1,068 research outputs found

    The shallow depth emplacement of mafic intrusions on a magma-poor rifted margin : An example from the Bight Basin, Southern Australia

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    This work comprises a part of the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program (GABDMP) for funding this project. The GABDMP is a CSIRO research program, sponsored by Chevron Australia the results of which will be made publically available. 3D seismic data was gratefully provided by TGS. Dougal Jerram and Craig Magee are thanked for constructive reviews; Adam Bumby is thanked for editorial handling.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Nature and preservation of Late Jurassic breakup-related volcanism in the carnarvon basin, North West shelf, Australia

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    Funding This work was funded through a postgraduate scholarship from the University of Adelaide, Faculty of Engineering Computer and Mathematical Sciences, and also by ASEG Research Foundation Grant no. RF19P01. These funding sources had no involvement in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the article for publication. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Iain Campbell, formerly Chief Petroleum Geophysicist at the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining for arranging the stitching together of multiple SEGY component files for the Indian 3D seismic reflection survey which was instrumental for interpretation of the Toro Volcanic Complex. We would also like to thank both Simon Lang and particularly Victorien Paumard of the Centre for Energy Geoscience, University of Western Australia, for numerous discussions around the development of the Barrow Delta in the Exmouth Sub-Basin and Exmouth Plateau. We thank Tiago Alves for editorial guidance, and the constructive reviews provided by Victorien Paumard, Natasha Stanton, Gerome Calves, Chris Elders, Kamaldeen Omosanya and one anonymous referee.Peer reviewe

    Contemporary stress orientations in the Faroe-Shetland region

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    The Faroe-Shetland Region (FSR) of the NE Atlantic continental margin contains a number of complexly structured Mesozoic-Palaeogene-age rift basins, but in comparison to the contiguous British Isles and North Sea Basin, the state of crustal stress in the FSR is poorly understood. The orientation of maximum horizontal compressional stress (σHmax) across most of NW Europe is ~NW-SE, which is considered to be controlled by forces acting at the plate boundaries. We have determined 16 B-D quality σHmax orientations based on borehole breakouts interpreted in petroleum wells, and define three distinct stress provinces within the FSR. Stress orientations in the NE are ~NW-SE, consistent with the regional pattern of stresses in NW Europe and local neotectonic structural trends. However, contemporary stress orientations in the central and SW of the FSR exhibit short-wavelength (distances <10-50 km) variation, with NE-SW, N-S and E-W orientations that are parallel or sub-parallel to underlying structural trends. This variation is interpreted in terms of stress deflections towards weak faults that downthrow the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary successions against basement highs. These local-scale sources are superposed on a background ~WNW-ESE σHmax orientation that is controlled by both plate boundary forces and regional-scale sources of stresses

    Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Ancient Submarine Lava Flows : An Example From the Southern Australian Margin

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    This work comprises a part of the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program (GABDMP) for funding this project. The GABDMP is a CSIRO research program, sponsored by Chevron Australia the results of which will be made publicly available. 3D seismic data was gratefully provided by TGS. IHS are thanked for access to seismic interpretation software. Spectral decomposition was carried out using Foster-Findlay Associates Geoteric Software. Sverre Planke and Tracy Gregg are thanked for constructive reviews.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impurity effects on charge transport and magnetoconductance in a single layer poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) device

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    received: 2016-01-10 accepted: 2016-05-05 published: 2016-05-17The work was supported by the China Scholarship Council and Engineering (HG, SC, HL, TZ, JH), National Science Foundation of China, 61574095, and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant Nos. EP/J50029X/1, EP/K004484/1, and EP/L020114/1