136 research outputs found

    Gravitational Waves in Relativistic Theory of Gravitation

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    It is shown that, in the framework of Relativistic Theory of Gravitation with massive graviton, gravitational waves, due to the causality condition, do not bear negative energy flows.Comment: 4 page


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    Background. Fungal diseases are the main cause of the deterioration of grain quality and lower yield of cereals crops. Reduction of acreage, and, as a consequence, violation of crop rotation rules, oversaturation of fields with cereals, spring and summer droughts contribute to the mass emergence and widespreading of new obligate and facultative diseases in all regions of the country. Therefore, the search for a variety of donors and sources of sustainability is a vital task.Materials and methods. Materials engaged in the research were kernels of 41 oat accessions from the VIR collection of plant genetic resources, obtained in 2016–2018 in field crop rotations by the Genetic Diversity Research Department of ARHIBAN (Mikhnevo, Stupino District, Moscow Province). The specific diversity of micromycetes in grain was identified using Litvinov’s “wet chambers” technique and light microscopy.Results. The dominant pathocomplex of micromycetes in oat grain in Moscow Province was found to belong to the genera Alternaria (A. infectoria, A. tennuissima), Cladosporium (Cl. cladosporioides, Cl. herbarum) and Fusarium (F. avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. heterosporum, F. nivale var. nivale, F. oxysporum, F. poae, F. proliferatum, F. solani, F. sporotrichioides var. minus, and F. tricintum).Conclusion. The hulled cultivars ‘Bulanyi’ (VIR-15277, Russia, Moscow Prov.) and ‘Zakat’ (VIR-15384, Ukraine), and the naked cultivar Mestnyi (VIR-15290, UK) demonstrated the least contamination with pathogens: Fusarium fungi in these accessions were represented by one species – F. avenaceum

    The results of orthotopic heart transplantation using the bicaval technique

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    Circulatory failure, which develops in the final stages of the course of the most heart diseases, is a link in the progressive process. This process is accompanied by a significant decrease in the quality of life, as well as high disability and mortality. Heart transplantation increases the survival of patients with chronic heart failure, increases tolerance to physical exertion, improves the quality of life of patients and allows most of them to return to vigorous activity. Aim. The work is devoted to the analysis of the results of orthotopic heart transplantation in patients with a progressive course of chronic heart failure that cannot be treated conservatively. Materials and methods. We analyzed the clinical course of heart transplants in 55 patients. There were 46 (83.6 %) men and 9 (16.4 %) women among the recipients. The average age was 46.0 ± 10.0 years. Results. The result of the conducted retrospective study revealed that in-hospital (early) and one-year (longterm) survival among patients in our study was 92.7 % and 81.8 %, respectively. Conclusions. Heart transplantation is the most effective method of treatment for terminal heart failure. The quality of life of heart transplant patients improves significantly after surgery and is the main factor in the development of heart transplantation nowadays. The main causes of death were acute graft dysfunction, rejection reactions, and coronary heart disease of the transplanted heart. Problems related to cardiac graft dysfunction and rejection in the early and long-term period still need to be definitively resolved

    Postslaughter state of muscle tissue of pigs depending on the duration of pre-slaughter fasting

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    Changes in the muscle tissue microstructure lead to changes in meat quality. One of the causes of the myopathy development is animal stress. Pigs experience the strongest stress during pre-slaughter holding. The study of the postmortem meat structure depending on fasting time is a topical task. The objects of the research were samples of m. L. dorsi obtained after slaughter from pigs that differed in fasting time: 4 (group 1), 8 (group 2), 10 (group 3), 16 (group 4) and 18 (group 5) hours (N = 20, n = 4). Investigation of the microstructure and morphometric measurements were carried out on preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Myopathic changes in muscle tissue were assessed using a semi-quantitative method developed earlier. All studied samples were characterized by the uniform condition of muscle tissue. Statistically significant differences between individual groups were observed regarding the number and area of giant fibers, sarcomere length, diameter of muscle fibers and proportion of muscle fibers, which diameter was lower or higher by 1/3 than the mean fiber diameter. An increase in the pre-slaughter holding time reduced the number and area of giant fibers (r = –0.8437 and –0.5796, respectively), as well as the diameter of “normal” fibers (r = –0.5337), which positively influenced pork quality. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were characterized by the presence of signs of moderate and pronounced myopathy. Only one carcass with pronounced myopathic signs was revealed in each of groups 4 and 5. In group 4, one carcass did not have signs of myopathy. Pre-slaughter holding during 4, 8 and 10 hours led to deterioration of pork quality. The recommended fasting time is 16 hours


