1,459 research outputs found

    Climatology, Variability, and Return Periods of Tropical Cyclone Strikes in the Northeastern and Central Pacific Basins

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    Tropical cyclones (TCs) are among the most destructive meteorological phenomena and impact the lives of people who reside along the coast. The American Pacific Coastline borders the second most active TC development region in the world, the northeastern Pacific (NE Pac) basin. This region, along with the Central Pacific (C Pac)-bordering Hawaii is home to a growing population and cities engaged in a variety of economic activities, most prominently agriculture, fishing, and tourism. This study analyzes fifty-two (1966-2017) years of NE Pac and C Pac TCs through applying track data from the National Hurricane Center’s HURDAT2 and a TC size model to determine TC strikes at fifty-eight locations in the Pacific Coast and Hawaii. An average TC strike model is used, whereby tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricane strikes are determined for each location. These data are used to construct time series and return periods for each location. Results indicate varying patterns of strike frequency across the Riviera, with “hot spots” along the southwestern coast of Mexico (centered on Manzanillo, Colima), on the southern tip of Baja California Sur, and on Isla Socorro, part of the Revillagigedo Island chain. These regions had TC return periods of two years or less while locations in Sonora, Central America, San Diego, parts of Hawaii, and northern Baja California had return periods of fifty-two years or greater. In addition, the influence of atmospheric oscillations on these strikes and TC tracks close to the Mexican coastline was investigated. It was found that developing La Niña events in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and developing westerly phases of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation may promote increased percentage TC strikes along the Mexican coastline, or an increased percentage of storms tracking closer to the Mexican coast. Results of this thesis have utility to coastal planners, local governments, tourism agencies, and investors in this region in understanding the risk this oft overlooked region has to TCs

    Shear-induced fractures and three-dimensional motions in an organogel

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    The flow behavior of a viscoelastic organogel is investigated using ultrasonic velocimetry combined with rheometry. Our gel presents a decreasing flow curve, i.e., the measured stress decreases as a function of the applied shear rate. Strikingly, we note that the local flow curve calculated from the velocity profiles also exhibits a decreasing part. We attribute this regime to the presence of a fracturing process and three-dimensional motions in the bulk of the sample.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figure

    Improving Structural Lumber Quality in a Sample of Picea Mariana Logs Sawn According to the Knots

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    This paper examines the effect of knots on the strength recovery of black spruce lumber. A model was developed and used to simulate sawing and grading of boards from knotty logs. Since a log internal defect scanner was unavailable, the internal knot morphology was modeled from external measurements. A standard cant and flitch sawing pattern was used in the simulations and rotated about the log axis. for each 30° of log rotation, the theoretical lumber grades were obtained based on knot sizes and positions within the boards. A best and worst sawing rotation angle based on the potential lumber grade yield was retained for each of 54 logs simulated Half of the logs were sawn into 2 X 4 nominal lumber according to the best rotation angle and the other half according to the worst rotation angle. The resulting pieces of lumber were first visually graded according to the knots and then according to all defects, followed by dynamic MOE testing and finally tested to destruction using a third-point standard bending procedure. The results demonstrate that there was little difference in visual grades between the "best" and "worst" groups and that knots played a minimal role in grade determination of the boards. However, there was significant difference in terms of MOE values, where the group of "best" boards showed an overall 15% increase over the "worst" boards. This result significantly impacts the potential MSR yield of the sample pieces of lumber. Bending tests showed a lurther 25% difference in average MOR between the two groups. These results suggest that there is potential for black spruce to yield higher strength lumber when knots are considered during breakdown. Further refinements should include a model that determines quality in terms of knot position within the board section rather than one that determines quality in terms of potential visual grades

    The role of primary auditory and visual cortices in temporal processing: A tDCS approach

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    Aim: Many studies showed that visual stimuli are frequently experienced as shorter than equivalent auditory stimuli. These findings suggest that timing is distributed across many brain areas and that "different clocks" might be involved in temporal processing. The aim of this study is to investigate, with the application of tDCS over V1 and A1, the specific role of primary sensory cortices (either visual or auditory) in temporal processing. Method: Forty-eight University students were included in the study. Twenty-four participants were stimulated over A1 and 24 participants were stimulated over VI. Participants performed time bisection tasks, in the visual and the auditory modalities, involving standard durations lasting 300 ms (short) and 900 ms (long). Results: When tDCS was delivered over A1, no effect of stimulation was observed on perceived duration but we observed higher temporal variability under anodic stimulation compared to sham and higher variability in the visual compared to the auditory modality. When tDCS was delivered over V1, an underestimation of perceived duration and higher variability was observed in the visual compared to the auditory modality. Conclusion: Our results showed more variability of visual temporal processing under tDCS stimulation. These results suggest a modality independent role of A1 in temporal processing and a modality specific role of V1 in the processing of temporal intervals in the visual modality. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A liquid Xenon Positron Emission Tomograph for small animal imaging : first experimental results of a prototype cell

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    A detector using liquid Xenon (LXe) in the scintillation mode is studied for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) of small animals. Its specific design aims at taking full advantage of the Liquid Xenon scintillation properties. This paper reports on energy, time and spatial resolution capabilities of the first LXe prototype module equipped with a Position Sensitive Photo- Multiplier tube (PSPMT) operating in the VUV range (178 nm) and at 165 K. The experimental results show that such a LXe PET configuration might be a promising solution insensitive to any parallax effect.Comment: 34 pages, 18 pages, to appear in NIM

    Multiple-look effects on temporal discrimination within sound sequences

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    The multiple-look notion holds that the difference limen (DL) decreases with multiple observations. We investigated this notion for temporal discrimination in isochronous sound sequences. In Experiment 1, we established a multiple-look effect when sequences comprised nine standard time intervals (S) followed by an increasing number of comparison time intervals (C), but no multiple-look effect when one trailing C interval was preceded by an increasing number of S intervals. In Experiment 2, we extended the design. There were four sequential conditions: (a) 9 leading S intervals followed by 1, 2, 
, or 9 C-intervals; (b) 9 leading C intervals followed by 1, 2, 
, or 9 S intervals; (c) 9 trailing C-intervals preceded by 1, 2, 
, or 9 S-intervals; and (d) 9 trailing S-intervals preceded by 1, 2, 
, or 9 C-intervals. Both the interval accretions before and after the tempo change caused multiple-look effects, irrespective of the time order of S and C. Complete deconfounding of the number of intervals before and after the tempo change was accomplished in Experiment 3. The multiple-look effect of interval accretion before the tempo change was twice as big as that after the tempo change. The diminishing returns relation between the DL and interval accretion could be described well by a reciprocal function

    'Lad culture' in higher education: agency in the sexualisation debates

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    This paper reports on research funded by the National Union of Students, which explored women students’ experiences of ‘lad culture’ through focus groups and interviews. We found that although laddism is only one of various potential masculinities, for our participants it dominated social and sexual spheres of university life in problematic ways. However, their objections to laddish behaviours did not support contemporary models of ‘sexual panic’, even while oppugning the more simplistic celebrations of young women’s empowerment which have been observed in debates about sexualisation. We argue that in their ability to reject ‘lad culture’, our respondents expressed a form of agency which is often invisibilised in sexualisation discussions and which could be harnessed to tackle some of the issues we uncovered
