19 research outputs found

    Equivariant symbol calculus for differential operators acting on forms

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    We prove the existence and uniqueness of a projectively equivariant symbol map (in the sense of Lecomte and Ovsienko) for the spaces DpD_p of differential operators transforming p-forms into functions. These results hold over a smooth manifold endowed with a flat projective structure. As an application, we classify the Vect(M)-equivariant maps from DpD_p to DqD_q over any manifold M, recovering and improving earlier results by N. Poncin. This provides the complete answer to a question raised by P. Lecomte about the extension of a certain intrinsic homotopy operator.Comment: 14 page

    Projectively equivariant quantizations over the superspace Rpq\R^{p|q}

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    We investigate the concept of projectively equivariant quantization in the framework of super projective geometry. When the projective superalgebra pgl(p+1|q) is simple, our result is similar to the classical one in the purely even case: we prove the existence and uniqueness of the quantization except in some critical situations. When the projective superalgebra is not simple (i.e. in the case of pgl(n|n)\not\cong sl(n|n)), we show the existence of a one-parameter family of equivariant quantizations. We also provide explicit formulas in terms of a generalized divergence operator acting on supersymmetric tensor fields.Comment: 19 page

    Natural and projectively equivariant quantizations by means of Cartan Connections

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    The existence of a natural and projectively equivariant quantization in the sense of Lecomte [20] was proved recently by M. Bordemann [4], using the framework of Thomas-Whitehead connections. We give a new proof of existence using the notion of Cartan projective connections and we obtain an explicit formula in terms of these connections. Our method yields the existence of a projectively equivariant quantization if and only if an \sl(m+1,\R)-equivariant quantization exists in the flat situation in the sense of [18], thus solving one of the problems left open by M. Bordemann.Comment: 13 page

    The ternary invariant differential operators acting on the spaces of weighted densities

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    Over n-dimensional manifolds, I classify ternary differential operators acting on the spaces of weighted densities and invariant with respect to the Lie algebra of vector fields. For n=1, some of these operators can be expressed in terms of the de Rham exterior differential, the Poisson bracket, the Grozman operator and the Feigin-Fuchs anti-symmetric operators; four of the operators are new, up to dualizations and permutations. For n>1, I list multidimensional conformal tranvectors, i.e.,operators acting on the spaces of weighted densities and invariant with respect to o(p+1,q+1), where p+q=n. Except for the scalar operator, these conformally invariant operators are not invariant with respect to the whole Lie algebra of vector fields.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, to appear in Theor. Math. Phy


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