1,143 research outputs found

    Aspirated capacitor measurements of air conductivity and ion mobility spectra

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    Measurements of ions in atmospheric air are used to investigate atmospheric electricity and particulate pollution. Commonly studied ion parameters are (1) air conductivity, related to the total ion number concentration, and (2) the ion mobility spectrum, which varies with atmospheric composition. The physical principles of air ion instrumentation are long-established. A recent development is the computerised aspirated capacitor, which measures ions from (a) the current of charged particles at a sensing electrode, and (b) the rate of charge exchange with an electrode at a known initial potential, relaxing to a lower potential. As the voltage decays, only ions of higher and higher mobility are collected by the central electrode and contribute to the further decay of the voltage. This enables extension of the classical theory to calculate ion mobility spectra by inverting voltage decay time series. In indoor air, ion mobility spectra determined from both the novel voltage decay inversion, and an established voltage switching technique, were compared and shown to be of similar shape. Air conductivities calculated by integration were: 5.3 +- 2.5 fS/m and 2.7 +- 1.1 fS/m respectively, with conductivity determined to be 3 fS/m by direct measurement at a constant voltage. Applications of the new Relaxation Potential Inversion Method (RPIM) include air ion mobility spectrum retrieval from historical data, and computation of ion mobility spectra in planetary atmospheres.Comment: To be published in Review of Scientific Instrument

    Surface Visualisation of Tissue Interfaces by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Methods for Exposure of the Basal Lamina and Associated Structures in Human Amnion

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    Tissue interfaces such as basal lamina have been traditionally investigated in transmission electron microscopy by sections cut vertical to the lamina, presenting information restricted to a single ultrathin plane. In order to overcome this limitation, a methodology for surface visualisation of the underside cell membranes of the amniotic epithelium, the upper and lower basal lamina surfaces, and their relationship to the stromal collagen has been devised. This involves alkaline, detergent or enzymatic loosening and/or removal of the epithelial monolayer prior to fixation, followed by dry fracture after critical point drying. In this way we have visualised large areas of all interfaces and the inter-relationships between these elements during the process of stromal collagen production by the amniotic epithelial cells

    Poison sedge can kill stock

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    POISON SEDGE was first suspected of being toxic to livestock in Western Australia nearly 80 years ago. Sudden deaths of sheep grazing areas on which poison sedge grew have been reported from many regions from Geraldton to Scott River. This article reports a case of poisoning in the field, and the experimental reproduction of poison sedge toxicity in pen-fed sheep

    Solar-driven variation in the atmosphere of Uranus

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    Long-term measurements (1972-2015) of the reflectivity of Uranus at 472 and 551 nm display variability that is incompletely explained by seasonal effects. Spectral analysis shows this non-seasonal variability tracks the 11-year solar cycle. Two mechanisms could cause solar modulation, (a) nucleation onto ions or electrons created by galactic cosmic rays (GCR), or (b) UV-induced aerosol colour changes. Ion-aerosol theory is used to identify expected relationships between reflectivity fluctuations and GCR flux, tested with multiple regression and compared to the linear response predicted between reflectivity and solar UV flux. The statistics show that 24% of the variance in reflectivity fluctuations at 472 nm is explained by GCR ion-induced nucleation, compared to 22% for a UV-only mechanism. Similar GCR-related variability exists in Neptune’s atmosphere, hence the effects found at Uranus provide the first example of common variability in two planetary atmospheres driven through energetic particle modulation by their host star

    Coevolution of relative brain size and life expectancy in parrots

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    Previous studies have demonstrated a correlation between longevity and brain size in a variety of taxa. Little research has been devoted to understanding this link in parrots; yet parrots are well-known for both their exceptionally long lives and cognitive complexity. We employed a large-scale comparative analysis that investigated the influence of brain size and life-history variables on longevity in parrots. Specifically, we addressed two hypotheses for evolutionary drivers of longevity: the cognitive buffer hypothesis, which proposes that increased cognitive abilities enable longer lifespans, and the expensive brain hypothesis, which holds that increases in lifespan are caused by prolonged developmental time of, and increased parental investment in, large-brained offspring. We estimated life expectancy from detailed zoo records for 133 818 individuals across 244 parrot species. Using a principled Bayesian approach that addresses data uncertainty and imputation of missing values, we found a consistent correlation between relative brain size and life expectancy in parrots. This correlation was best explained by a direct effect of relative brain size. Notably, we found no effects of developmental time, clutch size or age at first reproduction. Our results suggest that selection for enhanced cognitive abilities in parrots has in turn promoted longer lifespans

