377 research outputs found
The theory of coherent dynamic nuclear polarization in quantum dots
We consider the dynamic nuclear spin polarization (DNP) using two electrons
in a double quantum dot in presence of external magnetic field and spin-orbit
interaction, in various schemes of periodically repeated sweeps through the
S-T+ avoided crossing. By treating the problem semi-classically, we find that
generally the DNP have two distinct contributions - a geometrical polarization
and a dynamic polarization, which have different dependence on the control
parameters such as the sweep rates and waiting times in each period. Both terms
show non-trivial dependence on those control parameter. We find that even for
small spin-orbit term, the dynamical polarization dominates the DNP in presence
of a long waiting period near the S-T+ avoided crossing, of the order of the
nuclear Larmor precession periods. A detailed numerical analysis of a specific
control regime can explain the oscillations observed by Foletti et.~al.~in
arXiv:0801.3613.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure
Semi-classical model for the dephasing of a two-electron spin qubit coupled to a coherently evolving nuclear spin bath
We study electron spin decoherence in a two-electron double quantum dot due
to the hyperfine interaction, under spin-echo conditions as studied in recent
experiments. We develop a semi-classical model for the interaction between the
electron and nuclear spins, in which the time-dependent Overhauser fields
induced by the nuclear spins are treated as classical vector variables.
Comparison of the model with experimentally-obtained echo signals allows us to
quantify the contributions of various processes such as coherent Larmor
precession and spin diffusion to the nuclear spin evolution.Comment: 14 Pages, some equations were corrected; Published July 27, 201
Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Atribut Sabun Mandi (Studi pada Sabun Mandi Merek Lux dan Giv di Kota Malang)
The study has as its rationale the fact that there are numerous brands of bath soap in the market. The changes of consumer behavior, which influenced by the economy crisis occurred in the Indonesia, has suppressed the producers to readjust their marketing programs. It is crucial for the firms to recognize the consumer attitudes on their marketing program. Moreover, consumer attitude is dominantly used in predicting the consumer behavior, in estimating the future demand of product, and in developing the appropriate marketing programs. The study aimed at understanding : (1). The consumer attitudes on the bath soaps (i.e, Lux and Giv brands) attributes, (2). The influence of the consumers social environment toward the subjective norm in making the purchasing decisions on the Lux and Giv, (3). The differential of consumers attitudes on the Lux and Giv. Interview and questionnaire were used to collect data, by using the semantic differential scale method. Fishbein model and Wilcoxons signed rank test were applied to the studys results. The result of research indicate that : (1) There was a positive attitude of consumer on both the Lux and Giv. Attribute "Prestige" owning lowest positive score value for the brand of Lux and Giv, (2) Social environment from consumer influence consumer subjective norm of consumer in making the purchasing decisions of the Lux and Giv. Family Members was the dominant variable of both the Lux and Giv, (3) Do not there are difference by significant attitude from consumer to product. Later, then different test to every attribute, do not there are difference by significant consumer attitude to product attribute. Based on the study results and empirical evidences supported by the statistical testing, it is showed that the two bath soap brands have dominated the consumers mind. Nevertheless, in making their purchasing decisions, the consumers have the difference attitudes is assessing those two brands depends on their desires. Thus, it is suggested that the firms need to have variation and to differentiate their products to maintain the consumers loyalties, to develop some promotional strategies involving the sellers, to create the advertisements that strongly conspicuous the prominent attributes of the product, and to choose the ads media that can reach all consumer levels. Keywords : attitude consumer, attribute toilet soa
Bentuk Interaksi Mahasiswa di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Pontianak
Thesis Title: Forms of Interaction Students at the College of Nursing (STIK) Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Sub Issue: Why form of interaction of students in the College of Nursing (STIK) Pontianak Muhammadiyah shaped disosiasif ?, how the academic community efforts in completing the forms of interaction disosiasif student at the College of Nursing (STIK) Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Background: Interaction is a very important activity within the scope of a university, such as Muhammadiyah STIK Pontianak, which has two, namely Prodi Prodi Prodi S1 ​​Keperawatn and D-3 Nursing. Forms of interaction that occurs between students of both study programs do not work well, the pattern of interactions tend to be disosiasif.The focus of research: the reason why the form of shaped disosiasif student interaction and academic community efforts in completing the form