431 research outputs found

    On boundary RG-flows in coset conformal field theories

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    We propose a new rule for boundary renormalization group flows in fixed-point free coset models. Our proposal generalizes the 'absorption of boundary spin'-principle formulated by Affleck and Ludwig to a large class of perturbations in boundary conformal field theories. We illustrate the rule in the case of unitary minimal models.Comment: 3 pages, uses RevTeX

    Brane dynamics in CFT backgrounds

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    In this note we discuss bound states of un- or meta-stable brane configurations in various non-trivial (curved) backgrounds. We begin by reviewing some known results concerning brane dynamics on group manifolds. These are then employed to study condensation in cosets of the WZW model. While the basic ideas are more general, our presentation focuses on parafermion theories and, closely related, N=2N=2 superconformal minimal models. We determine the (non-commutative) low energy effective actions for all maximally symmetric branes in a decoupling limit of the two theories. These actions are used to show that the lightest branes can be regarded as elementary constituents for all other maximally symmetric branes

    Ultraviolet Finite Quantum Field Theory on Quantum Spacetime

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    We discuss a formulation of quantum field theory on quantum space time where the perturbation expansion of the S-matrix is term by term ultraviolet finite. The characteristic feature of our approach is a quantum version of the Wick product at coinciding points: the differences of coordinates q_j - q_k are not set equal to zero, which would violate the commutation relation between their components. We show that the optimal degree of approximate coincidence can be defined by the evaluation of a conditional expectation which replaces each function of q_j - q_k by its expectation value in optimally localized states, while leaving the mean coordinates (q_1 + ... + q_n)/n invariant. The resulting procedure is to a large extent unique, and is invariant under translations and rotations, but violates Lorentz invariance. Indeed, optimal localization refers to a specific Lorentz frame, where the electric and magnetic parts of the commutator of the coordinates have to coincide *). Employing an adiabatic switching, we show that the S-matrix is term by term finite. The matrix elements of the transfer matrix are determined, at each order in the perturbative expansion, by kernels with Gaussian decay in the Planck scale. The adiabatic limit and the large scale limit of this theory will be studied elsewhere. -- *) S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen, and J.E.Roberts, Commun. Math. Phys. 172, 187 (1995) [arXiv:hep-th/0303037]Comment: LaTeX (using amsmath, amssymb), 23 pages, 1 figure. Dedicated to Rudolf Haag on the occasion of his 80th birthday. See also: hep-th/0303037, hep-th/0201222. Second version: minor changes in exposition, two references added. To appear on Commun. Math. Phy

    D-branes in the diagonal SU(2) coset

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    The symmetry preserving D-branes in coset theories have previously been described as being centered around projections of products of conjugacy classes in the underlying Lie groups. Here, we investigate the coset where a diagonal action of SU(2) is divided out from SU(2)\times SU(2). The corresponding target space is described as a (3-dimensional) pillow with four distinguished corners. It is shown that the (fractional) brane which corresponds to the fixed point that arises in the CFT description, is spacefilling. Moreover, the spacefilling brane is the only one that reaches all of the corners. The other branes are 3, 1 and 0 - dimensional.Comment: v2: reference added, 9 page

    DBI analysis of generalised permutation branes

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    We investigate D-branes on the product GxG of two group manifolds described as Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten models. When the levels of the two groups coincide, it is well known that there exist permutation D-branes which are twisted by the automorphism exchanging the two factors. When the levels are different, the D-brane charge group demands that there should be generalisations of these permutation D-branes, and a geometric construction for them was proposed in hep-th/0509153. We give further evidence for this proposal by showing that the generalised permutation D-branes satisfy the Dirac-Born-Infeld equations of motion for arbitrary compact, simply connected and simple Lie groups G.Comment: 19 pages, computation in section 3.5.1 corrected, conclusions unchange

    Field Theory on Noncommutative Spacetimes: Quasiplanar Wick Products

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    We give a definition of admissible counterterms appropriate for massive quantum field theories on the noncommutative Minkowski space, based on a suitable notion of locality. We then define products of fields of arbitrary order, the so-called quasiplanar Wick products, by subtracting only such admissible counterterms. We derive the analogue of Wick's theorem and comment on the consequences of using quasiplanar Wick products in the perturbative expansion.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor changes, v3: minor changes, reference adde

    The Spin-Statistics Theorem for Anyons and Plektons in d=2+1

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    We prove the spin-statistics theorem for massive particles obeying braid group statistics in three-dimensional Minkowski space. We start from first principles of local relativistic quantum theory. The only assumption is a gap in the mass spectrum of the corresponding charged sector, and a restriction on the degeneracy of the corresponding mass.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Citation added; Minor modifications of Appendix

    Symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories

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    The symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories are analysed. We explain which generators of the chiral algebras of a bulk theory survive a perturbation by an exactly marginal bulk field. We also study the behaviour of D-branes under current-current bulk deformations. We find that the branes always continue to preserve as much symmetry as they possibly can, i.e. as much as is preserved in the bulk. We illustrate these findings with several examples, including permutation branes in WZW models and B-type D-branes in Gepner models.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. V2: Small error in eq. (2.14) correcte

    D-branes and matrix factorisations in supersymmetric coset models

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    Matrix factorisations describe B-type boundary conditions in N=2 supersymmetric Landau-Ginzburg models. At the infrared fixed point, they correspond to superconformal boundary states. We investigate the relation between boundary states and matrix factorisations in the Grassmannian Kazama-Suzuki coset models. For the first non-minimal series, i.e. for the models of type SU(3)_k/U(2), we identify matrix factorisations for a subset of the maximally symmetric boundary states. This set provides a basis for the RR charge lattice, and can be used to generate (presumably all) other boundary states by tachyon condensation.Comment: 63 pages, 2 figure
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