660 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Pemerintah Kota terhadap Usaha Industri Batu Bata di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2010-2013

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    The rapid development of the city of Pekanbaru today we can see from the many infrastructure development in almost all regions of the Provincial Capital. With the rapid development of the construction would affect the increase in demand for building materials. One of the raw materials of the building is brick. It is utilized by most people,in the city of Pekanbaru, especially in Sail region Tenayan Raya sub-district. Phenomena occurring in the field is not only a positive impact generated solely by the efforts of industrial but also the negative impact is also important. Hence the need for intensive monitoring effort so that the brick industry in the city of Pekanbaru this could well ordered.The purpose of this study was to see how the oversight efforts undertaken by the Government of the city of Pekanbaru On brick Industry Effort and what factors are an obstacle in the implementation of the surveillance . This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques include observation, interview and questionnaire which is then processed and analyzed. Analysis of these data the author uses descriptive analysis tools are then presented in the form of a table of percentage as well as the description of logical expressions explanation in order to be understandable and comprehensible.Based on the results of research that the control conducted by the Government of the city of Pekanbaru, in this case the Department of industry and trade through Observation, Inspection and Reporting still less done. This is due to the presence of constraints that become obstacles in the implementation of the supervision of which is the human resources, rules (regulation), facilities and infrastructure.Keywords : City Government, Control, Industrial Busines

    Keragaman Genetik, Herttabilitas Dan Koefeien Variasi Genetik Beberapa Karakter Galur Mutan Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Mot.) Genetic Variance, Heritability and Genetic Variance Coefficient of Some Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) Mutant Characters

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    Analysis of genetic variance, heritability and coefficient of genetic variance were carried out for seven characters of soybean mutant lines in M3 generation, which were conducted at CAIR-Field Station, Pasar Jumat, Jakarta.Results showed that the highest of heritability value about 85.50% was obtained for seed weight, and followed by number of pods,biomass of stem and shelpedpods, root/stem ratio, seed weight/ Zpods ratio, and the lowest heritability value was biomass of root around 26,83% Analysis of coefficient of genetic variance from seven characters of soybean mutants indicated value ranging from 10.00-39,50%.From the result of experiment can be concluded that gamma irradiation produced high genetic variability in M3 generation and contributed positively for crops improvement through breeding programm

    Sinergisitas antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah Serta Swasta dan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa) di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya)

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    This research is motivated by Act No. 25 of 2004 on the National Development Planning system. Then followed the Law No. 20 of 2011 on the Flats. The problems in the implementation of development Rusunawa Pekanbaru city because the city has the problem of slums and urban spatial planning issues, so that the city government is based on real conditions in the field to submit a proposal to the central government in order Rusunawa development. The process of construction of rental flats are finished but until now have not been able to the public housing buildings inhabited, it is in because the central government had not occupy the contents of the draft agreement in the public housing development agreement, which explained that if the delivery of public housing construction is completed, the building is handed over kepemerintah center in conjunction with a budget that has been agreed, but after the construction is completed rusunawa occupy the central government can not draft the agreement so that the private sector can not be handed over to the central government.Based on the analysis and observation in the field can be concluded that the synergy of the central government, local government, private sector and communities to the development of a simple flat rental (public housing) in the city of Pekanbaru (case study in the district Tenayan highway) is not maximized carried. While the factors that inhibit synergy central government, local government, private sector and communities to the development of a simple flat rental (public housing) in the city of Pekanbaru (case study in the district Tenayan highway) is a system of central government funding, weak local government resources humans, whereas the private sector constraints in terms of building public housing handover with the central government.Keywords: Synergy, Development, Rusunaw

    Pengawasan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Daerah Riau Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran TV Kabel Di Pekanbaru Tahun 2015-2016

