1,402 research outputs found

    A new mutation in the pufL gene responsible for the terbutryn resistance phenotype in Rubrivivax gelatinosus

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    AbstractRubrivivax gelatinosus is a facultative phototrophic non-sulfur bacterium belonging to the β subclass of the purple bacteria. A terbutryn-resistant mutant of R. gelatinosus has been isolated and characterized. Increased resistance levels to terbutryn (300-fold), atrazine (6-fold) and o-phenanthroline (3-fold) were observed for the mutant compared with wild type. Sequence analysis of the mutant revealed a new mutation in the pufL gene coding for the L subunit of the reaction centre (RC) at codon 192 leading to an amino-acid substitution from Gly in the wild type to Asp in the mutant. This substitution is located in the D helix of the L subunit, suggesting an interaction between terbutryn and this part of the polypeptide in the RC of R. gelatinosus. This is the first report of a mutation leading to herbicide resistance and affecting the D helix in purple bacteria. Furthermore R. gelatinosus wild type is highly sensitive to o-phenanthroline compared with other purple bacteria (Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhodobacter sphaeroides). Sequence comparison of the L subunit from six purple bacteria in which o-phenanthroline sensitivity was measured suggests that SerL226 might be responsible for this phenotype

    Comments on scalar-tensor representation of nonlocally corrected gravity

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    The scalar-tensor representation of nonlocally corrected gravity is considered. Some special solutions of the vacuum background equations were obtained that indicate to the nonequivalence of the initial theory and its scalar-tensor representation.Comment: 6 pages, refs adde

    Photometry of supernovae in an image series : methods and application to the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS)

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    We present a technique to measure lightcurves of time-variable point sources on a spatially structured background from imaging data. The technique was developed to measure light curves of SNLS supernovae in order to infer their distances. This photometry technique performs simultaneous PSF photometry at the same sky position on an image series. We describe two implementations of the method: one that resamples images before measuring fluxes, and one which does not. In both instances, we sketch the key algorithms involved and present the validation using semi-artificial sources introduced in real images in order to assess the accuracy of the supernova flux measurements relative to that of surrounding stars. We describe the methods required to anchor these PSF fluxes to calibrated aperture catalogs, in order to derive SN magnitudes. We find a marginally significant bias of 2 mmag of the after-resampling method, and no bias at the mmag accuracy for the non-resampling method. Given surrounding star magnitudes, we determine the systematic uncertainty of SN magnitudes to be less than 1.5 mmag, which represents about one third of the current photometric calibration uncertainty affecting SN measurements. The SN photometry delivers several by-products: bright star PSF flux mea- surements which have a repeatability of about 0.6%, as for aperture measurements; we measure relative astrometric positions with a noise floor of 2.4 mas for a single-image bright star measurement; we show that in all bands of the MegaCam instrument, stars exhibit a profile linearly broadening with flux by about 0.5% over the whole brightness range.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 20 page

    Scaling attractors for quintessence in flat universe with cosmological term

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    For evolution of flat universe, we classify late time and future attractors with scaling behavior of scalar field quintessence in the case of potential, which, at definite values of its parameters and initial data, corresponds to exact scaling in the presence of cosmological constant.Comment: 11 pages, 16 eps-figures, revtex4, reference with comment adde

    Cosmological constraints on unparticle dark matter

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    In unparticle dark matter (unmatter) models the equation of state of the unmatter is given by p=ρ/(2dU+1)p=\rho/(2d_U+1), where dUd_U is the scaling factor. Unmatter with such equations of state would have a significant impact on the expansion history of the universe. Using type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements and the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to place constraints on such unmatter models we find that if only the SNIa data is used the constraints are weak. However, with the BAO and CMB shift parameter data added strong constraints can be obtained. For the Λ\LambdaUDM model, in which unmatter is the sole dark matter, we find that dU>60d_U > 60 at 95% C.L. For comparison, in most unparticle physics models it is assumed dU<2d_U<2. For the Λ\LambdaCUDM model, in which unmatter co-exists with cold dark matter, we found that the unmatter can at most make up a few percent of the total cosmic density if dU<10d_U<10, thus it can not be the major component of dark matter.Comment: Replaced with revised version. BAO data is added to make a tighter constraint. Version accepted for publication on Euro.Phys.J.

    Can hyperbolic phase of Brans-Dicke field account for Dark Matter?

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    We show that the introduction of a hyperbolic phase for Brans-Dicke (BD) field results in a flat vacuum cosmological solution of Hubble parameter H and fractional rate of change of BD scalar field, F which asymptotically approach constant values. At late stages, hyperbolic phase of BD field behaves like dark matter

    Finite bounded expanding white hole universe without dark matter

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    The solution of Einstein's field equations in Cosmological General Relativity (CGR), where the Galaxy is at the center of a finite yet bounded spherically symmetrical isotropic gravitational field, is identical with the unbounded solution. This leads to the conclusion that the Universe may be viewed as a finite expanding white hole. The fact that CGR has been successful in describing the distance modulus verses redshift data of the high-redshift type Ia supernovae means that the data cannot distinguish between unbounded models and those with finite bounded radii of at least cτc \tau. Also it is shown that the Universe is spatially flat at the current epoch and has been at all past epochs where it was matter dominated.Comment: 11 pages, revised versio

    Dark Viscous Fluid coupled with Dark Matter and future singularity

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    We study effects of viscous fluid coupled with dark matter in our universe. We consider bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid and we suppose the existence of a coupling between fluid and dark matter, in order to reproduce a stable de Sitter universe protected against future-time singularities. More general inhomogeneous fluids are studied related to future singularities.Comment: 11 page