425 research outputs found

    Primi segnali di spontaneizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) in Sicilia.

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    Si riportano i primi casi di naturalizzazione di Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) osservati in Sicilia

    Un nuovo caso di spontaneizzazione incipiente: Lagunaria patersonia (Andrews) G. Don (Malvaceae) in Sicilia

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    In questa nota si riporta l’incipiente processo di naturalizzazione in Sicilia di Lagunaria patersonia (Andrews) G. Don, un albero australiano sempreverde di media grandezza appartenente alla famiglia delle Malvaceae


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    Plumbago auriculata Lam. (Plumbaginaceae) in western Sicily: new data on its spread as casual alien. In questa nota si fornisce un quadro aggiornato sui casi di naturalizzazione di Plumbago auriculata Lam. (Plumbaginaceae) nella Sicilia occidentale e sul suo status invasivo a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Questa xenofita viene segnalata per la prima volta in diverse aree delle province di Agrigento, Palermo e Trapani, dopo essere stata segnalata per la prima volta presso l'isola di Linosa, nell'arcipelago delle Pelagie

    Acacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don (Leguminosae) in Italy: first cases of naturalization

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    Linosa (Pelagie Islands, Strait of Sicily). A decade later, this alien plant should no longer be considered as a casual, since a very intensive process of self-sown regeneration has been observed in some plantations on Lampedusa, the major island of the same Archipelago. The available literature suggests the need for careful monitoring of the ongoing invasion process, as A. cyclops has already shown a very invasive behaviour elsewhere within Mediterranean-type biomes due to its ability to withstand high environmental stresses. As migrating birds are suspected to have played an important role in facilitating the arrival of A. cyclops, further propagules are likely to reach the islands in the future. We recommend that new plantations of A. cyclops should be forbidden, but that extant naturalized populations should be managed instead of eradicating them. In fact, the effect of Acacia plantations warrants investigation at different scales in order to assess their impact on local plant-diversity and ecological succession processes

    Primi casi di naturalizzazione del noce nero (Juglans nigra L.) (Juglandaceae) in Sicilia

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    Il presente studio riporta i primi casi di naturalizzazione del noce nero in Sicilia. Il possibile ruolo giocato dagli animali disseminatori e dalle condizioni climatiche locali sono stati discussi

    Nicodemia madagascariensis (Lam.) R. Parker (Family Scrophulariaceae), a casual alien plant new to Italy

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    In this note the authors report the first case of naturalization of the Malagasy smoke bush within Italian territory. Along with a description of the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the invaded site, the current demographic and dynamic trends of the detected population by means of growth-ring analysis was also assessed. Moreover, an overview on the history of its introduction in Europe is provided, underlining the key role played by the Mediterranean cities with respect to the acclimatization and spread of alien tropical and subtropical plants. Due to its low frequency under cultivation, the Malagasy smoke bush should not behave as an invader in the future; on the other hand, its ability to cover and smother neighbouring trees in very short times, make its spread within the whole Mediterranean area worth regular monitoring

    The recent spread of the invasive woody alien plant Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae) in Sicily

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    This paper aims at reporting the ongoing process of naturalization of Melia azedarach L. in Sicily. In fact, over half a century after the first detection of spontaneous self-sown seedlings, an abrupt increase of naturalization cases has been recorded by the authors during the last twenty years. More in detail, M. azedarach successfully colonized many suburban lowland areas along the coasts of the island which are characterised by thermo-Mediterranean bioclimate. According to both field and literature data, a gradual spread of M. azedarach in the island can be expected, although it is not possible to predict the speed with which this will occur. Historical information on its introduction at global and local scales and on the traditional use of its seeds is provided, too


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    In questa nota si fornisce un quadro aggiornato sui casi di naturalizzazione di Anredera cordifolia in Sicilia e sul suo status invasivo a livello nazionale. Questa xenofita viene inoltre segnalata per la prima volta per le province di Agrigento, Palermo e Trapani

    The occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in Betula aetnensis Raf. roots: from ecological role to conservation strategies

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    Betula aetnensis Raf. is an endemic tree species of particular conservation value. It only thrives in the north-eastern slopes of Mount Etna (Sicily), from 1200 to 2100 m a.s.l. This pioneer plant is able to begin primary succession on nutrient-poor and water-limited soils (C = 0.17%; N = 0.05 \u2030; P2O5 = 4.1 ppm), where beneficial mycorrhizal fungi (MF) may play a crucial role. In order to investigate MF role in B. aetnensis, plant roots from natural sites and nursery grown specimens were analyzed for both ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal structures. Typical structures of both symbiosis were detected by root staining and morphological observations. Ectomycorrhizae (EM) were more abundant in natural sites ( 4888%) than in nursery ( 4877%). Clear morphological differences in the EM root tips suggest the occurrence of different fungal species. About 50% of roots had arbuscular structures, both in natural habitats and nursery. The community structure of EM and AM fungal symbionts was characterized by DGGE analysis. Mycorrhizal dependence trials are in progress to elucidate the relative importance of ectoand endomycorrhizal symbionts for this endemism, whose conservation could be strongly linked to mutualistic associations established at root level

    Neuroprotezione del paziente con glaucoma cronico ad angolo aperto:ruolo della Citicolina in soluzione orale

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    Aim: To verify the efficacy of Citicoline, taken orally, in the prevention of neurological damage in patients with Chronic Open Angle Glaucoma (COA G). Methods: 30 subjects with COA G were divided into 2 groups: 18 subjects (CT group) were treated with Citicoline and 12 (PP group) were treated with placebo. Both groups underwent 3 cycles of treatment. A cycle lasted 60 days and after every cycle there was a wash-out period of 30 days. On day 0, 60, 90, 150, 180, 240 and 270 all subjects underwent an examination of the optic nerve fibres by GDx VVC and a simultaneous recording of pattern reversal VEP s and pattern ER G. Results: In both groups endocular pressure values kept steady below 21 mmHg. In the CT group the VEP s average amplitude regularly increased at the end of every cycle and moderately decreased at the end of the wash-out period. Retinocortical Time (RCT ) appeared significantly reduced at the end of every cycle in the CT group. VEP s average amplitude and RCT remained unchanged in the PP group. A slowing down of the TSNIT average, statistically non significant, appeared only at the end of the third cycle in the CT group. Conclusion: Citicoline administered orally at a dose of 500 mg, seems to have a neuroprotective effect. This effect is apparent after a cycle of at least 60 days and tends to moderately decrease at discontinuation of the drug
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