353 research outputs found

    On the Formation Age of the First Planetary System

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    Recently, it has been observed the extreme metal-poor stars in the Galactic halo, which must be formed just after Pop III objects. On the other hand, the first gas clouds of mass 106M\sim 10^6 M_{\odot} are supposed to be formed at z z \sim 10, 20, and 30 for the 1σ1\sigma, 2σ2\sigma and 3σ3\sigma, where the density perturbations are assumed of the standard Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. If we could apply this gaussian distribution to the extreme small probability, the gas clouds would be formed at z z \sim 40, 60, and 80 for the 4σ4\sigma, 6σ6\sigma, and 8σ8\sigma. The first gas clouds within our galaxy must be formed around z40z\sim 40. Even if the gas cloud is metal poor, there is a lot of possibility to form the planets around such stars. The first planetary systems could be formed within 6×107\sim 6\times 10^7 years after the Big Bang in the universe. Even in our galaxies, it could be formed within 1.7×108\sim 1.7\times 10^8 years. It is interesting to wait the observations of planets around metal-poor stars. For the panspermia theory, the origin of life could be expected in such systems.Comment: 5 pages,Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 249, 2007, Exoplanets:Y-S. Sun, S. Ferraz-Mello and J.-L, Zhou, eds. (p325

    Local Runup Amplification By Resonant Wave Interactions

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    Until now the analysis of long wave runup on a plane beach has been focused on finding its maximum value, failing to capture the existence of resonant regimes. One-dimensional numerical simulations in the framework of the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations (NSWE) are used to investigate the Boundary Value Problem (BVP) for plane and non-trivial beaches. Monochromatic waves, as well as virtual wave-gage recordings from real tsunami simulations, are used as forcing conditions to the BVP. Resonant phenomena between the incident wavelength and the beach slope are found to occur, which result in enhanced runup of non-leading waves. The evolution of energy reveals the existence of a quasi-periodic state for the case of sinusoidal waves, the energy level of which, as well as the time required to reach that state, depend on the incident wavelength for a given beach slope. Dispersion is found to slightly reduce the value of maximum runup, but not to change the overall picture. Runup amplification occurs for both leading elevation and depression waves.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Figures. Accepted to Physical Review Letters. Other author's papers can be downloaded at http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~dutykh

    Star product formula of theta functions

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    As a noncommutative generalization of the addition formula of theta functions, we construct a class of theta functions which are closed with respect to the Moyal star product of a fixed noncommutative parameter. These theta functions can be regarded as bases of the space of holomorphic homomorphisms between holomorphic line bundles over noncommutative complex tori.Comment: 12 page

    LL_\infty-Algebras, the BV Formalism, and Classical Fields

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    We summarise some of our recent works on LL_\infty-algebras and quasi-groups with regard to higher principal bundles and their applications in twistor theory and gauge theory. In particular, after a lightning review of LL_\infty-algebras, we discuss their Maurer-Cartan theory and explain that any classical field theory admitting an action can be reformulated in this context with the help of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. As examples, we explore higher Chern-Simons theory and Yang-Mills theory. We also explain how these ideas can be combined with those of twistor theory to formulate maximally superconformal gauge theories in four and six dimensions by means of LL_\infty-quasi-isomorphisms, and we propose a twistor space action.Comment: 19 pages, Contribution to Proceedings of LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium Higher Structures in M-Theory, August 201

    On open-closed extension of boundary string field theory

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    We investigate a classical open-closed string field theory whose open string sector is given by boundary string field theory. The open-closed interaction is introduced by the overlap of a boundary state with a closed string field. With the help of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, the closed string sector is determined to be the HIKKO closed string field theory. We also discuss the gauge invariance of this theory in both open and closed string sides.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, comments and a reference added, typos correcte

    Solitons on Noncommutative Torus as Elliptic Calogero Gaudin Models, Branes and Laughlin Wave Functions

