6 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of tin clusters

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    We report the results of detailed thermodynamic investigations of the Sn20_{20} cluster using density-functional molecular dynamics. These simulations have been performed over a temperature range of 150 to 3000 K, with a total simulation time of order 1 ns. The prolate ground state and low-lying isomers consist of two tricapped trigonal prism (TTP) units stacked end to end. The ionic specific heat, calculated via a multihistogram fit, shows a small peak around 500 K and a shoulder around 850 K. The main peak occurs around 1200 K, about 700 K higher than the bulk melting temperature, but significantly lower than that for Sn10_{10}. The main peak is accompanied by a sharp change in the prolate shape of the cluster due to the fusion of the two TTP units to form a compact, near spherical structure with a diffusive liquidlike ionic motion. The small peak at 500 K is associated with rearrangement processes within the TTP units, while the shoulder at 850 K corresponds to distortion of at least one TTP unit, preserving the overall prolate shape of the cluster. At all temperatures observed, the bonding remains covalent.Comment: Latex File and EPS Figures. 18 pages,11 Figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Expatriates ill after travel:results from the Geosentinel Surveillance Network

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    BACKGROUND: Expatriates are a distinct population at unique risk for health problems related to their travel exposure. METHODS: We analyzed GeoSentinel data comparing ill returned expatriates with other travelers for demographics, travel characteristics, and proportionate morbidity (PM) for travel-related illness. RESULTS: Our study included 2,883 expatriates and 11,910 non-expatriates who visited GeoSentinel clinics ill after travel. Expatriates were more likely to be male, do volunteer work, be long-stay travelers (>6 months), and have sought pre-travel advice. Compared to non-expatriates, expatriates returning from Africa had higher proportionate morbidity (PM) for malaria, filariasis, schistosomiasis, and hepatitis E; expatriates from the Asia-Pacific region had higher PM for strongyloidiasis, depression, and anxiety; expatriates returning from Latin America had higher PM for mononucleosis and ingestion-related infections (giardiasis, brucellosis) . Expatriates returning from all three regions had higher PM for latent TB, amebiasis, and gastrointestinal infections (other than acute diarrhea) compared to non-expatriates. When the data were stratified by travel reason, business expatriates had higher PM for febrile systemic illness (malaria and dengue) and vaccine-preventable infections (hepatitis A), and volunteer expatriates had higher PM for parasitic infections. Expatriates overall had higher adjusted odds ratios for latent TB and lower odds ratios for acute diarrhea and dermatologic illness. CONCLUSIONS: Ill returned expatriates differ from other travelers in travel characteristics and proportionate morbidity for specific diseases, based on the region of exposure and travel reason. They are more likely to present with more serious illness