75 research outputs found

    Blood Viscosity in Subjects With Normoglycemia and Prediabetes

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    OBJECTIVE Blood viscosity (BV) is higher in diabetic patients and might represent a risk factor for the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. However, data in subjects with normal glucose or prediabetes are missing. In the current study, we evaluated the relationship between BV and blood glucose in subjects with normal glucose or prediabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Enrolled subjects were divided into three groups according to blood glucose: group A ( n = 74), blood glucose <90 mg/dL; group B ( n = 96), blood glucose ranging from 90 to 99 mg/dL; and group C ( n = 94), blood glucose ranging from 100 to 125 mg/dL. BV was measured at 37°C with a cone-plate viscometer at shear rates ranging from 225 to 22.5 s−1. RESULTS Blood pressure, blood lipids, fibrinogen, and plasma viscosity were similar in the three groups. BMI and waist circumference were significantly increased in group C. Hematocrit ( P < 0.05) and BV ( P between 0.01 and 0.001) were significantly higher in groups B and C compared with group A. Blood glucose was significantly and inversely correlated with HDL cholesterol and directly with BMI, waist, hematocrit ( r = 0.134), and BV (from 225 s−1 to 22.5 s−1; r ranging from 0.162 to 0.131). BV at shear rate 225 s−1 was independently associated with blood glucose. CONCLUSIONS The current study shows a direct relationship between BV and blood glucose in nondiabetic subjects. It also suggests that, even within glucose values considered completely normal, individuals with higher blood glucose levels have increased BV comparable with that observed in subjects with prediabetes

    Flexible distributed Bragg reflectors as optical outcouplers for OLEDs based on a polymeric anode

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    Top-emitting OLEDs (TOLEDs) represent a promising technology for the development of next-generation flexible and rollable displays, thanks to their improved light outcoupling and their compatibility with opaque substrates. Metal thin films are the most used electrodes for the manufacturing of TOLEDs, but they show poor resistance to mechanical deformation, which compromises the long-term durability of flexible devices. This paper reports the exploitation of a dielectric mirror (DBR) based on seven pairs of TiO2 and SiO2 combined with a polymeric electrode as an alternative to the bottom metal electrode in flexible TOLEDs. The DBR showed a maximum reflectivity of 99.9% at about 550 nm, and a stop-band width of about 200 nm. The reflectivity remained unchanged after bending and treatment with water and solvents. Green TOLED devices were fabricated on top of DBRs, and demonstrated good stability in terms of electro-optical and colorimetric characteristics, according to varying viewing angles. These results demonstrate that the combination of the flexible DBR with the polymeric anode is an interesting strategy for improving the durability of flexible TOLEDs for display applications, implemented on different kinds of free-standing ultra-thin substrates

    Markers of insulin resistance and carotid atherosclerosis. A comparison of the homeostasis model assessment and triglyceride glucose index.

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    Summary Aims The present investigation was designed to test the association between carotid atherosclerosis and two simple markers of insulin resistance, i.e. HOMA-Index and TyG-Index. Materials and methods The study was performed in two different cohorts. In the first cohort, 330 individuals were enrolled. Blood pressure, lipids, glucose, waist and cigarette smoking were evaluated. HOMA-IR and TyG-Index were calculated as markers of prevalent hepatic and muscular insulin resistance respectively. Carotid atherosclerosis was assessed by Doppler ultrasonography. The association between cardiovascular risk factors, markers of insulin resistance and carotid atherosclerosis was assessed by multiple logistic regression analyses. In the second cohort, limited to the evaluation of TyG-Index, 1432 subjects were studied. Results In the first cohort, TyG-Index was significantly associated with carotid atherosclerosis in a model including age, sex, diabetes, cigarette smoking and LDL cholesterol, while HOMA-IR was not. When components of metabolic syndrome were added to the model as dichotomous variables (absent/present), TyG-Index retained its predictive power. The same result was obtained when the metabolic syndrome was added to the model (absence/presence). The association between TyG-Index and carotid atherosclerosis was confirmed in the second cohort. Conclusions The present findings suggest that TyG-Index is better associated with carotid atherosclerosis than HOMA-IR

    Effect of surface tension and drying time on inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS for ITO-free OLED devices

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    Abstract Highly conductive PEDOT:PSS is one of the most promising materials for indium tin oxide (ITO) substitution in printed electronics. Here, we report the development and optimisation of two PEDOT:PSS ink formulations for the fabrication of inkjet-printed transparent conductive layers. Starting from aqueous commercial solutions, co-solvents and a non-ionic surfactant were employed to modify the surface tension, improve the wetting capability of the ink, and obtain uniform and homogeneous thin films. In particular, the quantities of ethanol and surfactant were systematically adjusted to determine the optimal conditions for inkjet printing. The results demonstrate that a surface tension value between 28 and 40 mN/m and approximately 40 vol.% of a low-boiling-point co-solvent are fundamental to ensure the proper wetting of the glass substrate and a quick-drying process that confers uniformity to the printed thin film. The printed PEDOT:PSS thin films show good morphological, optical, and electrical properties that are similar to those observed for the corresponding spin-coated layers. The organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) fabricated with the inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS electrodes showed a maximum quantum efficiency of 5.5% and maximum current efficiency of 15 cd/A, which is comparable to spin-coated reference devices. These results demonstrate the great potential of polymeric electrodes for the fabrication of high-efficiency printed OLED devices that are compatible with flexible and stretchable substrates

    “L’evoluzione geostorica del fiume Amaseno”

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    Il contributo si propone di illustrare l’evoluzione geo storica del Fiume Amaseno nel corso dei secoli XVII, XVIII e XIX attraverso la comparazione di alcune carte storiche conservate nei principali archivi del Lazio. L’analisi condotta ha permesso di ricostruire le dinamiche territoriali avvenute nella Valle dell’Amaseno e le vicende, spesso non prive di conflitti, tra le diverse comunità per l’uso del territorio. Un’area che per lunghi anni ù stata caratterizzata da continui impaludamenti che rendevano inagibile il territorio a causa delle frequenti esondazioni del Fiume Amaseno e che solo con le Bonifiche Integrali degli anni Trenta del Novecento si ù riusciti a risolvere

    Organic light emitting field effect transistors based on an ambipolar p-i-n layered structure

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    A bottom contact/top gate ambipolar "p-i-n" layered light emitting field effect transistor with the active medium inserted between two doped transport layers, is reported. The doping profile results crucial to the capability of emitting light, as well as to the electrical characteristics of the device. In this sense, high output current at relative low applied gate/drain voltage and light emission along the whole large area transistor channel are observed, putting the basis to full integration of organic light emitting field effect transistors in planar complex devices

    Spray coating fabrication of organic solar cells bypassing the limit of orthogonal solvents

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    The development of alternative deposition techniques is an important step towards the realization of low cost multilayered organic solar cells. While spin-coating needs orthogonal solvents to avoid an intermixing of stacked layers, thermal evaporation is expensive and not applicable to polymers. We show here how an innovative deposition technique called dry spray-coating may represent a promising way to manufacture bulk-hetero-junction (BHJ) and multilayered solar cells. Using standard materials such as poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester, we achieved efficiency of 2.6% for the BHJ device, while a value of 1.5% was obtained for a bilayer structure using the same solvent for both materials. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC
