12,073 research outputs found

    Bohm and Einstein-Sasaki Metrics, Black Holes and Cosmological Event Horizons

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    We study physical applications of the Bohm metrics, which are infinite sequences of inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on spheres and products of spheres of dimension 5 <= d <= 9. We prove that all the Bohm metrics on S^3 x S^2 and S^3 x S^3 have negative eigenvalue modes of the Lichnerowicz operator and by numerical methods we establish that Bohm metrics on S^5 have negative eigenvalues too. We argue that all the Bohm metrics will have negative modes. These results imply that higher-dimensional black-hole spacetimes where the Bohm metric replaces the usual round sphere metric are classically unstable. We also show that the stability criterion for Freund-Rubin solutions is the same as for black-hole stability, and hence such solutions using Bohm metrics will also be unstable. We consider possible endpoints of the instabilities, and show that all Einstein-Sasaki manifolds give stable solutions. We show how Wick rotation of Bohm metrics gives spacetimes that provide counterexamples to a strict form of the Cosmic Baldness conjecture, but they are still consistent with the intuition behind the cosmic No-Hair conjectures. We show how the Lorentzian metrics may be created ``from nothing'' in a no-boundary setting. We argue that Lorentzian Bohm metrics are unstable to decay to de Sitter spacetime. We also argue that noncompact versions of the Bohm metrics have infinitely many negative Lichernowicz modes, and we conjecture a general relation between Lichnerowicz eigenvalues and non-uniqueness of the Dirichlet problem for Einstein's equations.Comment: 53 pages, 11 figure

    The Action of Instantons with Nut Charge

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    We examine the effect of a non-trivial nut charge on the action of non-compact four-dimensional instantons with a U(1) isometry. If the instanton action is calculated by dimensionally reducing along the isometry, then the nut charge is found to make an explicit non-zero contribution. For metrics satisfying AF, ALF or ALE boundary conditions, the action can be expressed entirely in terms of quantities (including the nut charge) defined on the fixed point set of the isometry. A source (or sink) of nut charge also implies the presence of a Misner string coordinate singularity, which will have an important effect on the Hamiltonian of the instanton.Comment: 25 page

    AdS3 Gravitational Instantons from Conformal Field Theory

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    A conformal field theory on the boundary of three-dimensional asymptotic anti-de Sitter spaces which appear as near horizon geometry of D-brane bound states is discussed. It is shown that partition functions of gravitational instantons appear as high and low temperature limits of the partition function of the conformal field theory. The result reproduces phase transition between the anti-de Sitter space and the BTZ black hole in the bulk gravity.Comment: 22 pages, minor correction

    Non-Abelian pp-waves in D=4 supergravity theories

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    The non-Abelian plane waves, first found in flat spacetime by Coleman and subsequently generalized to give pp-waves in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory, are shown to be 1/2 supersymmetric solutions of a wide variety of N=1 supergravity theories coupled to scalar and vector multiplets, including the theory of SU(2) Yang-Mills coupled to an axion \sigma and dilaton \phi recently obtained as the reduction to four-dimensions of the six-dimensional Salam-Sezgin model. In this latter case they provide the most general supersymmetric solution. Passing to the Riemannian formulation of this theory we show that the most general supersymmetric solution may be constructed starting from a self-dual Yang-Mills connection on a self-dual metric and solving a Poisson equation for e^\phi. We also present the generalization of these solutions to non-Abelian AdS pp-waves which allow a negative cosmological constant and preserve 1/4 of supersymmetry.Comment: Latex, 1+12 page

    The Finiteness Requirement for Six-Dimensional Euclidean Einstein Gravity

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    The finiteness requirement for Euclidean Einstein gravity is shown to be so stringent that only the flat metric is allowed. We examine counterterms in 4D and 6D Ricci-flat manifolds from general invariance arguments.Comment: 15 pages, Introduction is improved, many figures(eps

    Uniqueness and non-uniqueness of static vacuum black holes in higher dimensions

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    We prove the uniqueness theorem for asymptotically flat static vacuum black hole solutions in higher dimensional space-times. We also construct infinitely many non-asymptotically flat regular static black holes on the same spacetime manifold with the same spherical topology.Comment: to appear in Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No. 14

    Universal properties of the near-horizon optical geometry

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    We make use of the fact that the optical geometry near a static non-degenerate Killing horizon is asymptotically hyperbolic to investigate universal features of black hole physics. We show how the Gauss-Bonnet theorem allows certain lensing scenarios to be ruled in or out. We find rates for the loss of scalar, vector and fermionic `hair' as objects fall quasi- statically towards the horizon. In the process we find the Lienard-Wiechert potential for hyperbolic space and calculate the force between electrons mediated by neutrinos, extending the flat space result of Feinberg and Sucher. We use the enhanced conformal symmetry of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom backgrounds to re-derive the electrostatic field due to a point charge in a simple fashion

    More about Birkhoff's Invariant and Thorne's Hoop Conjecture for Horizons

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    A recent precise formulation of the hoop conjecture in four spacetime dimensions is that the Birkhoff invariant ÎČ\beta (the least maximal length of any sweepout or foliation by circles) of an apparent horizon of energy EE and area AA should satisfy ÎČ≀4πE\beta \le 4 \pi E. This conjecture together with the Cosmic Censorship or Isoperimetric inequality implies that the length ℓ\ell of the shortest non-trivial closed geodesic satisfies ℓ2≀πA\ell^2 \le \pi A. We have tested these conjectures on the horizons of all four-charged rotating black hole solutions of ungauged supergravity theories and find that they always hold. They continue to hold in the the presence of a negative cosmological constant, and for multi-charged rotating solutions in gauged supergravity. Surprisingly, they also hold for the Ernst-Wild static black holes immersed in a magnetic field, which are asymptotic to the Melvin solution. In five spacetime dimensions we define ÎČ\beta as the least maximal area of all sweepouts of the horizon by two-dimensional tori, and find in all cases examined that ÎČ(g)≀16π3E \beta(g) \le \frac{16 \pi}{3} E, which we conjecture holds quiet generally for apparent horizons. In even spacetime dimensions D=2N+2D=2N+2, we find that for sweepouts by the product S1×SD−4S^1 \times S^{D-4}, ÎČ\beta is bounded from above by a certain dimension-dependent multiple of the energy EE. We also find that ℓD−2\ell^{D-2} is bounded from above by a certain dimension-dependent multiple of the horizon area AA. Finally, we show that ℓD−3\ell^{D-3} is bounded from above by a certain dimension-dependent multiple of the energy, for all Kerr-AdS black holes.Comment: 25 page

    Black Hole Superpartners and Fixed Scalars

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    Some bosonic solutions of supergravities admit Killing spinors of unbroken supersymmetry. The anti-Killing spinors of broken supersymmetry can be used to generate the superpartners of stringy black holes. This has a consequent feedback on the metric and the graviphoton. We have found however that the fixed scalars for the black hole superpartners remain the same as for the original black holes. Possible phenomenological implications of this result are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, Late
