of magnitude. On scales of 1Mpc or
larger however we find that vacuum energy can significantly affect the
dynamics. For example we show that the velocity data in the Local Group of
galaxies correspond to galactic masses increased by 35% in the presence of
vacuum energy. The effect is even more important on larger low density systems
like clusters of galaxies or superclusters.Comment: 5 two column pages, 2 figure
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