38 research outputs found

    Effect of surfactants on refractory material properties

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    Results are provided for a study of the effect of Termoplast series plastifiers on structure formation for specimens based on chamotte and fired bauxite under laboratory and industrial conditions. A favorable effect is demonstrated for test additions both on compaction during pressing, and also on object strength properties after firing.With introduction of Termoplast T3 into commercial mixes in an amount of 0.5% total object porosity is reduced from 256-30 to 10-15%, and ultimate strength in compression increases from 30-35 to 40-50 MPa. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Effect of surfactants on refractory material properties

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    Collinear laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes of zirconium

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    Isotope shifts and hyperfine structures have been measured for radioisotopes of ionic zirconium using on-line laser spectroscopy at the IGISOL facility in Jyväskylä, where the installation of an ion beam cooler/buncher has significantly improved the experimental sensitivity. Measurements have been made on all the neutron-deficient isotopes from 87Zr to 90Zr, including the isomers 87m,89mZr, and the neutron-rich isotopes from 96Zr to 102Zr. The change in mean square charge radii between the isotopes and the nuclear moments of the odd isotopes have been extracted. The data show a sudden increase in the mean square charge radius at mass A = 100, consistent with an onset of nuclear deformation which has been observed in the gamma ray spectroscopy of isotope chains in this region of the nuclear chart.</p

    COMPLIS experiments : COllaboration for spectroscopy Measurements using a Pulsed Laser Ion Source

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    Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on very neutron-deficient isotopes of Au, Pt and Ir, produced as daughter elements from a Hg ISOLDE beam. For these transitional region nuclides, the hyperfine structure (HFS) and isotope shift (IS) were measured by Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS). Magnetic moments μ, spectroscopic quadrupole moments Qs and changes of the nuclear mean square charge radius δ〈rc 2〉along isotopic series have been extracted. For some results, a detailed comparison with theoretical predictions is presented. (Springer

    Hyperfine splitting and isotope shift in the optical transition

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    The laser-induced resonance fluorescence in an atomic beam was used in order to measure the hyperfine splitting of the 4ƒ76s2 8S7/2 and 4ƒ76s6p 6P5/2 levels in 151,153,155 Eu isotopes. The hfs constants A and B of the unstable 155Eu were determined for the first time: Aexp(155,8S7/2) = -8.78(3) MHz, Aexp(155,6P5/2) = -261.68(11) MHz and Bexp(155, 6P5/2) = -941(1) MHz. With these data and after corrections for second-order hyperfine structure perturbations the nuclear moments of 155Eu were deduced: μ(155) = 1.520(2) n.m. and Qs(155) = 2.494(20) b. In addition new and more precise values of the hfs constants of the excited state for the stable 151,153Eu were obtained. They are as follows: Aexp(151, 6P5/2 = -591.92(9) MHz, Bexp(151, 6P5/2) = -354.58(97) MHz and Aexp(153, 6P5/2) = -263.19(8) MHz, Bexp(153, 6P5/2) = -922.07(79) MHz. The hyperfine anomalies 151Δ153 = 0.74(4)% and 153Δ155 = 0.27(34)% were extracted from the corrected hfs constants