disosiasif student interaction College of Nursing (STIK) Muhammadiyah Pontianak. Objective: To determine the pattern of interaction college student in Pontianak Muahammadiyah STIK between students Prodi S-1 Nursing students Nursing Prodi D-3, and the academic community efforts in completing the form disosiasif student interaction patterns. Methods: The method used in this study is a qualitative research method of case studies on student Prodi S-1 and D-3 Nursing STIK Muahmmadiyah Pontianak. Data collection techniques: interview, observation and documentation, triangulation. Data collector: A Guide interview, observation guide. RESULTS: Students in the College of Nursing Muhammadiyah disosiasif Pontianak interaction. Conclusion: From the results peelitian that we can know that forms of interaction that occurs between students Prodi S-1 with the students of department of D-3 Nursing, interactions tend to bedisosiasif
Peran Pengurus Panti Asuhan dalam Menunjang Keberlanjutan Pendidikan Anak di Panti Asuhan Nurul Hamid
The aims of this research is to investigate the role of caretakers in supporting the continuance of the children's education, the obstacles face by the caretakers in carrying out the role, and caretakers attempt in overcoming the obstacles. In this study the method used is the descriptive. With the techniques of data collection used are direct observation techniques, direct communication techniques and documentary studies techniques, while the tools of data collection are observation, interview and documentation. The analysis conducted using qualitative descriptive with 7 participants consist of 2 orphanage caretakers, 2 junior high student's orphans, 2 senior high student's orphans and 1 university student orphan. The roles of the orphanage caretakers in supporting the continuance of the children's education is as the motivator, facilitator, mentor, and a foster parent as a replacement of the families or parents of the children. The obstacles faced by the caretakers in carrying out its' role is derived from the children's own self and funding. The efforts of the caretaker used to resolve existing obstacles is by approaching the child, finding donors to help the orphanage funding and facilitate all the needs of the children in the orphanage
Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua sebagai Buruh Sawit terhadap Pendidikan Formal Anak
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socio-economic status of parents who work as oil palm laborers towardsthe children's formal education. The method used in this research was descriptive statistical methods with correlation study. The results of this study showed that t-count16.93 and t-table 2,021, so t-count was greater than t-table or 16.93>2,021. Hence, Hawas accepted and Ho was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference between Socio-economic Status of Parents Who Work as Oil Palm laborersagainstthe children's Formal Education. After testing the hypothesis, obtained that the large of coefficientdetermination (Adjusted R Square) was 88%, which means that the socio-economic status of parents who work as oil palm laborers was 88% (very high) to the children's formal education. While the rest 12% were influenced by other variables that theresearchers did not investigate further
Penanganan Anak Jalanan oleh Rumah Singgah Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo
This research aimed to describethe handling of street children through shelter Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo. The method usedis descriptive methodwith qualitative approach. Data collection techniqueswere interviews, observation and documentation. The focus in this study raised about thestreet children have become beggars and handlers provided by the shelter Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo. The results showed that treatment of street children through Compassion House shelter has a program that Solomon\u27s Porch Child Social Welfare Program where the program is to reach street children who dropped out of school in order to still be able to continue their education by providing assistance school supplies for the school as well as expected welfare is assured. The condition of street children drop out of school before ever scouted and became beggars and after being scouted is no longer a beggar and stay in school. The model used in the treatment of street children in shelter homes Rumah Kasih Serambi Salomo that is the model of street-based companion visiting locations where street children live
Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa yang Menonton Drama Seri Korea Selatan pada Pendidikan Sosiologi 2011
This reaserch perposes to know how many student of 2011 generation watch a South Korean Dramas and hw many times they need to wach South Korean Dramas everydays. As we know morethey watch, littel time they have to study. In South Korean Dramas you speend a many time beetwen 16 until 100 episodes in one episodes have 60 second. This thing sure make you speend time just for one times you watch South Korean Dramas. Wathing Korean Dramas give a effect to interest student to a achievement learn. And this is make a resercher interesting to reserch this thing more and resercher wish this reserch can help anyone how to use a quality time to study
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