18 research outputs found

    Comparison of second molar protraction using different timing for piezocision application: A randomized clinical trial.

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    To compare second molar protraction between early, late and no piezocision groups. Forty subjects with bilaterally extracted mandibular first molars were selected to participate in the study. Subjects were subdivided into two groups: piezocision and no piezocision. The piezocision group was further subdivided into two subgroups: early piezocision (piezocision performed immediately before second molar protraction) and late piezocision (piezocision performed three months after starting molar protraction). In the no piezocision group, molar protraction was done without surgery. The intervention (piezocision group and timing of piezocision/side within group) was randomly allocated using the permuted random block size of 2, with 1:1 allocation ratio. The amount of second molar protraction, duration of space closure and anterior anchorage loss were measured. A repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted to define the differences between the measured variables at the different time intervals. Differences between groups were assessed using ANOVA test. No difference was detected between early and late piezocision groups in the amount of molar protraction at the end of space closure. Duration of complete space closure was 9 and 10 months in the piezocision and no piezocision groups. Anchorage loss was similar between the three studied groups. Early and late piezocision have similar effect and both increased the amount of second molar protraction temporarily in the first 2-3 months after surgery. Duration of mandibular first molar space closure was reduced by one month when piezocision was applied. Anchorage loss was similar in the three groups

    Effect of piezocision-assisted lower second molar protraction on periodontal tissues, alveolar bone height, and lower second molar root resorption.

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    To assess the effect of piezocision on periodontal tissues and alveolar bone height and to detect lower second molar root resorption in piezocision-assisted mandibular second molar protraction compared to no-piezocision molar protraction. Twenty-one subjects (four males, 17 females, aged 22.43 ± 2.83 years) who presented with bilateral extraction of lower first molars were included. The patients were divided into two groups; Group 1: Piezocision-assisted molar protraction (right or left side of subjects) in which piezocision was performed immediately before lower second molar protraction and, Group 2: No-piezocision molar protraction in which lower second molar protraction was not surgically assisted. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), periodontal pocket depth (PPD), width of keratinized gingiva (WKG), gingival recession (GR), lower second molar mesial root resorption, alveolar bone height, and mandibular bone height were recorded at T1 (immediately before molar protraction) and at T2 (after second molar space closure). In the piezocision-assisted molar protraction group, significant changes were detected in the WKG (P < .001), GR (P < .05), and the mandibular bone height (P < .001). Compared to the no-piezocision group, piezocision-assisted molar protraction resulted in an increased WKG (P < .001) and less second molar mesial root resorption (P < .01). Piezocision does not have any detrimental effect on the periodontium and produces less root resorption.This study was supported by the Deanship of Research/ Jordan University of Science and Technology (Grant number266/2016)

    Track Introduction: Scientific Workflows

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