12,529 research outputs found

    Higgs bosons of a supersymmetric U(1)′U(1)' model at the ILC

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    We study the scalar Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with an extra U(1), which has two Higgs doublets and a Higgs singlet, in the light leptophobic Z′Z' scenario where the extra neutral gauge boson Z′Z' does not couple to charged leptons. In this model, we find that the sum of the squared coupling coefficients of the three neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ, normalized by the corresponding SM coupling coefficient is noticeably smaller than unity, due to the effect of the extra U(1), for a reasonable parameter space of the model, whereas it is unity in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. Thus, these two models may be distinguished if the coupling coefficients of neutral scalar Higgs bosons to ZZZZ are measured at the future International Linear Collider by producing them via the Higgs-strahlung, ZZZZ fusion, and WWWW fusion processes.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, PR

    Axial anomaly and magnetism of nuclear and quark matter

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    We consider the response of the QCD ground state at finite baryon density to a strong magnetic field B. We point out the dominant role played by the coupling of neutral Goldstone bosons, such as pi^0, to the magnetic field via the axial triangle anomaly. We show that, in vacuum, above a value of B ~ m_pi^2/e, a metastable object appears - the pi^0 domain wall. Because of the axial anomaly, the wall carries a baryon number surface density proportional to B. As a result, for B ~ 10^{19} G a stack of parallel pi^0 domain walls is energetically more favorable than nuclear matter at the same density. Similarly, at higher densities, somewhat weaker magnetic fields of order B ~ 10^{17}-10^{18} G transform the color-superconducting ground state of QCD into new phases containing stacks of axial isoscalar (eta or eta') domain walls. We also show that a quark-matter state known as ``Goldstone current state,'' in which a gradient of a Goldstone field is spontaneously generated, is ferromagnetic due to the axial anomaly. We estimate the size of the fields created by such a state in a typical neutron star to be of order 10^{14}-10^{15} G.Comment: 18 pages, v2: added a discussion of the energy cost of neutralizing the domain wall charg

    Clustering of vacancy defects in high-purity semi-insulating SiC

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    Positron lifetime spectroscopy was used to study native vacancy defects in semi-insulating silicon carbide. The material is shown to contain (i) vacancy clusters consisting of 4--5 missing atoms and (ii) Si vacancy related negatively charged defects. The total open volume bound to the clusters anticorrelates with the electrical resistivity both in as-grown and annealed material. Our results suggest that Si vacancy related complexes compensate electrically the as-grown material, but migrate to increase the size of the clusters during annealing, leading to loss of resistivity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Real-time pion propagation in finite-temperature QCD

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    We argue that in QCD near the chiral limit, at all temperatures below the chiral phase transition, the dispersion relation of soft pions can be expressed entirely in terms of three temperature-dependent quantities: the pion screening mass, a pion decay constant, and the axial isospin susceptibility. The definitions of these quantities are given in terms of equal-time (static) correlation functions. Thus, all three quantities can be determined directly by lattice methods. The precise meaning of the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relation at finite temperature is given.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures; v2: discussion on the region of applicability expanded, to be published in PR

    Characterizing HMX/AP Cocrystal Propellant Through Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence

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    Energetic cocrystals, or energetic materials that consist of two or more components that form a unique crystalline structure with unique properties, are currently being investigated as a possible method for decreasing the sensitivity of high energy density explosives for use in powerful solid composite propellants. Fuels more powerful than those in current use have not been practical because of their increased safety hazard due to higher sensitivity to being ignited. This has been one of the barriers that has prevented solid composite propellants from seeing significant improvements in performance. This study is an attempt to characterize a cocrystal of HMX and ammonium perchlorate (AP) of 2:3 molar mass ratio. The cocrystal was compared to the equivalent physical mix and baseline propellants of HMX and AP. Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) was performed to measure hydroxyl (OH) concentrations in the propellants’ flames. It appeared that the flame structure of the cocrystal was very similar to that of HMX, as well as the distribution of OH concentrations around the flame. The results were inconclusive, and it is believed that the cocrystal’s constituents were not sufficiently bonded at the molecular level; thus, the cocrystal was instead more a mixture of smaller individual crystals of HMX and AP. Future research could include cocrystals created by varying methods, and perform cyano (CN) PLIF to characterize these cocrystals, which may display a better defined region of interest in the flame that can be more closely studied and answer more questions

