1,490 research outputs found


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    Many business firms both in the U.S. and abroad are practicing corporate environmental management. They are committed to improving the efficiency of material use, energy use and water use; to recycle; to make safer products and processes and to reduce their overall impact on the environment. In pursuing corporate environmental management, some businesses have found that the presumed tradeoff between profits and environmental quality does not always apply. Instead, by innovating and redesigning their products, processes, corporate culture, and organizational strategy, these firms have been able to improve environmental performance and add to profits. These improved profits are sometimes referred to as "innovation offsets" because they result from technological changes to reduce pollution which also reduce production costs (and/or improve productivity) and thereby "offset" the costs of compliance. The necessary technological innovation is pursued when firms take a dynamic investment perspective rather than presume a static tradeoff between profits and environmental quality.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    The Choice of Topics in Male, Female and Mixed-sex Groups of Students of Petra Christian University in Their Chatting

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    This study analyzed some conversations in the male, female and male-female groups of some university students. Using McCarthy\u27s classification of topics, the results show that \u27Persons\u27 is the typical topic in the female group, while \u27Objects/ belongings\u27 is the most favorite topic in the male group. In the mixed-sex group, it is interesting to see how both sexes negotiated the topics by proposing the typical topics of the other sex group

    Fiscal Shocks and The Sectoral Composition of Output

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    We study the impact of shocks to different types of government spending on the composition of sectoral output for a panel of EMU member countries. We find that fiscal shocks lead to an increase in the relative size of the nontraded sector. There is typically no significant impact on the level of production in the tradables sector but the level of imports increases and the level of exports declines in most cases. Overall, the results show that fiscal shocks matter not only for aggregate variables but also for the sectoral composition of output.


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    Emerging markets are more volatile and face different types of shocks, in size and nature, compared to their developed counterparts. Accurate identification of the stochastic properties of shocks is difficult. We show evidence suggesting that uncertainty about the underlying stochastic process is present in commodity prices. In addition, we build a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with informational frictions, which explicitly considers uncertainty about the nature of shocks. When formulating expectations, the economy assigns some probability to the shocks being temporary even if they are actually permanent. Parameter instability in the stochastic process implies that optimal saving levels (debt holdings) should be higher (lower) compared to a process with fixed parameters. Imperfect information about the nature of shocks matters when commodity GDP shares are high. Thus, economic policies based on misperception of the underlying regime can lead to substantial over/under saving with important associated costs. Later, I introduce the first example of a particular class of preferences characterized by a negative third derivative and a constant and invariant coefficient of relative prudence in the sense of Kimball (1990). This particular feature enables us to isolate the effect of risk aversion on precautionary savings. Furthermore, I use this particular class of preferences to assess the effects of volatility, risk aversion, interest rates and intertemporal distortions on precautionary savings in finite and infinite horizon models of a small open economy. The effects of risk aversion, intertemporal distortions and interest rates on average assets holdings are qualitatively identical as the ones observed for CES preferences. Using an infinite horizon model I can evaluate the effects of persistence and volatility of shocks on precautionary savings and verify that these are qualitatively identical to the ones observed with CES preferences

    Analisis Potensi Relatif Perekonomian Wilayah Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the economic sector which is economic base and how the competitiveness level in the Kedungbanteng District. The analytical methods that used are Location Quotient and Shift Share. By using Gross Domestic Product data, analysis start 2009 to 2013. The result of this research is that the economic sectors that include economic base are agriculture sector, trade and the financial sector, leasing and business services sector. Sector which has a slow growth is agricultural sector. Meanwhile, in the district Kedungbanteng economic sectors that can not compete well with other economic sectors in the region are agriculture, quarrying, construction and services

    Menstimulasi Kualitas Kehidupan Rohani dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa: Studi Refleksi Daniel 6:1-4

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    This article has purpose to show the importance of giving stimulation from the lecturer of STT Torsina to enhance the quality of student\u27s living, either in intelectual, social and spiritual aspect. This research uses qualitative approach with exposition of text Daniel 1-6. Ini this biblical narrative Daniel gained the highest position after the king in Babylon kingdom. Daniel chosen was based on his self quality over anyone became candidates. The exposition of Daniel 6:1-4 giving some references made him been qualified, that is Daniel\u27s spiritual life quality. By this research finding giving a recommendation of stimulate spiritual living for enhance STT Torsina students\u27 academic quality according to Daniel. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan pentingnya stimulasi yang diberikan oleh para tenaga pengajar (dosen) di STT Torsina untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup mahasiswa, baik dalam aspek intelektual, sosial dan kerohanian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan studi eksposisi kitab Daniel 1-6. Dalam narasi biblikal ini Daniel memperoleh posisi tertinggi setelah raja di negeri Babel. Pemilihan Daniel dilandaskan pada kualitas Daniel yang mengungguli siapa pun yang menjadi calon pemimpin saat itu. Kajian eksposisi Daniel 6:1-4 mereferensikan apa yang membuat Daniel berkualitas, yaitu: kualitas kehidupan rohani Daniel. Dengan temuan ini, maka penelitian recomendation sebuah stimulasi kehidupan rohani demi meningkatkan kualitas akademis mahasiswa STT Torsina sesuai dengan tokoh Daniel

    Foucault Dan Komunikasi (Telaah Konstruksi Wacana Dan Kuasa Foucault Dalam Lingkup Ilmu Komunikasi)

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    This writing aims to introduce Foucault's life and perspectives, especially to communicationstudies' students. This writing consists of Foucault's background, his idea, research basedon it and critiques. Foucault's life background has influenced many of his ideas, and this writingfocuses on his perspectives of Power and Discourse. This writing also gives example to studentson how to use Foucault's idea in Communication field. One of the examples is research aboutthe construction of normative body discourse to the self-concept of single and fat adult women.The research used Michel Foucault's power relations and discourses, Berger-Luckman's constructionof social reality, and Cooley-Mead's symbolic interactionism as the framework. Theresearch had succeeded to categorize discourses and self-concepts as the conclusion of the constructionof normative body discourse to the self-concept of single and fat adult women in Jakarta.As an ending part, this writing shows critiques of Foucault's idea from other social theorists
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