10 research outputs found

    Improving the Efficiency of Convergence of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union

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    The article is devoted to the formation, formation and development of the Eurasian Economic Union. As part of the study, a historical analysis of the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union, the main prerequisites for its origin, the stages of formation and the conditions of operation were carried out. In the work, based on the use of mathematical, statistical and comparative methods, an analysis was made of the economic indicators of the national member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, which resulted in the conclusion that the Russian Federation is the largest region that has 80% of the total potential of the Union. The paper discusses the basics of the formation of common markets for goods and services, which today are created in each field of activity of national economies. As a result of the analysis, factors that hinder the creation of common supranational systems and markets of national states were identified. The analysis made it possible to formulate proposals for further convergence of the types of economic activities of the national republics into a single supranational mechanism. At the end of the work conclusions are drawn from the results of the study

    Strategic planning of integrated development in the field of science and technology of the enterprises of the machine-building production

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    The problems of the development of the national technological base and specific engineering industries, requiring a radical change in the approach to the organization of scientific and technological development in the Russian industry. The focus of the pool of Sciences (scientific and engineering disciplines) allows to structure the organizational core of scientific (innovative) associations, which allows to raise the question of the layout of the long-term structure of organizational relations and support of leading scientific, as well as educational, design, industrial, etc. organizations. Structuring the "functional core" of enterprises and organizations concentrating key digital technologies in the total mass of economic entities determines the need for the formation of matrix scientific and industrial structures as a kind of associations [on the basis of an information network using elements of artificial intelligence] within the relevant management strategies implemented by machine-building enterprises

    Controlling the operation of the intelligent generator and energy translator integrated from space and planetary objects as the elements of a power plants in space (in orbit)

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    The author analyzes problems of using artificial intelligence based of monitoring systems and management, as well as the opportunities of operating performance parameters of networks transporting energy resources within a quasi-integrated electric power super-system of the gigawatt level, the space part of which consists of distributed satellite formations as quasi-integrated segments of orbital power stations. In this case, you must consider the increasing presence of intelligent control devices (e.g., cyber-physical device conversion and switching energy, intelligent management system, open service platform, etc.). The author offers to predict the dynamic characteristics of the integrated quasi-integrated electric power super-system when analyzing the interrelations of metastable states in the processes of obtaining energy from objects of space power generation in the microwave, laser or other mode and converting it into electric power by ground installations

    Management of in-tube projectiles using acoustic channel

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    The article describes the method of measuring the distance from the operator's console installed outside the pipe to the in-tube projectile. A method for measuring distance in the absence of an echo signal is proposed. To do this, two identical ultrasonic locators operating at different frequencies were installed inside and outside the pipeline. The change in the duration of an acoustic pulse propagating in a circular waveguide with rigid walls is shown, which leads to a decrease in the data transfer rate

    Total focusing method with correlation processing of antenna array signals

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    The article proposes a method of preliminary correlation processing of a complete set of antenna array signals used in the image reconstruction algorithm. The results of experimental studies of 3D reconstruction of various reflectors using and without correlation processing are presented in the article. Software 'IDealSystem3D' by IDeal-Technologies was used for experiments. Copper wires of different diameters located in a water bath were used as a reflector. The use of correlation processing makes it possible to obtain more accurate reconstruction of the image of the reflectors and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The experimental results were processed using an original program. This program allows varying the parameters of the antenna array and sampling frequency


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    Introduction. The article is devoted to the export potential analysis of the electric power industry in the Russian Federation during the convergence period of the electric power complex into the Common Electricity Market of the Eurasian Economic Union.Materials and methods. The authors review the main indicators of the electricity sectors of the Eurasian Economic Union State Members. As a result of the analysis, it is revealed that the Russian electric power industry is the most large-scale and diversified industry in comparison with other Union state members. It is substantiated that the electric power complex of the Russian Federation could be fully provided with Russian fuel and energy resources, which give additional stability and competitiveness. Results. The evaluation of the electric power industry export potential of the Russian Federation couldn’t be made without determining the electric energy competitiveness, in which, according to the authors, it is advisable to include indicators of specific reference fuel consumption, loss in grids and cost of electric energy, both on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union State Members and in the overseas market. As a result of the competitiveness analysis, it was revealed that Russian electrical energy may have certain competitive advantages in the common market and in foreign electricity markets.Discussion and conclusions. The main conclusions about the research results are made by the authors

    World Market of Oil: Key Factors

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    The article deals with the preconditions, organizational model, and the main factors that determined the fall of prices on the world oil markets in 2014, we studied the most important both objective and subjective aspects of the extremely nonequilibrium price dynamics caused by the global financial manipulations in world oil markets. Analyzed key trends change the financial policy of the USA, passing by inflirovaniya dollar and the credit pump contributing to the weakening of the dollar to the measures aimed at strengthening of the dollar; measures designed to format the most important financial and stock markets in the US and the UK, where the bulk of the operations carried out with the oil; measures to streamline the policies of some countries (OPEC and others.); measures for the “Building” of the corporate sector; information policy forming “reflective” reaction of players in the financial and commodity markets, as well as the governments of oil-consuming. On the basis of the key trends to develop an organizational model that includes the sequence and interaction of these factors with access to the main market players excretion of large amounts of money from derivatives and futures on oil, naturally lead to the collapse of oil prices. The conclusion about the necessity of forming common markets of oil and petroleum products EAEC, including the unification of the regulatory framework in relation to the sale and transportation of oil and oil products, as well as the formation of an integrated international - under the EAEC - a mechanism of regulation of oil and oil products, including pricing issues