1,090 research outputs found

    Claytonia virginica L.

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    A First Comparison of SLOPE and Other LIGO Burst Event Trigger Generators

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    A number of different methods have been proposed to identify unanticipated burst sources of gravitational waves in data arising from LIGO and other gravitational wave detectors. When confronted with such a wide variety of methods one is moved to ask if they are all necessary, i.e. given detector data that is assumed to have no gravitational wave signals present, do they generally identify the same events with the same efficiency, or do they each 'see' different things in the detector? Here we consider three different methods, which have been used within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration as part of its search for unanticipated gravitational wave bursts. We find that each of these three different methods developed for identifying candidate gravitational wave burst sources are, in fact, attuned to significantly different features in detector data, suggesting that they may provide largely independent lists of candidate gravitational wave burst events.Comment: 10 Pages, 5 Figures, Presented at the 10th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-10), 14-17 December 2005 at the University of Texas, Brownsvill

    Coherent Waveform Consistency Test for LIGO Burst Candidates

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    The burst search in LIGO relies on the coincident detection of transient signals in multiple interferometers. As only minimal assumptions are made about the event waveform or duration, the analysis pipeline requires loose coincidence in time, frequency and amplitude. Confidence in the resulting events and their waveform consistency is established through a time-domain coherent analysis: the r-statistic test. This paper presents a performance study of the r-statistic test for triple coincidence events in the second LIGO Science Run (S2), with emphasis on its ability to suppress the background false rate and its efficiency at detecting simulated bursts of different waveforms close to the S2 sensitivity curve.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the 8th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, in Classic and Quantum Gravit

    Optical extinction due to intrinsic structural variations of photonic crystals

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    Unavoidable variations in size and position of the building blocks of photonic crystals cause light scattering and extinction of coherent beams. We present a new model for both 2 and 3-dimensional photonic crystals that relates the extinction length to the magnitude of the variations. The predicted lengths agree well with our new experiments on high-quality opals and inverse opals, and with literature data analyzed by us. As a result, control over photons is limited to distances up to 50 lattice parameters (15μ\sim 15 \mum) in state-of-the-art structures, thereby impeding large-scale applications such as integrated circuits. Conversely, scattering in photonic crystals may lead to novel physics such as Anderson localization and non-classical diffusion.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Changes include: added Lagendijk as author; simplified and generalized the tex

    Ninja data analysis with a detection pipeline based on the Hilbert-Huang Transform

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    The Ninja data analysis challenge allowed the study of the sensitivity of data analysis pipelines to binary black hole numerical relativity waveforms in simulated Gaussian noise at the design level of the LIGO observatory and the VIRGO observatory. We analyzed NINJA data with a pipeline based on the Hilbert Huang Transform, utilizing a detection stage and a characterization stage: detection is performed by triggering on excess instantaneous power, characterization is performed by displaying the kernel density enhanced (KD) time-frequency trace of the signal. Using the simulated data based on the two LIGO detectors, we were able to detect 77 signals out of 126 above SNR 5 in coincidence, with 43 missed events characterized by signal to noise ratio SNR less than 10. Characterization of the detected signals revealed the merger part of the waveform in high time and frequency resolution, free from time-frequency uncertainty. We estimated the timelag of the signals between the detectors based on the optimal overlap of the individual KD time-frequency maps, yielding estimates accurate within a fraction of a millisecond for half of the events. A coherent addition of the data sets according to the estimated timelag eventually was used in a characterization of the event.Comment: Accepted for publication in CQG, special issue NRDA proceedings 200

    Effect of Condensed Tannin in Lotus Corniculatus and Lotus Pedunculatus on Digestion of Rubisco in the Rumen

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    The in vitro precipitation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) by condensed tannin (CT) extracted from Lotus corniculatus and Lotus pedunculatus and the effect of these CT on the in vitro rumen degradation of Rubisco was used to compare the reactivity of these CT. The chemical structure of CT from Lotus corniculatus was homogenous with epicatechin stereochemistry and mostly procyanidin units. The CT from Lotus pedunculatus was heterogenous with mostly prodelphinidin units. The amount of CT required to precipitate all the Rubisco when total soluble leaf protein was incubated with CT from Lotus corniculatus and Lotus pedunculatus was similar. Although CT from both species were able to reduce the in vitro degradation of Rubisco, CT from Lotus corniculatus was less effective than CT from Lotus pedunculatus at reducing this degradation

    Overview of the BlockNormal Event Trigger Generator

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    In the search for unmodeled gravitational wave bursts, there are a variety of methods that have been proposed to generate candidate events from time series data. Block Normal is a method of identifying candidate events by searching for places in the data stream where the characteristic statistics of the data change. These change-points divide the data into blocks in which the characteristics of the block are stationary. Blocks in which these characteristics are inconsistent with the long term characteristic statistics are marked as Event-Triggers which can then be investigated by a more computationally demanding multi-detector analysis.Comment: GWDAW-8 proceedings, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Superdeformation in 198^{198}Po

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    The 174^{174}Yb(29^{29}Si,5n) reaction at 148 MeV with thin targets was used to populate high-angular momentum states in 198^{198}Po. Resulting γ\gamma rays were observed with Gammasphere. A weakly-populated superdeformed band of 10 γ\gamma-ray transitions was found and has been assigned to 198^{198}Po. This is the first observation of a SD band in the A190A \approx 190 region in a nucleus with Z>83Z > 83. The J(2){\cal J}^{(2)} of the new band is very similar to those of the yrast SD bands in 194^{194}Hg and 196^{196}Pb. The intensity profile suggests that this band is populated through states close to where the SD band crosses the yrast line and the angular momentum at which the fission process dominates.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 2 figs. available on request, submitted to Phys. Rev. C. (Rapid Communications

    Charged Lepton Electric Dipole Moments from TeV Scale Right-handed Neutrinos

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    We study the connection between charged lepton electric dipole moments, dld_l (l=e,μ,τ)(l=e,\mu,\tau), and seesaw neutrino mass generation in a simple two Higgs doublet extension of the Standard Model plus three right-handed neutrinos (RHN) NaN_a, a=1,2,3a=1,2,3. For RHN with hierarchical masses and at least one with mass in the 10 TeV range we obtain the upper bounds of de<9×1030|d_e|< 9\times 10^{-30} e-cm and dμ<2×1026|d_{\mu}|<2 \times 10^{-26} e-cm. Our scenario favors the normal mass hierarchy for the light neutrinos. We also calculated the cross section for e^-e^- \ra W^- W^- in a high luminosity collider with constraints from neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei included. Among the rare muon decay experiments we find that \mu\ra e\gamma is most sensitive and the upper limit is <8×1013<8\times 10^{-13}.Comment: references added, typos correcte

    Plans for the LIGO-TAMA Joint Search for Gravitational Wave Bursts

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    We describe the plans for a joint search for unmodelled gravitational wave bursts being carried out by the LIGO and TAMA collaborations using data collected during February-April 2003. We take a conservative approach to detection, requiring candidate gravitational wave bursts to be seen in coincidence by all four interferometers. We focus on some of the complications of performing this coincidence analysis, in particular the effects of the different alignments and noise spectra of the interferometers.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, USA. 10 pages, 3 figures, documentclass ``iopart'