1,759 research outputs found

    A Borel-Cantelli lemma for intermittent interval maps

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    We consider intermittent maps T of the interval, with an absolutely continuous invariant probability measure \mu. Kim showed that there exists a sequence of intervals A_n such that \sum \mu(A_n)=\infty, but \{A_n\} does not satisfy the dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemma, i.e., for almost every x, the set \{n : T^n(x)\in A_n\} is finite. If \sum \Leb(A_n)=\infty, we prove that \{A_n\} satisfies the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Our results apply in particular to some maps T whose correlations are not summable.Comment: 7 page

    Chaos and stability in a two-parameter family of convex billiard tables

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    We study, by numerical simulations and semi-rigorous arguments, a two-parameter family of convex, two-dimensional billiard tables, generalizing the one-parameter class of oval billiards of Benettin--Strelcyn [Phys. Rev. A 17, 773 (1978)]. We observe interesting dynamical phenomena when the billiard tables are continuously deformed from the integrable circular billiard to different versions of completely-chaotic stadia. In particular, we conjecture that a new class of ergodic billiard tables is obtained in certain regions of the two-dimensional parameter space, when the billiards are close to skewed stadia. We provide heuristic arguments supporting this conjecture, and give numerical confirmation using the powerful method of Lyapunov-weighted dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for publication. Supplementary video available at http://sistemas.fciencias.unam.mx/~dsanders

    The wave function of a gravitating shell

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    We have calculated a discrete spectrum and found an exact analytical solution in the form of Meixner polynomials for the wave function of a thin gravitating shell in the Reissner-Nordstrom geometry. We show that there is no extreme state in the quantum spectrum of the gravitating shell, as in the case of extreme black hole.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    A strong pair correlation bound implies the CLT for Sinai Billiards

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    For Dynamical Systems, a strong bound on multiple correlations implies the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) [ChMa]. In Chernov's paper [Ch2], such a bound is derived for dynamically Holder continuous observables of dispersing Billiards. Here we weaken the regularity assumption and subsequently show that the bound on multiple correlations follows directly from the bound on pair correlations. Thus, a strong bound on pair correlations alone implies the CLT, for a wider class of observables. The result is extended to Anosov diffeomorphisms in any dimension.Comment: 13 page

    Thermodynamic entropy production fluctuation in a two dimensional shear flow model

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    We investigate fluctuations in the momentum flux across a surface perpendicular to the velocity gradient in a stationary shear flow maintained by either thermostated deterministic or by stochastic boundary conditions. In the deterministic system the Gallavotti-Cohen (GC)relation for the probability of large deviations, which holds for the phase space volume contraction giving the Gibbs ensemble entropy production, never seems to hold for the flux which gives the hydrodynamic entropy production. In the stochastic case the GC relation is found to hold for the total flux, as predicted by extensions of the GC theorem but not for the flux across part of the surface. The latter appear to satisfy a modified GC relation. Similar results are obtained for the heat flux in a steady state produced by stochastic boundaries at different temperatures.Comment: 9 postscript figure

    Khinchin theorem for integral points on quadratic varieties

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    We prove an analogue the Khinchin theorem for the Diophantine approximation by integer vectors lying on a quadratic variety. The proof is based on the study of a dynamical system on a homogeneous space of the orthogonal group. We show that in this system, generic trajectories visit a family of shrinking subsets infinitely often.Comment: 19 page

    Dynamics of some piecewise smooth Fermi-Ulam Models

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    We find a normal form which describes the high energy dynamics of a class of piecewise smooth Fermi-Ulam ping pong models; depending on the value of a single real parameter, the dynamics can be either hyperbolic or elliptic. In the first case we prove that the set of orbits undergoing Fermi acceleration has zero measure but full Hausdorff dimension. We also show that for almost every orbit the energy eventually falls below a fixed threshold. In the second case we prove that, generically, we have stable periodic orbits for arbitrarily high energies, and that the set of Fermi accelerating orbits may have infinite measure.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Normal transport properties for a classical particle coupled to a non-Ohmic bath

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    We study the Hamiltonian motion of an ensemble of unconfined classical particles driven by an external field F through a translationally-invariant, thermal array of monochromatic Einstein oscillators. The system does not sustain a stationary state, because the oscillators cannot effectively absorb the energy of high speed particles. We nonetheless show that the system has at all positive temperatures a well-defined low-field mobility over macroscopic time scales of order exp(-c/F). The mobility is independent of F at low fields, and related to the zero-field diffusion constant D through the Einstein relation. The system therefore exhibits normal transport even though the bath obviously has a discrete frequency spectrum (it is simply monochromatic) and is therefore highly non-Ohmic. Such features are usually associated with anomalous transport properties
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