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    The development of the broadcasting world in Indonesia, especially television, has become the attention of many circles. Many opinions of people who say that the world of television in Indonesia has forgotten the moral side, culture, and ethics of this nation. If in the rules of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission it violates the Broadcast Program Standards (SPS). Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) is an independent state institution established through Law no. 32 of 2002 On broadcasting with the aim of organizing all matters concerning broadcasting in Indonesia. This Independent Institution consists of central KPI and KPID in areas whose duties are coordinative, national policy is determined by KPI and while the extension at the provincial level becomes the coverage of KPID.This research is descriptive by using qualitative approach that is research which exposes and explains problem to object which will be meticulously, research method is case study method because focus of research lies in phenomenon in real life. This study uses the theory of supervision, qualitative research methods descriptive this be an option in this study because the author wants to examine more deeply how KPID supervision of cable TV broadcasting in Pekanbaru by looking at the phenomenon or reality that occurred in the field. Based on the results of analysis of this study shows that in the supervision of broadcasting cable TV broadcasting is done directly by KPI and KPID as an institution that stands independently and has prerogative rights to revoke the broadcasting license if found irregularities, and the role of society is also emphasized because the community is asked as an extension of supervision and Not only serve as consumers only, the purpose of this is in order to get penyirenggaranya good and healthy penyiran in society

    Kekalahan Calon Independen dalam Pemilhan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Karimun Tahun 2015

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    Participation of Independent candidates in general election of regional head based on many disappointments felt both from among themselves and society at large who feel harmed by the mechanism of election conducted by political parties. Karimun district is one of district that follow general election of regional head simultaneously on December 9th, 2015 present the candidates who used individual and independent path. In general election of regional head result of karimun district, the independent candidats suffered defeat, but there is interesting thing to be examined, difference of vote acquisition that earned by independent candidates is different with support terms that submitted by independent candidates. The aim of this research was to determined the difference because between vote acqusition that earn by independent candidates and support terms that submitted by independent candidates.This research using quantitative research aproach with kind of descriptive research. Data collection techniques used are documentation, and interview. Data analysis used limited to data peocessing techniques or facts gained by developing relevant categories with the aim of research and interpretations that are guided by appropriate theoryThe result of this research show the difference of vote acquisition and support terms caused by the existence of legal support terms caused by the existence of legal suppor uncertainty, support in the form of ID Cards only as a condition only so than can maniputate. This is avidenced by the fact that there are still people who withdraw their support by filling out the revocation form that provided by the KPU when recapitulation support

    Induksi Kalus Dan Regenerasi Tanaman Dari Kultur Antera Padi Fl Hybrid (Oryza Sativa L.) * [Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration From Anther Cultures of Rice Hybrid Fl (Oryza Sativa L.)]

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    A haploid breeding program was initiated to develop doubled haploid blast tolerance rice breeding via anther culture.Blast tolerant variety (Laka) was crossed with Kencana Bali (sensitive to blast).Anthers from F1 were cultured on two kind of media (combination of N6 macro salt and MS micro salt) containing 1 mg/l NAA + 0,1 mg/l kinetin called medium-1 and another one containing 1 mg/l 2,4-D + 0,1 mg/l kinetin called medium-2.Anthers were treated with cold shock (4 °C)for 5 and 10 days before cultured.Results of experiment showed that F1 plants derived anthers were able to form call Number ofplantlets were produced during anthers culture consisted of 482 green plants and 50 albinos. Most of green plants did not produced root.Root growth of plantlets were induced with 1.5-4.5 mg/l IBA in MS medium