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    For the noncommutative torus T{\cal T}, in case of the N.C. parameter θ=Zn\theta = \frac{Z}{n}, we construct the basis of Hilbert space {\caH}_nintermsof in terms of \thetafunctionsofthepositions functions of the positions z_iof of nsolitons.Thewrappingaroundthetorusgeneratesthealgebra solitons. The wrapping around the torus generates the algebra {\cal A}_n,whichisthe, which is the Z_n \times Z_nHeisenberggroupon Heisenberg group on \thetafunctions.Wefindthegenerators functions. We find the generators gofanlocalelliptic of an local elliptic su(n),w, wtransform covariantly by the global gauge transformation of A{\cal A}By acting on Hn{\cal H}_n we establish the isomorphism of An{\cal A}_ngg. We embed this gg into the LL-matrix of the elliptic Gaudin andmodelstogivethedynamics.Themomentmapofthistwistedcotangentmodels to give the dynamics. The moment map of this twisted cotangent su_n({\cal T})bundleismatchedtothe bundle is matched to the DequationwithFayetIlliopoulossourceterm,sothedynamicsoftheN.C.solitonsbecomesthatofthebrane.Thegeometricconfiguration-equation with Fayet-Illiopoulos source term, so the dynamics of the N.C. solitons becomes that of the brane. The geometric configuration (k, u)ofth of thspectral curve detL(u)k=0{\rm det}|L(u) - k| = 0 describes the brane configuration, with the dynamical variables ziz_i of N.C. solitons asmodulimoduli T^{\otimes n} / S_n.Furthermore,intheN.C.ChernSimonstheoryforthequantumHalleffect,theconstrainequationwithquasiparticlesourceisidentifiedalsowiththemomentmapeqaution. Furthermore, in the N.C. Chern-Simons theory for the quantum Hall effect, the constrain equation with quasiparticle source is identified also with the moment map eqaution the N.C. sun(T)su_n({\cal T}) cotangent bundle with marked points. The eigenfunction of the Gaudin differential LL-operators as the Laughli$wavefunction is solved by Bethe ansatz.Comment: 25 pages, plain latex, no figure

    Comparison between three-dimensional linear and nonlinear tsunami generation models

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    The modeling of tsunami generation is an essential phase in understanding tsunamis. For tsunamis generated by underwater earthquakes, it involves the modeling of the sea bottom motion as well as the resulting motion of the water above it. A comparison between various models for three-dimensional water motion, ranging from linear theory to fully nonlinear theory, is performed. It is found that for most events the linear theory is sufficient. However, in some cases, more sophisticated theories are needed. Moreover, it is shown that the passive approach in which the seafloor deformation is simply translated to the ocean surface is not always equivalent to the active approach in which the bottom motion is taken into account, even if the deformation is supposed to be instantaneous.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures; Accepted to Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Several references have been adde

    Cohomology Groups of Deformations of Line Bundles on Complex Tori

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    The cohomology groups of line bundles over complex tori (or abelian varieties) are classically studied invariants of these spaces. In this article, we compute the cohomology groups of line bundles over various holomorphic, non-commutative deformations of complex tori. Our analysis interpolates between two extreme cases. The first case is a calculation of the space of (cohomological) theta functions for line bundles over constant, commutative deformations. The second case is a calculation of the cohomologies of non-commutative deformations of degree-zero line bundles.Comment: 24 pages, exposition improved, typos fixe

    Tachyon Condensation on Noncommutative Torus

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    We discuss noncommutative solitons on a noncommutative torus and their application to tachyon condensation. In the large B limit, they can be exactly described by the Powers-Rieffel projection operators known in the mathematical literature. The resulting soliton spectrum is consistent with T-duality and is surprisingly interesting. It is shown that an instability arises for any D-branes, leading to the decay into many smaller D-branes. This phenomenon is the consequence of the fact that K-homology for type II von Neumann factor is labeled by R.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 1 figur

    Matrix Factorizations, Minimal Models and Massey Products

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    We present a method to compute the full non-linear deformations of matrix factorizations for ADE minimal models. This method is based on the calculation of higher products in the cohomology, called Massey products. The algorithm yields a polynomial ring whose vanishing relations encode the obstructions of the deformations of the D-branes characterized by these matrix factorizations. This coincides with the critical locus of the effective superpotential which can be computed by integrating these relations. Our results for the effective superpotential are in agreement with those obtained from solving the A-infinity relations. We point out a relation to the superpotentials of Kazama-Suzuki models. We will illustrate our findings by various examples, putting emphasis on the E_6 minimal model.Comment: 32 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: additional comments concerning the bulk-boundary crossing constraint, some small clarifications, typo