35 research outputs found

    GM1 Ganglioside Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Tendon Stem Cells

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    Gangliosides, the sialic acid-conjugated glycosphingolipids present in the lipid rafts, have been recognized as important regulators of cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. Due to their peculiar localization in the cell membrane, they modulate the activity of several key cell receptors, and increasing evidence supports their involvement also in stem cell differentiation. In this context, herein we report the role played by the ganglioside GM1 in the osteogenic differentiation of human tendon stem cells ( hTSCs). In particular, we found an increase of GM1 levels during osteogenesis that is instrumental for driving the process. In fact, supplementation of the ganglioside in the medium significantly increased the osteogenic differentiation capability of hTSCs. Mechanistically, we found that GM1 supplementation caused a reduction in the phosphorylation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-ss ( PDGFR-ss), which is a known inhibitor of osteogenic commitment. These results were further corroborated by the observation that GM1 supplementation was able to revert the inhibitory effects on osteogenesis when the process was inhibited with exogenous PDGF

    Head injuries by firearms and sharp weapons in the Battle of San Martino (1859, Italy)

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    The research was focused on the study of weapon-related traumas in the skeletal remains of the soldiers who died in the Battle of San Martino (Italy, 1859). These remains are housed in the monumental ossuary of San Martino. The examination of 817 skulls revealed traces of injuries in 90 skulls, selected and submitted to anthropological studies. The aim of this work was to study the head injuries attributable to firearms and blade weapons in relation to the armaments and the military tactics used in that period. The shape, size, and features of the wounds were macroscopically examined to characterize the lesions. As regards the ballistic traumas, the caliber, the trajectory of the projectiles, and the kind of artillery were based on the diameter and localization of the entry and of the exit holes in the skulls. The sharp force traumas were identified as linear-edge cuts or pointed lesions. The results evidenced different types of perimortem injuries, principally caused by firearms (79%) with projectiles of different calibers, mostly ranging between 14 and 18 mm. Sharp force injuries probably caused by bayonets and sabers had affected 17.8% of the skulls. The remnant 2.2% of the examined skulls presented only antemortem lesions. Moreover, seven other skulls showed healed lesions, in some cases surgically treated, testifying a rather intense war period, and the capacity of the soldiers to survive even severe injuries. The higher prevalence of gunshot wounds with respect to sharp force traumas is consistent with the military tactics and with the weapons used in that period: hand-to-hand combat was restricted and bayonet assault was unsuccessful compared to the use of efficient ranged weapons. This research presents important information on war-related traumas, ballistic wounds and sharp force injuries of the armaments, and the military tactics of the mid-19th century

    Prediction of 305-day lactation production of Italian dairy cattle breeds

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    Projection factors for 305-day for milk fat and protein yield were calculated for the Italian dairy cattle breeds. Different multiplicative coefficients were calculated for each breed, for first, second, and later parities, and for two different seasons. Cumulative and last sample production are used in extending lactations to 305-day. In order to validate the method of prediction, lactations were projected and compared to effective productions. Difference in means and standard deviations between projected and effective 305 productions, and correlation for different classes of lactation length were used as comparison criteria. Where possible data sets used in validation step were different from the data sets used to estimate extension factors. The results indicate an absence of a systematic underestimation or overestimation in predicting 305-day lactations depending from length of partial lactation. A small difference was observed in coefficients calculated for second parity and later parity cows, while coefficients for first lactation records were larger. The method presented will be implemented soon for the routine computation of 305-day lactations in Italy