2,366 research outputs found

    How higher-spin gravity surpasses the spin two barrier: no-go theorems versus yes-go examples

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    Aiming at non-experts, we explain the key mechanisms of higher-spin extensions of ordinary gravity. We first overview various no-go theorems for low-energy scattering of massless particles in flat spacetime. In doing so we dress a dictionary between the S-matrix and the Lagrangian approaches, exhibiting their relative advantages and weaknesses, after which we high-light potential loop-holes for non-trivial massless dynamics. We then review positive yes-go results for non-abelian cubic higher-derivative vertices in constantly curved backgrounds. Finally we outline how higher-spin symmetry can be reconciled with the equivalence principle in the presence of a cosmological constant leading to the Fradkin--Vasiliev vertices and Vasiliev's higher-spin gravity with its double perturbative expansion (in terms of numbers of fields and derivatives).Comment: LaTeX, 50 pages, minor changes, many refs added; version accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Diversification, Integration and Emerging Market Closed-End Funds

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    Using an extensive new data set on U.S. and U.K.-traded closed- end funds, we examine the diversification benefits from emerging equity markets and the extent of their integration with global capital markets. To measure diversification benefits, we exploit the duality between Hansen-Jagannathan bounds [1991] and mean-standard deviation frontiers. We find significant diversification benefits for the U.K. country funds, but not for the U.S. funds. The difference appears to relate to differences in portfolio holdings. To investigate global market integration, we compute the reduction in expected returns an investor would be willing to accept to avoid investment barriers in six countries. We find evidence of investment restrictions for Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand, but not for Korea, the Philippines or Turkey.

    Interactions of a massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor. No-go results

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    Non-trivial, consistent interactions of a free, massless tensor field t_{\mu \nu |\alpha \beta} with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor are studied in the following cases: self-couplings, cross-interactions with a Pauli-Fierz field and cross-couplings with purely matter theories. The main results, obtained from BRST cohomological techniques under the assumptions on smoothness, locality, Lorentz covariance and Poincar\'{e} invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interacting Lagrangian is at most second-order derivative, can be synthesized into: no consistent self-couplings exist, but a cosmological-like term; no cross-interactions with the Pauli-Fierz field can be added; no non-trivial consistent cross-couplings with the matter theories such that the matter fields gain gauge transformations are allowed.Comment: for version 3: 45 pages, uses amssymb; shortened version, the three appendices from version 2 can be found in hep-th/040209

    Tensor gauge fields in arbitrary representations of GL(D,R): II. Quadratic actions

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    Quadratic, second-order, non-local actions for tensor gauge fields transforming in arbitrary irreducible representations of the general linear group in D-dimensional Minkowski space are explicitly written in a compact form by making use of Levi-Civita tensors. The field equations derived from these actions ensure the propagation of the correct massless physical degrees of freedom and are shown to be equivalent to non-Lagrangian local field equations proposed previously. Moreover, these actions allow a frame-like reformulation a la MacDowell-Mansouri, without any trace constraint in the tangent indices.Comment: LaTeX, 53 pages, no figure. Accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physics. Local Fierz-Pauli programme achieved by completing the analysis of Labastid

    Gauge invariant approach to low-spin anomalous conformal currents and shadow fields

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    Conformal low-spin anomalous currents and shadow fields in flat space-time of dimension greater than or equal to four are studied. Gauge invariant formulation for such currents and shadow fields is developed. Gauge symmetries are realized by involving Stueckelberg and auxiliary fields. Gauge invariant differential constraints for anomalous currents and shadow fields and realization of global conformal symmetries are obtained. Gauge invariant two-point vertices for anomalous shadow fields are also obtained. In Stueckelberg gauge frame, these gauge invariant vertices become the standard two-point vertices of CFT. Light-cone gauge two-point vertices of the anomalous shadow fields are derived. AdS/CFT correspondence for anomalous currents and shadow fields and the respective normalizable and non-normalizable solutions of massive low-spin AdS fields is studied. The bulk fields are considered in modified de Donder gauge that leads to decoupled equations of motion. We demonstrate that leftover on-shell gauge symmetries of bulk massive fields correspond to gauge symmetries of boundary anomalous currents and shadow fields, while the modified (Lorentz) de Donder gauge conditions for bulk massive fields correspond to differential constraints for boundary anomalous currents and shadow fields.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX4, v2: Sections 9C and 10C extended. Typos correcte

    Consistent couplings between spin-2 and spin-3 massless fields

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    We solve the problem of constructing consistent first-order cross-interactions between spin-2 and spin-3 massless fields in flat spacetime of arbitrary dimension n > 3 and in such a way that the deformed gauge algebra is non-Abelian. No assumptions are made on the number of derivatives involved in the Lagrangian, except that it should be finite. Together with locality, we also impose manifest Poincare invariance, parity invariance and analyticity of the deformations in the coupling constants.Comment: LaTeX file. 29 pages, no figures. Minor corrections. Accepted for publication in JHE
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