10 research outputs found

    Variable-range hopping in quasi-one-dimensional electron crystals

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    We study the effect of impurities on the ground state and the low-temperature dc transport in a 1D chain and quasi-1D systems of many parallel chains. We assume that strong interactions impose a short-range periodicicity of the electron positions. The long-range order of such an electron crystal (or equivalently, a 4kF4 k_F charge-density wave) is destroyed by impurities. The 3D array of chains behaves differently at large and at small impurity concentrations NN. At large NN, impurities divide the chains into metallic rods. The low-temperature conductivity is due to the variable-range hopping of electrons between the rods. It obeys the Efros-Shklovskii (ES) law and increases exponentially as NN decreases. When NN is small, the metallic-rod picture of the ground state survives only in the form of rare clusters of atypically short rods. They are the source of low-energy charge excitations. In the bulk the charge excitations are gapped and the electron crystal is pinned collectively. A strongly anisotropic screening of the Coulomb potential produces an unconventional linear in energy Coulomb gap and a new law of the variable-range hopping lnσ(T1/T)2/5-\ln\sigma \sim (T_1 / T)^{2/5}. T1T_1 remains constant over a finite range of impurity concentrations. At smaller NN the 2/5-law is replaced by the Mott law, where the conductivity gets suppressed as NN goes down. Thus, the overall dependence of σ\sigma on NN is nonmonotonic. In 1D, the granular-rod picture and the ES apply at all NN. The conductivity decreases exponentially with NN. Our theory provides a qualitative explanation for the transport in organic charge-density wave compounds.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. (v1) The abstract is abridged to 24 lines. For the full abstract, see the manuscript (v2) several changes in presentation per referee's comments. No change in result

    Comparison of Blue Light-Filtering IOLs and UV Light-Filtering IOLs for Cataract Surgery: A Meta-Analysis

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    Background: A number of published randomized controlled trials have been conducted to evaluate visual performance of blue light-filtering intraocular lenses (IOL) and UV light-filtering intraocular lenses (IOL) after cataract phacoemulsification surgery. However, results have not always been consistent. Therefore, we carried out a meta-analysis to compare the effectiveness of blue light-filtering IOLs versus UV light-filtering IOLs in cataract surgery. Methods and Findings: Comprehensive searches of PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and the Chinese BioMedical literature databases were performed using web-based search engines. Fifteen trials (1690 eyes) were included for systematic review, and 11 of 15 studies were included in this meta-analysis. The results showed that there were no significant differences in postoperative mean best corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, overall color vision, or in the blue light spectrum under photopic light conditions between blue light-filtering IOLs and UV light-filtering IOLs [WMD = 20.01, 95%CI (20.03, 0.01), P = 0.46; WMD = 0.07, 95%CI (20.04, 0.19), P = 0.20; SMD = 0.14, 95%CI (20.33, 0.60), P = 0.566; SMD = 0.20, 95%CI (20.04, 0.43), P = 0.099]. However, color vision with blue light-filtering IOLs was significantly reduced in the blue light spectrum under mesopic light conditions [SMD = 0.74, 95%CI (0.29, 1.18), P = 0.001]. Conclusion: This meta-analysis demonstrates that postoperative visual performance with blue light-filtering IOLs is approximately equal to that of UV light-filtering IOLs after cataract surgery, but color vision with blue light-filtering IOL

    Electron mechanism for the tilting transition in La2-x SrxCuO4

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    It is shown that the tilting deformation is couplet to the electrons through the tilting induced variation of the Umklapp matrix elements. The latter are important only for small concentrations of Sr if the electron-electron interaction, (which are assumed to be repulsive), are reasonably small. The leading term in the resulting deformation energy is quadratic in the tilting deformation and leads to the critical devease of the tilting mode frequency when the temperature is lowered. The resistivity, although enhanced by Umklapps, is continuous through the tilting transition. The model bears some ressemblence to that developed previously for 4k F deformations in organic superconductors. Some consequences of the model for the high Tc superconductivity are briefly discussed.Nous montrons que la déformation qui fait onduler les plans CuO2 est couplée aux électrons par l'intermédiaire de la variation des éléments de matrice Umklapp dans l'interaction électron-électron. Ces derniers ne sont importants que pour de faibles concentrations de Sr, si les interactions, supposées alors répulsives, sont suffisamments petites. Le premier terme dans la contribution à l'énergie de déformation est quadratique en déformation et diminue de façon critique la fréquence des modes d'ondulation lorque la température décroît. La résistivité, bien qu'augmentée par Umklapp, est continue à travers la transition à la phase ondulée. Notre modèle ressemble quelque peu à celui développé précédemment pour les supraconducteurs organiques. Nous discutons aussi brièvement les propriétés du modèle qui concernent la supraconductivité à Tc élevée