849 research outputs found

    Dynamic wetting with two competing adsorbates

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    We study the dynamic properties of a model for wetting with two competing adsorbates on a planar substrate. The two species of particles have identical properties and repel each other. Starting with a flat interface one observes the formation of homogeneous droplets of the respective type separated by nonwet regions where the interface remains pinned. The wet phase is characterized by slow coarsening of competing droplets. Moreover, in 2+1 dimensions an additional line of continuous phase transition emerges in the bound phase, which separates an unordered phase from an ordered one. The symmetry under interchange of the particle types is spontaneously broken in this region and finite systems exhibit two metastable states, each dominated by one of the species. The critical properties of this transition are analyzed by numeric simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, final version published in PR

    The XX--model with boundaries. Part I: Diagonalization of the finite chain

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    This is the first of three papers dealing with the XX finite quantum chain with arbitrary, not necessarily hermitian, boundary terms. This extends previous work where the periodic or diagonal boundary terms were considered. In order to find the spectrum and wave-functions an auxiliary quantum chain is examined which is quadratic in fermionic creation and annihilation operators and hence diagonalizable. The secular equation is in general complicated but several cases were found when it can be solved analytically. For these cases the ground-state energies are given. The appearance of boundary states is also discussed and in view to the applications considered in the next papers, the one and two-point functions are expressed in terms of Pfaffians.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX, some minor correction

    Criticality of natural absorbing states

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    We study a recently introduced ladder model which undergoes a transition between an active and an infinitely degenerate absorbing phase. In some cases the critical behaviour of the model is the same as that of the branching annihilating random walk with N2N\geq 2 species both with and without hard-core interaction. We show that certain static characteristics of the so-called natural absorbing states develop power law singularities which signal the approach of the critical point. These results are also explained using random walk arguments. In addition to that we show that when dynamics of our model is considered as a minimum finding procedure, it has the best efficiency very close to the critical point.Comment: 6 page

    First order phase transition in a 1+1-dimensional nonequilibrium wetting process

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    A model for nonequilibrium wetting in 1+1 dimensions is introduced. It comprises adsorption and desorption processes with a dynamics which generically does not obey detailed balance. Depending on the rates of the dynamical processes the wetting transition is either of first or second order. It is found that the wet (unbound) and the non-wet (pinned) states coexist and are both thermodynamically stable in a domain of the dynamical parameters which define the model. This is in contrast with equilibrium transitions where coexistence of thermodynamically stable states takes place only on the transition line.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, including 4 eps figure

    The universal behavior of one-dimensional, multi-species branching and annihilating random walks with exclusion

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    A directed percolation process with two symmetric particle species exhibiting exclusion in one dimension is investigated numerically. It is shown that if the species are coupled by branching (AABA\to AB, BBAB\to BA) a continuous phase transition will appear at zero branching rate limit belonging to the same universality class as that of the dynamical two-offspring (2-BARW2) model. This class persists even if the branching is biased towards one of the species. If the two systems are not coupled by branching but hard-core interaction is allowed only the transition will occur at finite branching rate belonging to the usual 1+1 dimensional directed percolation class.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures include

    Matrix Product Ground States for Asymmetric Exclusion Processes with Parallel Dynamics

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    We show in the example of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion process that stationary states of models with parallel dynamics may be written in a matrix product form. The corresponding algebra is quadratic and involves three different matrices. Using this formalism we prove previous conjectures for the equal-time correlation functions of the model.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, one postscript figur

    Multicomponent binary spreading process

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    I investigate numerically the phase transitions of two-component generalizations of binary spreading processes in one dimension. In these models pair annihilation: AA->0, BB->0, explicit particle diffusion and binary pair production processes compete with each other. Several versions with spatially different productions have been explored and shown that for the cases: 2A->3A, 2B->3B and 2A->2AB, 2B->2BA a phase transition occurs at zero production rate (σ=0\sigma=0), that belongs to the class of N-component, asymmetric branching and annihilating random walks, characterized by the order parameter exponent β=2\beta=2. In the model with particle production: AB->ABA, BA-> BAB a phase transition point can be located at σc=0.3253\sigma_c=0.3253 that belongs to the class of the one-component binary spreading processes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Branching and annihilating Levy flights

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    We consider a system of particles undergoing the branching and annihilating reactions A -> (m+1)A and A + A -> 0, with m even. The particles move via long-range Levy flights, where the probability of moving a distance r decays as r^{-d-sigma}. We analyze this system of branching and annihilating Levy flights (BALF) using field theoretic renormalization group techniques close to the upper critical dimension d_c=sigma, with sigma<2. These results are then compared with Monte-Carlo simulations in d=1. For sigma close to unity in d=1, the critical point for the transition from an absorbing to an active phase occurs at zero branching. However, for sigma bigger than about 3/2 in d=1, the critical branching rate moves smoothly away from zero with increasing sigma, and the transition lies in a different universality class, inaccessible to controlled perturbative expansions. We measure the exponents in both universality classes and examine their behavior as a function of sigma.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Finite Dimensional Representations of the Quadratic Algebra: Applications to the Exclusion Process

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    We study the one dimensional partially asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with open boundaries, that describes a system of hard-core particles hopping stochastically on a chain coupled to reservoirs at both ends. Derrida, Evans, Hakim and Pasquier [J. Phys. A 26, 1493 (1993)] have shown that the stationary probability distribution of this model can be represented as a trace on a quadratic algebra, closely related to the deformed oscillator-algebra. We construct all finite dimensional irreducible representations of this algebra. This enables us to compute the stationary bulk density as well as all correlation lengths for the ASEP on a set of special curves of the phase diagram.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 1 EPS figur

    Phase transitions in nonequilibrium d-dimensional models with q absorbing states

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    A nonequilibrium Potts-like model with qq absorbing states is studied using Monte Carlo simulations. In two dimensions and q=3q=3 the model exhibits a discontinuous transition. For the three-dimensional case and q=2q=2 the model exhibits a continuous, transition with β=1\beta=1 (mean-field). Simulations are inconclusive, however, in the two-dimensional case for q=2q=2. We suggest that in this case the model is close to or at the crossing point of lines separating three different types of phase transitions. The proposed phase diagram in the (q,d)(q,d) plane is very similar to that of the equilibrium Potts model. In addition, our simulations confirm field-theory prediction that in two dimensions a branching-annihilating random walk model without parity conservation belongs to the directed percolation universality class.Comment: 8 pages, figures included, accepted in Phys.Rev.