    Development of a telescope for medium-energy gamma-ray astronomy

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    The Advanced Energetic Pair Telescope (AdEPT) is being developed at GSFC as a future NASA MIDEX mission to explore the medium-energy (5–200 MeV) gamma-ray range. The enabling technology for AdEPT is the Three- Dimensional Track Imager (3-DTI), a gaseous time projection chamber. The high spatial resolution 3-D electron tracking of 3-DTI enables AdEPT to achieve high angular resolution gamma-ray imaging via pair production and triplet production (pair production on electrons) in the medium-energy range. The low density and high spatial resolution of 3-DTI allows the electron positron track directions to be measured before they are dominated by Coulomb scattering. Further, the significant reduction of Coulomb scattering allows AdEPT to be the first medium-energy gamma-ray telescope to have high gamma-ray polarization sensitivity. We review the science goals that can be addressed with a medium-energy pair telescope, how these goals drive the telescope design, and the realization of this design with AdEPT. The AdEPT telescope for a future MIDEX mission is envisioned as a 8 m3 active volume filled with argon at 2 atm. The design and performance of the 3-DTI detectors for the AdEPT telescope are described as well as the outstanding instrument challenges that need to be met for the AdEPT mission

    Trick or Heat? Manipulating Critical Temperature-Based Control Systems Using Rectification Attacks

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    Temperature sensing and control systems are widely used in the closed-loop control of critical processes such as maintaining the thermal stability of patients, or in alarm systems for detecting temperature-related hazards. However, the security of these systems has yet to be completely explored, leaving potential attack surfaces that can be exploited to take control over critical systems. In this paper we investigate the reliability of temperature-based control systems from a security and safety perspective. We show how unexpected consequences and safety risks can be induced by physical-level attacks on analog temperature sensing components. For instance, we demonstrate that an adversary could remotely manipulate the temperature sensor measurements of an infant incubator to cause potential safety issues, without tampering with the victim system or triggering automatic temperature alarms. This attack exploits the unintended rectification effect that can be induced in operational and instrumentation amplifiers to control the sensor output, tricking the internal control loop of the victim system to heat up or cool down. Furthermore, we show how the exploit of this hardware-level vulnerability could affect different classes of analog sensors that share similar signal conditioning processes. Our experimental results indicate that conventional defenses commonly deployed in these systems are not sufficient to mitigate the threat, so we propose a prototype design of a low-cost anomaly detector for critical applications to ensure the integrity of temperature sensor signals.Comment: Accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 201

    Cooper pairing near charged black holes

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    We show that a quartic contact interaction between charged fermions can lead to Cooper pairing and a superconducting instability in the background of a charged asymptotically Anti-de Sitter black hole. For a massless fermion we obtain the zero mode analytically and compute the dependence of the critical temperature T_c on the charge of the fermion. The instability we find occurs at charges above a critical value, where the fermion dispersion relation near the Fermi surface is linear. The critical temperature goes to zero as the marginal Fermi liquid is approached, together with the density of states at the Fermi surface. Besides the charge, the critical temperature is controlled by a four point function of a fermionic operator in the dual strongly coupled field theory.Comment: 1+33 pages, 4 figure

    On the sign of the dilaton in the soft wall models

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    We elaborate on the existence of a spurious massless scalar mode in the vector channel of soft-wall models with incorrectly chosen sign of the exponential profile defining the wall. We re-iterate the point made in our earlier paper and demonstrate that the presence of the mode is robust, depending only on the infra-red asymptotics of the wall. We also re-emphasize that desired confinement properties can be realized with the correct sign choice.Comment: 10 page
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