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    The authors propose the method of calculation of temperature and pressure in a discharge column and shock wave pressure at metal conductor explosion in liquid. The calculated shock wave in liquid is compared with the experimental data.Разработан метод расчета температуры, давления пара в столбе разряда и давления ударной волны при взрыве металлического проводника в жидкости. Выполнено сопоставление расчетов давления ударной волны в жидкости с экспериментом.Розроблено метод розрахунку температури, тиску пари у стовпі розряду та тиску ударної хвилі при вибуху металевого провідника у рідині. Виконано співставлення розрахунків тиску ударної хвилі у рідині з експериментом

    Histological characteristics and functional properties of red and white parts of m. semitendinosus of slaughter pigs

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    A unique muscle of pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) is m. semitendinosus, which contains the “red” (dark) part located mainly in the depth of the leg cut and the “white” (light) part located in the close proximity to the subcutaneous fat layer. Differences in the characteristics of its “red” and “white” parts can exert a significant effect on quality and economic indicators of meat products. The aim of this research was to study histological features of the microstructure and technological properties of muscle tissue from different parts of m. semitendinosus, obtained from slaughter pigs of Russian production. M. semitendinosus was excised from chilled porcine carcasses (N=20) 24 hours after slaughter in the process of deboning. Histological examination showed that the dark part of the muscle was characterized by a higher package density of fibers, higher number of capillaries and higher sarcomere length. On the contrary, the light part was characterized by a higher diameter of muscle fibers. Analysis of muscle fiber types showed that the proportion of type I, intermediate and type IIb fibers was higher by 9.3, 5.2 and 4.1%, respectively, in the dark part. Significant differences between the dark and light parts of m. semitendinosus were revealed in terms of the number and size of giant fibers: the light part was characterized by a larger number (by more than 5 times) of giant fibers with the fibers of a larger size (almost by 11%). The samples of minced meat from the dark and light parts showed significant (р<0.05) differences in the mean values of lightness, redness and yellowness (L*, a* and b*) by 6.00, 4.68 and 3.01 units, respectively, in raw samples, and by 6.53, 2.99 and 1.81, respectively, after curing with the nitrite mixture and cooking (р<0.05). The dark part of m. semitendinosus had higher pH values (р<0.05) both for raw and cooked samples. The consistency of the samples from the light part was less elastic, looser and more crumbly than that in the samples produced from the dark part of m. semitendinosus, which was confirmed by the structural-mechanical investigations. Therefore, this study showed significant differences between the dark and light parts of m. semitendinosus by microstructural and functional-technological characteristics. Significant variability by muscle fiber diameter, which was observed in the light part of this muscle, apparently should be taken into account in breeding work and quality assessment of pork from slaughter animals

    Diversity of avenanthramide content in wild and cultivated oats

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    Background. Oat grains accumulate substantial amounts of various phenolic compounds that possess biological activity and have a potential to considerably increase health benefits of oats as a food. Avenanthramides (AVA) is an important group of these compounds due to their antioxidant, anti-itching, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative activities.Materials and methods. Using combined HPLC and LC-MS analyses, we provide the first comprehensive review of the total avenanthramide content and composition in cultivated and wild oats. The AVA content was measured in 32 wild and 120 cultivated oat accessions obtained from the global collection of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), St. Petersburg, Russia.Results and conclusion. The wild hexaploid A. sterilis L. had the highest total AVA content, reaching 1825 mg kg–1. Among cultivated accessions, naked oat cv. ‘Numbat’ (Australia) had the highest AVA content, 586 mg kg–1. The AVA composition exhibited a wide diversity among the analyzed samples. Accessions were identified where AVAs A, B and C, which are generally considered as major AVA, had a low percentage, and instead other AVAs prevailed. The AVA content in eight oat cultivars revealed significant annual changes in both the total AVA content and the proportions of individual AVAs. Using HPLC analyses, 22 distinguishable peaks in AVA extracts of oat seeds were detected and quantified. Several of these peaks, which have not been previously documented, presumably represent different AVAs. Further analyses are needed to detail these findings and to determine the specific AVA structures in oat grains

    Bethe-Salpeter approach for relativistic positronium in a strong magnetic field

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    We study the electron-positron system in a strong magnetic field using the differential Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation. We derive the fully relativistic two-dimensional form that the four-dimensional Bethe-Salpeter equation takes in the limit of asymptotically strong constant and homogeneous magnetic field. An ultimate value for the magnetic field is determined, which provides the full compensation of the positronium rest mass by the binding energy in the maximum symmetry state and vanishing of the energy gap separating the electron-positron system from the vacuum. The compensation becomes possible owing to the falling to the center phenomenon that occurs in a strong magnetic field because of the dimensional reduction. The solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation corresponding to the vanishing energy-momentum of the electron-positron system is obtained.Comment: 35 pages, minor correction

    Assessment of adaptability parameters in hulled oat germplasm accessions in terms of their yield in the environments of Kirov Province

