27 research outputs found

    Epidemiologic Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2012 and Prognosis for 2013

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    Displayed is the analysis of epizootic and epidemic situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2012. Demonstrated is the fact that epizootic condition still remains tense. It specifies the character of epidemic manifestations. For 2013 leveling of the brucellosis incidence rate among the population of the Russian Federation is forecasted

    Survey of Epizootiologic and Epidemiologic Situation on Brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2013; Prognosis for 2014

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    Carried out is the analysis and assessment of epizootiologic and epidemiologic situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation over the year 2013. It is demonstrated that on the grounds of tense epizootic situation there is a tendency to reduction in brucellosis morbidity rates among the population. Incidence rates in the North-Caucasian and Southern Federal districts remain high due to B. melitensis spp. brucellosis agent circulation. However, realization of a complex of brucellosis prophylactic measures in the territory of the Republic of Dagestan has resulted in a considerable reduction of a number of primary cases in the region. In addition, forecasted is stabilization of brucellosis morbidity rates among the population and farming animals in 2014, being estimated at 320-370 cases a year

    Brucellosis Epidemiological Situation and Its Morbidity in the Russian Federation in 2011, and Prognosis for 2012

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    Presented is the analysis of brucellosis morbidity, both in humans and animals, in the Russian Federation in 2007-2011. Evaluated is epizootic and epidemic situation on the disease. Epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation remains unfavorable and has a tendency to deterioration. Moreover, it is expected that the incidence of brucellosis in humans will rise in 2012

    Influence of high-intensity CO2 laser irradiation on collagen matrix composition of normotrophic skin scars (experimental study)

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    The experiment was carried out in 25 laboratory rats. After modeling of normotrophic cutaneous scars, the procedure of laser dermabrasion with 50 Watt carbon dioxide laser was performed in superpulse mode with impulse-pause ratio of 0,5:100 ms and 500 µm spot diameter. Morphological, immunohistochemical and morphometric examination of skin histological sections were performed. A single exposure to CO2 laser radiation in this mode resulted in the early formation of mainly type III collagen and then type I collagen in ratios approaching to the intact skin.Проведено экспериментальное исследование на 25-ти лабораторных крысах, которым после моделирования нормотрофических кожных рубцов выполняли процедуру лазерной дермабразии излучением углекислого лазера мощностью 50 Вт в суперимпульсном режиме с соотношением импульс – пауза 0,5:100 мс и диаметром пятна 0,5 мм. Проводили морфологическое, иммуногистохимическое морфометрическое исследование гистологических срезов кожи. Установлено, что однократное воздействие излучением Со2 лазера в указанных режимах приводит к образованию в ранние сроки преимущественно коллагена III типа, а затем и коллагена I типа в соотношениях, приближающихся к показателям интактной кожи

    Reparative processes in liver after laser exposure of bone marrow localization zones

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    We investigated the features of reparative process in the resected liver after laser irradiation of the zones of red bone marrow localization In rat experiment, the wedge-shaped resection of a liver lobe was performed. Infrared laser was applied for 5 days after the operation. The hystological analysis of liver specimens demonstrated the increase in hepatocyte proliferation with the increase in the ki-67 index and the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, the increase in binuclear hepatocytes number, the increase in the expression level of VEGF and Hsp 70 in the laser treatment group that is the evidence of successful recovery process and neoangiogenesis. The activation of hepatic tissue regeneration after laser irradiation of bone marrow localization zones may be the basis for the development of methods for treatment of liver disease patients.Исследованы особенности репаративных процессов в резецированной печени после лазерного воздействия на зоны локализации красного костного мозга. В эксперименте на крысах моделировали клиновидную резекцию доли печени. Лазерное воздействие осуществляли инфракрасным лазером в течение 5 суток после операции. После морфометрического анализа препаратов печени отмечено усиление пролиферации гепатоцитов с повышением индекса кi-67 и ядерно-цитоплазматического отношения, увеличение содержания двуядерных гепатоцитов, повышение уровня экспрессии VEGF и Hsp 70, что является свидетельством успешно протекающих восстановительных процессов и неоангиогенеза. Полученные данные об активации регенерации печеночной ткани после лазерного воздействия на зоны локализации костного мозга могут являться основой для разработки методов лечения пациентов с заболеваниями печени

    Childhood exposure due to the Chernobyl accident and thyroid cancer risk in contaminated areas of Belarus and Russia

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    The thyroid dose due to 131I releases during the Chernobyl accident was reconstructed for children and adolescents in two cities and 2122 settlements in Belarus, and in one city and 607 settlements in the Bryansk district of the Russian Federation. In this area, which covers the two high contamination spots in the two countries following the accident, data on thyroid cancer incidence during the period 1991-1995 were analysed in the light of possible increased thyroid surveillance. Two methods of risk analysis were applied: Poisson regression with results for the single settlements and Monte Carlo (MC) calculations for results in larger areas or sub-populations. Best estimates of both methods agreed well. Poisson regression estimates of 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were considerably smaller than the MC results, which allow for extra-Poisson uncertainties due to reconstructed doses and the background thyroid cancer incidence. The excess absolute risk per unit thyroid dose (EARPD) for the birth cohort 1971-1985 by the MC analysis was 2.1 (95% CI 1.0-4.5) cases per 10(4) person-year Gy. The point estimate is lower by a factor of two than that observed in a pooled study of thyroid cancer risk after external exposures. The excess relative risk per unit thyroid dose was 23 (95% CI 8.6-82) Gy(-1). No significant differences between countries or cities and rural areas were found. In the lowest dose group of the settlements with an average thyroid dose of 0.05 Gy the risk was statistically significantly elevated. Dependencies of risks on age-at-exposure and on gender are consistent with findings after external exposures

    Crystal structure and properties of polymeric hexaaqua-hexakis-(2-thiobarbiturato)-disamarium(III)

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    Crystal structure and properties of polymeric hexaaqua-hexakis-(2-thiobarbiturato)-disamarium(III)

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала

    Development of Nutrient Media out of Vegetable Material for Culturing Particularly Dangerous Infections Agents

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    5 experimental nutritious bases were prepared out of plant materials (soybeans, soymilk, sugar-beet molasses - sugar syrup), and their physical and chemical parameters and amino-acid composition were studied. Nutrient media developed on experimental basis met the nutritious demands of studied strains of plague, cholera, anthrax microbes and sporogenous saprophytes

    The Epizootiological and Epidemiologic Situation on Brucellosis in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in 2006-2009

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    Presented is the analysis of dynamics of brucellosis morbidity in people and animals. Evaluation of epizootiological and epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the Southern federal district of the Russian Federation for 2006-2009 is given. It is shown that unfavorable epidemic situation on brucellosis persists in the number of regions of the Southern federal district of RF that gives the basis to predict the preservation of morbidity at a high level