37 research outputs found

    Social Media, Gender and the Mediatisation of War: Exploring the German Armed Forces’ Visual Representation of the Afghanistan Operation on Facebook

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    Studies on the mediatisation of war point to attempts of governments to regulate the visual perspective of their involvements in armed conflict – the most notable example being the practice of ‘embedded reporting’ in Iraq and Afghanistan. This paper focuses on a different strategy of visual meaning-making, namely, the publication of images on social media by armed forces themselves. Specifically, we argue that the mediatisation of war literature could profit from an increased engagement with feminist research, both within Critical Security/Critical Military Studies and within Science and Technology Studies that highlight the close connection between masculinity, technology and control. The article examines the German military mission in Afghanistan as represented on the German armed forces’ official Facebook page. Germany constitutes an interesting, and largely neglected, case for the growing literature on the mediatisation of war: its strong antimilitarist political culture makes the representation of war particularly delicate. The paper examines specific representational patterns of Germany’s involvement in Afghanistan and discusses the implications which arise from what is placed inside the frame of visibility and what remains out of its view

    Capture électronique par des ions lents multichargés lors de collisions d'échange de charge sur des cibles atomiques

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    Single and double electron capture cross sections for low velocity Ar q+ ions with initial charges 2 ≤ q ≤ 12 colliding with gaseous targets (Kr and Xe) have been measured. In the considered energy range (2 q-10 q keV) it is confirmed that the cross section for single electron capture is quasi energy independent. Comparisons of the actual results are made to theoretically calculated and to previously measured cross-sections. It is shown from all our results that an experimental tendency is observed for σq,q-1 : σq,q-1 ~ Cte q/[IP]3 where q is the incident ion charge, IP the target ionization potential.On présente les résultats de mesure de la section efficace de capture d'un et deux électrons par des ions Arq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 12) d'énergie comprise entre 2 q et 10 q keV effectuant des collisions d'échange de charge sur des cibles atomiques (Kr et Xe). Après comparaison à des résultats théoriques et à des résultats expérimentaux, on déduit de l'ensemble de nos résultats, une tendance expérimentale selon laquelle σ q,q-1 ~ Cte q/[PI]3 où q est la charge de l'ion incident et PI est le potentiel d'ionisation de la particule cible

    Charge exchange cross sections of argon ions colliding with rare gas targets at keV energies

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    Single electron capture cross sections have been measured for argon ions with initial charge 2 ≤ q ≤ 12 incident on rare gas targets of helium, neon and argon. The cross sections measured in the energy range 2 q-10 q keV are quasi energy independent. It is observed that the cross sections show oscillations about a mean linear variation in charge. The cross sections show a dependence on the target ionization potential.Les sections efficaces d'échange de charge ont été mesurées pour les ions Arq+ de charge initiale 2 ≤ q ≤ 12 incidents sur des gaz rares : hélium, néon et argon. Les sections efficaces mesurées dans le domaine d'énergie 2 q-10 q keV sont indépendantes de l'énergie. On observe que les valeurs des sections efficaces oscillent autour d'une variation moyenne linéaire en charge. Les sections efficaces présentent une dépendance par rapport au potentiel d'ionisation de la cible

    Sections efficaces d'échange de charges dans la collision des ions multichargés Oq+ et Nq + sur le deutérium moléculaire

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    The cross-section for one or two electron capture in the collision of O q+ ions (2 ≤ q ≤ 8) and Nq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 7) on molecular deuterium is studied. The energy range under consideration extends from 2 q to 10 q keV. It is shown that the charge exchange cross-section for one electron varies as q but shows an oscillating behaviour around this line.On étudie la section efficace de capture d'un ou de deux électrons par les ions Nq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 7) et Oq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 8) sur le deutérium moléculaire. Le domaine d'énergie considéré est compris entre 2 q et 10 q keV. La section efficace de capture d'un électron varie en moyenne proportionnellement à q mais montre un comportement oscillatoire

    Charge changing collision cross sections of atomic ions

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    SIGLEAvailable from CEN Saclay, Service de Documentation, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France) / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Désintégration de 143La

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    The decay of 143La has been investigated. Sources have been obtained from 2 isotope separators (ISERE, OSIRIS). 12 gamma rays, with the most intense at 620 keV representing only 1.4 % of decay, have been attributed to the 143La decay. A level scheme has been found and compared with the one deduced from (d, p) and (n, γ) reactions on 142Ce.La désintégration de 143La a été étudiée avec des sources obtenues à partir de deux séparateurs d'isotopes (ISERE et OSIRIS). 12 raies gamma, dont la plus intense à 620 keV représente seulement 1,4% des désintégrations, ont été attribuées au 143La, et placées dans un schéma de niveaux, qui a été comparé à celui obtenu à partir de réactions (d, p) ou (n, γ) sur 142Ce