    Dinamika Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup di Kelurahan Mafututu Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    The community fishers are justpeople living in parts of the coast and suspending their lives at sea, thatproblems concerning the community fishermen is a problem that ismultidimensional. Hence, to be known to the root cause of the issues of povertyin fishermen. There are several aspects of that to be poor fishermen or thecoastal communities, of them; there is no attention a government that considerthe fishermen. The low of human resources and equipment that is used byfishermen influential on how to catch fish, to restrictions in technologyunderstanding make quality and quantity of catch not been improved. Government programs that areimpartial the community fishermen, in which many policies on poverty reductionfor the fishermen are top down and always make the community fishermen as anobject and not a subject. Several programs that relating to the communityfishermen absolutely necessary, namely a social policy prosper the communityand fisherman 's life. Increasing poverty fishermen inmafututu very associated with various other obstacles between the absence ofpolicy development and application of coastal areas and the community fishermenwho integrated or integrated among the development agents, the lack ofconsistency production quantity ( catch ) results. Besides that the lack ofcapital or investment will certainly complicate fishermen in increasing theeconomic activities of fisheries, and finally very influential on the level ofthe income of the fishermen. Low income fishermen would directly impact on thelevel of social welfare affects fishermen so that their social mobility in thevarious access development

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika pada Peserta Didik Laki-Laki dan Perempuan Kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 4 Mamuju

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    This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to compare the ability of male and female students to solve mathematical problems in a two-variable linear equation system. The subjects of this study were 19th grade students A VII from Mamuju Middle School as many as 19 people, then 6 students were taken, consisting of 3 men and 3 women. The results showed that students with high ability categories; (1) able to understand problems; (2) able to complete planning; (3) able to solve problems; (4) can use existing information to re-examine the answers obtained. Whereas in problem solving abilities for students with moderate categories, he is able to stage (1) be able to understand the problem, (2) be able to plan solutions and, (3) be able to solve problems still in stage (4) less able to reexamine the problem solving ability of answers to students with disadvantaged categories. (1) less able to understand problems; (2) inadequate settlement planning; (3) less able to solve problems; (4) unable to use the information available to re-examine the answers obtained. Indicates that the average score of learning outcomes is 75.26. Judging from the number of students who have not finished learning, it can be concluded that the obstacle experienced by students is the lack of students\u27 understanding of the problem given, so that they are not able to solve the problem properly. Men read and understand the problems given at a glance and women understand the problem carefully and analyze whatever information is given correctly

    Peningkatan Efisiensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Dengan Reflektor Parabola

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    This paper present the result of reserch on improving the solar power plant efficiency using two parabolic reflectors. The designed parabolic reflectors are asymmetrical concentrators placed on a horizontal surface so that radiation from each angle can be collected. Two monocrystalline solar modules, each with 0.639 m length and 0.294 m width are used, which can produce 20.124 W maximum power, 1.3 A short circuit current, and 21.2 V open circuit voltage on 1000 W/m2 solar irradiation and 25 °C temperature. The solar module itself has 10.71% efficiency which is used as the reference efficiency. A solar module with parabolic reflectors can produce 11.13% average efficiency or 1.039 times higher than the reference efficiency. The whole system with two solar modules and parabolic reflectors can produce 13.111 W maximum power and 11.92% highest efficiency or 1.113 times higher than the reference efficiency. Makalah ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang peningkatan efisiensi pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dengan reflektor parabola. Reflektor parabola yang dirancang berupa konsentrator asimetris yang ditempatkan pada permukaan horizontal agar radiasi dari setiap sudut dapat dikumpulkan. Dua modul surya yang digunakan dari jenis monokristal masing-masing berukuran panjang 0,639 m dan lebar 0,294 m dapat menghasilkan daya maksimum 20,124 W, arus hubung singkat 1,3 A, dan tegangan terbuka 21,2 V pada iradiasi matahari 1000 W/m2 dan temperatur 25 °C. Modul surya sendiri memiliki efisiensi referensi sebesar 10,71 %. Satu modul surya dengan reflektor parabola dapat menghasilkan efisiensi rata-rata 11,13 % atau 1,039 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan efisiensi referensi. Keseluruhan sistem pembangkit dengan dua modul surya dan reflektor parabola dapat menghasilkan daya maksimum 13,111 W dan efisiensi tertinggi sebesar 11,92 % atau 1,113 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan efisiensi referensi

    ICT Strategic Planning in Malaysia Public Research Institute

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