11 research outputs found

    Inductive Type Impedance of Mo/n-Si Barrier Structures Irradiated with Alpha Particles

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    In silicon microelectronics, flat metal spirals are formed to create an integrated inductance. However, the maximum specific inductance of such spirals at low frequencies is limited to a value of the order of tens of microhenries per square centimeter. Gyrators, devices based on operational amplifiers with approximately the same specific inductance as spirals, are also used. Despite the fact that such solutions have been introduced into the production of integrated circuits, the task of searching for new elements with high values of specific inductance is relevant. An alternative to coils and gyrators can be the effect of negative differential capacitance (i.e., inductive type impedance), which is observed in barrier structures based on silicon. The purpose of the work is to study the low-frequency impedance of Schottky diodes (Mo/n-Si) containing defects induced by α-particles irradiation and determination of the parameters of these defects by methods of low-frequency impedance spectroscopy and DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy). Unpackaged Schottky diodes Mo/n-Si (epitaxial layer of 5.5 μm thickness and resistivity of 1 Ohm∙cm) produced by JSC “Integral” are studied. Inductance measurements were carried out on the as manufactured diodes and on the diodes irradiated with alpha particles (the maximum kinetic energy of an α- particle is 5.147 MeV). The impedance of inductive type of the Schottky diodes at the corresponding DC forward current of 10 μA were measured in the AC frequency range from 20 Hz to 2 MHz. DLTS spectra were used to determine the parameters of radiation-induced defects. It is shown that irradiation of diodes with alpha particles produces three types of radiation-induced defects: A-centers with thermal activation energy of E1 ≈ 190 meV, divacancies with activation energies of E2 ≈ 230 meV and E3 ≈ 410 meV, and Ecenters with activation energy of E4 ≈ 440 meV measured relative to the bottom of c-band of silicon


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    Influence of gamma radiation Co60 on static and dynamic characteristics of the transresistance amplifier and the comparator realized on the master slice array «ABMK 1-3» is considered taking into account formulated design rule. At absorbed dose D = 5 Mrad the comparator input current has increased on 25 %, other IC parameters (gain, impulse response of the transresistance amplifier, propagation delay, transition time, output current of the comparator) have changed slightly.Рассмотрено влияние гамма-излучения Co60 на статические и динамические характеристики трансрезистивного усилителя и компаратора напряжения, реализованных на базовом матричном кристалле типа «АБМК 1-3» с учетом сформулированных правил проектирования радиационно-стойких аналоговых интегральных схем (ИС). При поглощенной дозе D = 5 Мрад входной ток компаратора возрос на 25%, остальные параметры ИС (коэффициент преобразования, длительность фронта нарастания и спада трансрезистивного усилителя, задержка переключения, длительность фронта нарастания и спада, выходной ток компаратора) изменились незначительно


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    Photovoltaic effect in silicon doped by the action of compression plasma pulses is investigated for the first time. Plasma treatment parameters providing maximum values of photo-emf are optimized. Dependences of photo-emf on the dose of electron high-energy post-irradiation are studied.Приводятся результаты исследований фотовольтаического эффекта, впервые обнаруженного авторами в легированном кремнии после облучения импульсами компрессионной плазмы. Определены оптимальные режимы обработки, обеспечивающие максимальное значение фотоЭДС. Установлены зависимости фотоЭДС от дозы облучения высокоэнергетическими электронами

    Reactions of interstitial carbon with impurities in silicon particle detectors

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    We present deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) data measured on very high resistivity nn-type float-zone silicon detectors after irradiation with 6 MeV electrons. The carbon interstitial annealing kinetics is investigated as a function of depth in the detector structure and related to the inhomogeneous depth distribution of oxygen and carbon impurities in the devices. We compare our results with data published in previous works and point out some possible misinterpretation of DLTS data due to detector processing induced inhomogeneous distribution of impurities. Finally, we present a method to determine the absolute concentration of the oxygen and carbon impurities as functions of depth in devices by carefully analyzing the carbon interstitital annealing kinetics

    Primary defect transformations in high-resistivity p-type silicon irradiated with electrons at cryogenic temperatures

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    It has been revealed that self-interstitials formed under low intensity electron irradiationin high resistivity p-type silicon can be retained frozen up to room temperature. Low thermal mobility of the self-interstitials suggests that Frenkelpair sinsilicon can be stable at temperatures of about or higher than 100K. A broad DLTS peak with activation energy of 0.14–0.17eV can be identified as related to Frenkel pairs. This peak anneals out at temperatures of 120 140K. Experimental evidences are presented that be coming more mobile under forwardcurrent injection the self-interstitials change their charge state to a less positive one


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    Influence of gamma radiation Co60 on static and dynamic characteristics of the transresistance amplifier and the comparator realized on the master slice array «ABMK 1-3» is considered taking into account formulated design rule. At absorbed dose D = 5 Mrad the comparator input current has increased on 25 %, other IC parameters (gain, impulse response of the transresistance amplifier, propagation delay, transition time, output current of the comparator) have changed slightly

    Kinetics of self-interstitials reactions in p-type silicon irradiated with alpha particles

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    New findings on the self-interstitial migration in p-type silicon are presented. They are based on experimental studies of the formation kinetics of defects related to interstitial carbon after irradiation with alpha particles. The main parameters characterizing the interaction rate of silicon self-interstitials with substitutional carbon atoms have been determined. A preliminary interpretation of the experimental data is given. The interpretation takes into account different diffusivities of self-interstitials in their singly and doubly ionized states


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    Photovoltaic effect in silicon doped by the action of compression plasma pulses is investigated for the first time. Plasma treatment parameters providing maximum values of photo-emf are optimized. Dependences of photo-emf on the dose of electron high-energy post-irradiation are studied