56 research outputs found

    Privacy-aware multi-context RFID infrastructure using public key cryptography

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    We propose a novel RFID infrastructure design, which foresees the usage of a single RFID tag within different contexts and for multiple purposes. We show that an infrastructure for multi-purpose RFID tags to be used in different contexts can be implemented in a privacy-preserving manner. We address security attacks such as impersonation, tracking, and replay. We also introduce spatio-temporal attacks as an important threat against privacy. We propose a methodology to thwart or alleviate these kinds of attacks. We develop our multi-context RFID infrastructure relying on usage of public key cryptography (PKC), which presents more scalable solutions in the sense that the backend servers can identify the tags 75 times faster than best symmetric cipher based systems when there are a million tags in the system. We demonstrate that the requirements for PKC are comparable to those for other cryptographic implementations based on symmetric ciphers proposed for RFID use

    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact

    Reducing Time Complexity in RFID Systems

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    Radio frequency identification systems based on low-cost computing devices is the new plaything that every company would like to adopt. Its goal can be either to improve the productivity or to strengthen the security. Specific identification protocols based on symmetric challenge-response have been developed in order to assure the privacy of the device bearers. Although these protocols fit the devices' constraints, they always suffer from a large time complexity. Existing protocols require O(n) cryptographic operations to identify one device among n. Molnar and Wagner suggested a method to reduce this complexity to O(log n). We show that their technique could degrade the privacy if the attacker has the possibility to tamper with at least one device. Because low-cost devices are not tamper-resistant, such an attack could be feasible. We give a detailed analysis of their protocol and evaluate the threat. Next, we extend an approach based on time-memory trade-offs whose goal is to improve Ohkubo, Suzuki, and Kinoshita's protocol. We show that in practice this approach reaches the same performances as Molnar and Wagner's method, without degrading privacy. Radio frequency identification systems based on low-cost computing devices is the new plaything that every company would like to adopt. Its goal can be either to improve the productivity or to strengthen the security. Specific identification protocols based on symmetric challenge-response have been developed in order to assure the privacy of the device bearers. Although these protocols fit the devices' constraints, they always suffer from a large time complexity. Existing protocols require O(n) cryptographic operations to identify one device among n. Molnar and Wagner suggested a method to reduce this complexity to O(log n). We show that their technique could degrade the privacy if the attacker has the possibility to tamper with at least one device. Because low-cost devices are not tamper-resistant, such an attack could be feasible. We give a detailed analysis of their protocol and evaluate the threat. Next, we extend an approach based on time-memory trade-offs whose goal is to improve Ohkubo, Suzuki, and Kinoshita's protocol. We show that in practice this approach reaches the same performances as Molnar and Wagner's method, without degrading privacy

    Security Analysis and Enhancement of One-Way Hash Based Low-Cost Authentication Protocol (OHLCAP)

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    Choi et al. recently proposed an efficient RFID authentication protocol for a ubiquitous computing environment, OHLCAP(One-Way Hash based Low-Cost Authentication Protocol). However, this paper reveals that the protocol has several security weaknesses : 1) traceability based on the leakage of counter information, 2) vulnerability to an impersonation attack by maliciously updating a random number, and 3) traceability based on a physically-attacked tag. Finally, a security enhanced group-based authentication protocol is presented

    RFID Guardian: A battery-powered mobile device for RFID privacy management

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    Abstract. RFID tags are tiny, inexpensive, inductively powered computers that are going to replace bar codes on many products, but which have many other uses as well. For example, they will allow smart washing machines to check for incompatible clothes (e.g., white shirts and red socks) and smart refrigerators to check for milk that is too old to be consumed. Subdermal tags with medical information are already being implanted in animals and people. However, a world in which practically everything is tagged and can be read at a modest distance by anyone who wants to buy an RFID reader introduces serious security and privacy issues. For example, women walking down the street may be effectively broadcasting the sizes of their RFID-tagged bras and medical data without realizing it. To protect people in this environment, we propose developing a compact, portable, electronic device called an RFID Guardian, which people can carry with them. In the future, it could be integrated into PDAs or cell phones. The RFID Guardian looks for, records, and displays all RFID tags and scans in the vicinity, manages RFID keys, authenticates nearby RFID readers, and blocks attempted accesses to the user’s RFID tags from unauthorized readers. In this way, people can find out what RFID activity is occuring around them and take corrective action if need be.

    Efficient IEEE 802.15.4 AHB Slave of Security Accelerator in Wireless Senor Networks

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