76 research outputs found

    Derivative pricing for a multi-curve extension of the Gaussian, exponentially quadratic short rate model

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    The recent financial crisis has led to so-called multi-curve models for the term structure. Here we study a multi-curve extension of short rate models where, in addition to the short rate itself, we introduce short rate spreads. In particular, we consider a Gaussian factor model where the short rate and the spreads are second order polynomials of Gaussian factor processes. This leads to an exponentially quadratic model class that is less well known than the exponentially affine class. In the latter class the factors enter linearly and for positivity one considers square root factor processes. While the square root factors in the affine class have more involved distributions, in the quadratic class the factors remain Gaussian and this leads to various advantages, in particular for derivative pricing. After some preliminaries on martingale modeling in the multi-curve setup, we concentrate on pricing of linear and optional derivatives. For linear derivatives, we exhibit an adjustment factor that allows one to pass from pre-crisis single curve values to the corresponding post-crisis multi-curve values

    On multicurve models for the term structure

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    In the context of multi-curve modeling we consider a two-curve setup, with one curve for discounting (OIS swap curve) and one for generating future cash flows (LIBOR for a give tenor). Within this context we present an approach for the clean-valuation pricing of FRAs and CAPs (linear and nonlinear derivatives) with one of the main goals being also that of exhibiting an "adjustment factor" when passing from the one-curve to the two-curve setting. The model itself corresponds to short rate modeling where the short rate and a short rate spread are driven by affine factors; this allows for correlation between short rate and short rate spread as well as to exploit the convenient affine structure methodology. We briefly comment also on the calibration of the model parameters, including the correlation factor.Comment: 16 page

    Epidemic variability in complex networks

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    We study numerically the variability of the outbreak of diseases on complex networks. We use a SI model to simulate the disease spreading at short times, in homogeneous and in scale-free networks. In both cases, we study the effect of initial conditions on the epidemic's dynamics and its variability. The results display a time regime during which the prevalence exhibits a large sensitivity to noise. We also investigate the dependence of the infection time on nodes' degree and distance to the seed. In particular, we show that the infection time of hubs have large fluctuations which limit their reliability as early-detection stations. Finally, we discuss the effect of the multiplicity of shortest paths between two nodes on the infection time. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the existence of even longer paths reduces the average infection time. These different results could be of use for the design of time-dependent containment strategies
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