4 research outputs found

    Accelerating cycle expansions by dynamical conjugacy

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    Periodic orbit theory provides two important functions---the dynamical zeta function and the spectral determinant for the calculation of dynamical averages in a nonlinear system. Their cycle expansions converge rapidly when the system is uniformly hyperbolic but greatly slowed down in the presence of non-hyperbolicity. We find that the slow convergence can be associated with singularities in the natural measure. A properly designed coordinate transformation may remove these singularities and results in a dynamically conjugate system where fast convergence is restored. The technique is successfully demonstrated on several examples of one-dimensional maps and some remaining challenges are discussed

    Bayesian nonparametric sparse seemingly unrelated regression model (SUR)

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    Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models are used in studying the interactions among economic variables of interest. In a high dimensional setting and when applied to large panel of time series, these models have a large number of parameters to be estimated and suffer of inferential problems. We propose a Bayesian nonparametric hierarchical model for multivariate time series in order to avoid the overparametrization and overfitting issues and to allow for shrinkage toward multiple prior means with unknown location, scale and shape parameters. We propose a two-stage hierarchical prior distribution. The first stage of the hierarchy consists in a lasso conditionally independent prior distribution of the Normal-Gamma family for the SUR coefficients. The second stage is given by a random mixture distribution for the Normal-Gamma hyperparameters, which allows for parameter parsimony through two components. The first one is a random Dirac point-mass distribution, which induces sparsity in the SUR coefficients; the second is a Dirichlet process prior, which allows for clustering of the SUR coefficients. We provide a Gibbs sampler for posterior approximations based on introduction of auxiliary variables. Some simulated examples show the efficiency of the proposed. We study the effectiveness of our model and inference approach with an application to macroeconomics