    Capture multiple d'électrons dans la collision des ions multiplement chargés d'argon sur l'argon

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    Two and three electron capture cross sections have been measured for multiply-charged argon ions Arq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 12) on an argon target. The cross sections σq,q-2 and σ q,q-3 are smaller than σq,q-1 and show little dependence on the ion energy for the energy range studied, 2 q to 10 q keV. The structure in the cross section as a function of the initial charge is in agreement with the structure observed in the σ q,q-1 cross section.Les sections efficaces de capture multiple — deux et trois électrons — ont été mesurées dans le cas d'ions Arq+ (2 ≤ q ≤ 12) effectuant des collisions d'échange de charge sur l'argon. On remarque que les sections efficaces σq,q-2 et σq,q -3 sont petites devant σq,q-1. Elles sont, dans le domaine d'énergie considéré 2 q - 10 q keV quasi indépendantes de l'énergie. La structure de la variation de la section efficace en fonction de la charge initiale est en correspondance avec la variation de σ q,q- 1

    Learning structural knowledge from the ECG

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    We tackle the problem of discovering, without the "manual " aid of an expert, implicit relations and temporal constraints from a collection of dated events detected on temporally structured signals

    Jules Horowitz reactor.development of an experimental loop integrating an optimized irradiation process.

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    International audienceExperimental reactors enable researchers to address industry and scientific organiza-tion's needs, by providing support to the existing nuclear reactors (Gen.2), by prepar-ing the future generations of reactors (Gen.3, Gen.4) or by supporting fusion related issues and medical applications. It is for this specific purpose that the Jules Horowitz Polyvalent Irradiation Reactor (JHR) is under construction at the CEA Cadarache Research Center (located South of France). This Material Testing Reactor (MTR type) is designed to irradiate materials or fuel samples to conduct various types of experimental tests. The reactor will also produce Mo99 radioelements that will supply 25% to 50% of current European needs.The purpose of this paper is to describe a new fuel irradiation loop, called ADELINE, specifically dedicated to study fuel rod behavior under power ramp transients. The de-sign of the instrumented loop is still ongoing but the test device will be fully operational when JHR will start. ADELINE loop is planned to perform various types of power ramps, from slow to high ramp rates, from low to very high power changes, on different types of fuel concepts such as regular fuel, PCI resistant fuel, Enhanced Accident Tolerant fuel concepts, etc). The main feature of the test device is to provide the industry with well characterized ramps tests allowing defining reliable SCC-PCI (Stress Corrosion Cracking-Pellet Cladding Interaction) failure thresholds. In order to increase its irradiation capacity (2 to 3 power ramps per JHR cycle), each phase of the experimental procedure has been carefully optimized for instance, non-destructive examinations are performed before and after the test in JHR hot cells, specific loading tools have been designed to facilitate the handling phases or reliable test protocols have been qualified on a similar test device (like the one used in OSIRIS). The objective is to fulfill all the customers' needs, in a high quality experimental environment

    Etude expérimentale de la production de deutérons négatifs par double échange de charges dans le xénon

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    It is thought that additional heating of fusion plasma will result from D0 energetic beam injection in large plasma devices. Due to the fact that the conversion rate D+ to D0 rapidly decreases at high énergies, it seems that an interesting way to get these high energy neutrals should be : conversion of D+ to D-, acceleration of D- and further neutralization of D- to have D 0 at the desired energy. The efficiency of D+ to D- and D +2 to D- conversions at low énergies have been studied on a Xe gas target : it appears that D-/D+ conversion efficiency shows a smooth variation peaking slightly at 5 % for a D + energy of 5 keV. D-/D+2 increases up to 4 % at 12 keV and then decreases. It is shown that the agreement between sample calculation results and experimental values is quite fair for D -/D+.Dans la perspective du chauffage des plasmas de fusion, on envisage d'utiliser des faisceaux de deutérons D0 de grande énergie. Afin d'obtenir ces faisceaux, il convient de procéder à la conversion d'ions D+ en ions D-, ceux-ci devant être accélérés ultérieurement aux énergies intéressantes pour le chauffage. Les résultats présentés concernent donc l'évaluation du rendement de conversion D+ → D- et D+2 → D- en en fonction de l'énergie. La conversion D+/D- passe par un maximum à 6 keV (5 à 6 %), en accord raisonnable avec les estimations théoriques. La conversion D+2 /D- atteint une valeur de 2 à 3 % vers 12 keV. Pour ce dernier processus il n'existe pas, en l'état actuel, de modèle théorique. Les expériences ont été conduites dans le xénon, gaz cible du double échange de charge