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    Background. Studying the gene pool of a crop under specific soil and climate conditions makes it possible to predict the breeding value of germplasm, while its subsequent inclusion in the breeding process ensures the development of adaptable cultivars capable of implementing their productive potential in large-scale agriculture.Materials and methods. Stability (Si2) and plasticity (bi; PUSS), Ambient Condition Index (Ij), Homeostatic (Hom), Stress Resistance, and Stability Index (Is) were calculated for 12 hulled oat (Avena sativa L.) accessions at the FARC of North-East.Results. Accessions 2981 IG100720 (USA) and k-15293 BORYNA (Poland) showed the best stress resistance, while the highest genetic flexibility was observed in 2981 IG100720 (USA), 3007 IG100848 (Germany), 5330 СSI  590/05,  and k-15178 ‘Begunok’ (Russia). Sources of intensive-type hulled oats: k-15330 CSI 590/05 (Russia) (bi = 1.36)  and  k-15331 CSI 2167/03 (Russia) (bi = 1.60),  were  identified for their higher yield values: 856 and 889 g/m2 under improved growing conditions in 2017, and 365 and 285 g/m2 under dry conditions in 2016, respectively. Medium-intensive accessions k-15178 ‘Begunok’ (Russia) (bi = 1.07), and ‘Skrokolik’ (k-15321, Russia) (bi = 0.97) were identified for the best plasticity. The reference cv. ‘Krechet’ (Si2 = 0.06) demonstrated high yield stability.Conclusion. Sources were selected for hulled oat breeding: 2981 IG100720 (USA), 3007 IG100848 (Germany), and k-15293 BORYNA (Poland), with high stress resistance and plasticity, and plastic sources k-15178 ‘Begunok’ and k-15321 ‘Skrokolik’ (Russia), with stable high yield under varying environmental conditions

    Залежність виникнення післяопераційної когнітивної дисфункції від глибини анестезії у хворих після коронарного шунтування

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    Мета. Проаналізувати залежність виникнення післяопераційної когнітивної дисфункції (ПОКД) від глибини анестезії у хворих після оперативного втручання з приводу ішемічної хвороби серця (ІХС) - коронарного шунтування в умовах штучного кровообігу. Матеріали і методи. Шунтування коронарних судин виконано 79 пацієнтам з ІХС, яких розподілили на дві групи за єдиним критерієм - в залежності від глибини анестезії під час перфузії. До 1-ї групи увійшли пацієнти, у яких під час анестезії показник біспектрального аналізу (BIS) утримувався на рівні менше 40, до 2-ї – на рівні від 40 до 55. До оперативного втручання, на 7-й день та через 3 міс після нього в обох групах застосовували нейрокогнітивні тести: шкалу оцінки психічного статусу (Mini Mental state examination - ММSЕ), а також тести за методикою Grooved pegboard і за методикою Trial Making Test Part A. Результати. Застосування тесту MMSE продемонструвало, що пацієнти 1-ї групи на 7-й день після операції набирали на 7,8% (14,2; 5,6), а через 3 міс – на 3,8% (7,3; 3,4) менше балів у порівнянні з кількістю балів, яку вони набирали до операції. Пацієнти 2-ї групи на 7-й день після операції набирали на 4,3% (-8,3; 4,3) менше балів, а загальна кількість балів, яку вони набирали через 3 міс, не відрізнялася від загальної кількості балів, набраної ними до операції (-5,3; 0). Застосування тесту візуальної уваги (Trial making test Part A) показало, що пацієнти 1-ї групи на 7-й день після операції витрачали на виконання тестового завдання на 13,8% (11; 16,5), а через 3 міс - на 3,3% (0; 5,7) більше часу у порівнянні з доопераційними показниками. У 2-й групі на 7-й день після операції пацієнти витрачали на виконання тесту на 3% (-2,4; 5,7) більше часу, а через 3 міс - на 2,6% (3,7; 2,9) менше часу, ніж до операції. Результати тестування за методикою Grooved pageboard були такими. Пацієнти 1-ї групи на 7-й день після операції витрачали на виконання тесту на 8% (5,5; 10,9), а через 3 міс - на 4,8% (2,5; 9,4) більше часу, ніж до оперативного втручання, пацієнти 2-ї групи – відповідно 7,1 (5,2; 12,3) та 3,6% (2,4; 9,8). Висновки. Результати клінічних досліджень у хворих після виконання коронарного шунтування показали, що під час штучного кровообігу показники BIS на рівні 40 – 55 відповідають оптимальній глибині анестезії, що є запорукою зменшення частоти виникнення ПОКД у ранньому періоді та через 3 міс після оперативного втручання. Фактором ризику виникнення ПОКД під час шунтування коронарних артерій в умовах штучного кровообігу є показники BIS менші 40