    A tool for assessing the climate change mitigation and health impacts of environmental policies: the Cities Rapid Assessment Framework for Transformation (CRAFT) [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]

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    Background: A growing number of cities, including Greater London, have set ambitious targets, including detailed policies and implementation plans, to reach global goals on sustainability, health, and climate change. Here we present a tool for a rapid assessment of the magnitude of impact of specific policy initiatives to reach these targets. The decision-support tool simultaneously quantifies the environmental and health impacts of specified selected policies. Methods: The ‘Cities Rapid Assessment Framework for Transformation (CRAFT)’ tool was applied to Greater London. CRAFT quantifies the effects of ten environmental policies on changes in (1) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, (2) exposures to environmental hazards, (3) travel-related physical activity, and (4) mortality (the number of attributable deaths avoided in one typical year). Publicly available data and epidemiological evidence were used to make rapid quantitative estimates of these effects based on proportional reductions in GHG emissions and environmental exposures from current baseline levels and to compute the mortality impacts. Results: The CRAFT tool estimates that, of roughly 50,000 annual deaths in Greater London, the modelled hazards (PM2.5 (from indoor and outdoor sources), outdoor NO2, indoor radon, cold, overheating) and low travel-related physical activity are responsible for approximately 10,000 premature environment-related deaths. Implementing the selected polices could reduce the annual mortality number by about 20% (~1,900 deaths) by 2050. The majority of these deaths (1,700) may be avoided through increased uptake in active travel. Thus, out of ten environmental policies, the ‘active travel’ policy provides the greatest health benefit. Also, implementing the ten policies results in a GHG reduction of around 90%. Conclusions: The CRAFT tool quantifies the effects of city policies on reducing GHG emissions, decreasing environmental health hazards, and improving public health. The tool has potential value for policy makers through providing quantitative estimates of health impacts to support and prioritise policy options

    The glycosyltransferase EOGT regulates adropin expression in decidualizing human endometrium

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    In pregnancy, resistance of endometrial decidual cells to stress signals is critical for the integrity of the feto-maternal interface and, by extension, survival of the conceptus. O-GlcNAcylation is an essential post-translational modification that links glucose sensing to cellular stress resistance. Unexpectedly, decidualization of primary endometrial stromal cells (EnSCs) was associated with a 60% reduction in O-GlcNAc modified proteins, reflecting downregulation of the enzyme that adds O-GlcNAc to substrates (O-GlcNAc transferase, OGT) but not the enzyme that removes the modification (O-GlcNAcase, OGA). Notably, EOGT, an endoplasmic reticulum-specific O-GlcNAc transferase that modifies a limited number of secreted and membrane proteins, was markedly induced in differentiating EnSCs. Knockdown of EOGT perturbed a network of decidual genes involved in multiple cellular functions. The most downregulated gene upon EOGT knockdown in decidualizing cells was ENHO, which encodes adropin, a metabolic hormone involved in energy homeostasis and glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Analysis of mid-luteal endometrial biopsies revealed an inverse correlation between endometrial EOGT and ENHO expression and body mass index. Taken together, our findings reveal that obesity impairs the EOGT-adropin axis in decidual cells, which in turn points towards a novel mechanistic link between metabolic disorders and adverse pregnancy outcome. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society.

    Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health: A structured approach to support the development and implementation of city policies for population and planetary health

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    Context: The multi-disciplinary and multi-partner CUSSH project (Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health) seeks to support cities to take transformative action towards population and planetary health goals. Rationale: As all cities are complex systems with unique contexts and priorities, our approach is to engage with partner cities in a participatory process to build a shared understanding of relevant systems that will inform the development and implementation of new city policies. Description: Six partner cities were selected to represent larger and smaller cities from across the global spectrum of income: London (UK) and Rennes (France) in Europe, Nairobi and Kisumu in Kenya, and Beijing and Ningbo in China. In each setting we are engaging stakeholders in a broadly similar structured approach that integrates evidence gathering and modelling, participatory engagement framework, and ongoing tracking and evaluation. In addition, we are developing a working theory of change in each setting to explain how and why the chosen policies may work. Achievements: Our city engagement to date has focused on indoor air pollution (Nairobi), green infrastructure (London) and GHG emissions (Rennes), where findings highlighted not only multiple pathways by which policy interventions could affect health, but also potential counter-intuitive influences and tensions, and synergistic opportunities for solving both sustainability and health problems
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