74 research outputs found

    Tripodal oxazolidine-N-oxyl diradical complexes of Dy3+ and Eu3+

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    Two diradical complexes of the formula [LnRad2(CF3SO3)3] c (Ln(III) = Dy, Eu, Rad = 4,4-dimethyl-2,2-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3-oxazolidine-3-oxyl) were obtained in air conditions. These are the first examples of diradical compounds of lanthanides and oxazolidine nitroxide. The complexes were characterized crystallographically and magnetically. Single crystal XRD analysis revealed that their coordination sphere is composed of three monodentate triflates and two tripodal Rad, which coordinate the central atom in a tridentate manner via two N atoms of the pyridine groups and the O atom of a nitroxide group. The LnO5N4 polyhedron represents a spherical capped square antiprism with point symmetry close to C4v. The data of static magnetic measurements are compatible with the presence of two paramagnetic ligands in the coordination sphere of the metal

    Effect of organically bound iodine in cattle feed on health indicators

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    Currently, the problem of iodine deficiency is actual in the world, which may cause a large number of diseases and disorders. The problem of iodine deficiency for humans may be partly solved by enriching agricultural products with iodine, i.e. by providing animals with an increased intake of iodine during their growth. Theoretically, the most effective way to use iodine is the form bound to tyrosine, since diiodotyrosine has been proven to be a thyroxine precursor. Taking it into account, a supplement was developed containing iodine organically bound to tyrosine and histidine. In this work, we studied the effect of this supplement introduced into the diets of cattle on biochemical parameters of animal blood. In the test group, which received the supplement with organically bound iodine, an improvement in nitrogen metabolism was noted compared to the control group. This was most clearly demonstrated by the content of urea, since in the test group, its content decreased by ≈15 percentage points, and by the content of creatinine, since its increase in the test group was more than 20 percentage points. Differences in the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism between treatments were also noted, as in the blood of animals from the test group, the content of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, glucose and malondialdehyde was lower than in the control group. In mineral metabolism and morphological parameters, there was no significant difference between treatments. Among the indicators of pigment and hormone metabolism, it is important to note the reduced content of cortisol in the blood of animals from the test group. Its level was lower by ≈17.23 percentage points compared to the control group. A decrease in cortisol levels indicated a lower stress load in the test group. In general, studies have shown that the use of a feed supplement containing organically bound iodine has a positive effect on the metabolism of animals.Currently, the problem of iodine deficiency is actual in the world, which may cause a large number of diseases and disorders. The problem of iodine deficiency for humans may be partly solved by enriching agricultural products with iodine, i.e. by providing animals with an increased intake of iodine during their growth. Theoretically, the most effective way to use iodine is the form bound to tyrosine, since diiodotyrosine has been proven to be a thyroxine precursor. Taking it into account, a supplement was developed containing iodine organically bound to tyrosine and histidine. In this work, we studied the effect of this supplement introduced into the diets of cattle on biochemical parameters of animal blood. In the test group, which received the supplement with organically bound iodine, an improvement in nitrogen metabolism was noted compared to the control group. This was most clearly demonstrated by the content of urea, since in the test group, its content decreased by ≈15 percentage points, and by the content of creatinine, since its increase in the test group was more than 20 percentage points. Differences in the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism between treatments were also noted, as in the blood of animals from the test group, the content of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, glucose and malondialdehyde was lower than in the control group. In mineral metabolism and morphological parameters, there was no significant difference between treatments. Among the indicators of pigment and hormone metabolism, it is important to note the reduced content of cortisol in the blood of animals from the test group. Its level was lower by ≈17.23 percentage points compared to the control group. A decrease in cortisol levels indicated a lower stress load in the test group. In general, studies have shown that the use of a feed supplement containing organically bound iodine has a positive effect on the metabolism of animals

    The formation of flavoring characteristics of meat products by changing the chemical composition of food compositions

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    The article presents the results of the study of changes in flavour characteristics when using corrective additives. Monosodium glutamate, ribotide, yeast extract and hydrolysate of vegetable soy protein were used as flavoring additives (FA). To assess the effect of composition of meat product recipe, as well as the method of FA‑introduction on taste intensity, the recipes of model meat systems with partial replacement of meat raw materials were used. Pork fat, soy protein and potato starch were used as meat substitutes. The effect of recipe composition on the content of non-volatile substances of aroma was accessed. It is shown that replacement of pork by pork fat in the recipe by 20–40% led to a sharp decrease in the concentration of aromatic substances and a decrease in intensity of taste of the finished product several times. The ways for taste correction using FA was studied. For this, a chopped semi-finished product — minced meat was prepared from chilled whole-muscle pork and 0.05% of each FA was added. It is shown that the dynamics of changes in the content of free amino acids is the most pronounced when using monosodium glutamate not as a mono-additive, but in compositions: monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide. A pool of chemical compounds involved in the formation of taste and aroma of products was detected. The main components were derivatives of C6–C24 fatty acids, as well as a significant number of other biochemical compounds, mainly substituted amines, amides, alcohols and ketones, with a content ranging from 0.001 to 0.2 mg/kg. The results of organoleptic analysis showed that the most delicious and attractive samples were those containing monosodium glutamate with yeast extract and monosodium glutamate with ribotide

    Gender-Specific Renal Function and Urinary Syndrome in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis of Alcoholic Etiology: Observational Study

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    Background. Gender has now been proven to have a significant impact on the development, course and outcome of a large number of diseases, including alcoholic liver disease. Alcohol consumption is one of the leading risk factors for various diseases. Alcohol-related diseases cause 10% of all deaths worldwide among young and middle-aged people. The occurrence of renal dysfunction in cirrhosis of the liver is an integral part of the natural course of the disease. At the moment, the diagnosis of gender-specific renal dysfunction that occurs against the background of liver cirrhosis is essential for the development of effective treatment strategies and the improvement of survival.Objectives. The study is aimed at identifying the features of the gender-specific renal function and urinary syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis of alcoholic etiology and assessing the comprehensive prognostic significance of the indicators of common urine analysis in the diagnosis of renal dysfunction.Methods. An observational study was carried out using data from medical records of 158 patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (95 men and 63 women), aged 36 to 72 years, who were inpatients between February 2016 and March 2020. Physical examination and laboratory diagnostic data were taken into account. Binary predictors of renal dysfunction progression in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis were determined based on the analysis of descriptive statistics. Statistical data processing was performed using computer program Statistica 10 (StatSoft, Inc., USA) and standard Microsoft Excel software package (Microsoft Office 2016). Non-parametric statistical methods were used to describe the results. Quantitative results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test; comparison of two samples by a qualitatively defined feature was performed by means of the Fisher angular transformation method. Differences were considered significant at p ˂ 0.05. A multilayer neural network function from the Statistica 10 Neural Networks software was used to construct a classification scheme for renal dysfunction (yes/no). Neural network performance was assessed using descriptive and inductive statistics, calculating sensitivity, specificity, performing ROC analysis and constructing cumulative gains charts.Results. A renal function test revealed a significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate (p = 0.029) and a significant increase in urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (p < 0.0001) in women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis as compared with men. Women are also reported to have a high incidence of proteinuria, leukocyturia and bacteriuria. According to ROC-analysis, the urinalysis indicators have a high prognostic significance in identifying renal dysfunction in men and women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (AUROC = 0.902 and sensitivity 81.82%, AUROC = 0.881 and sensitivity 75.00%, respectively).Conclusion. Renal dysfunction develops earlier and occurs twice as often in women with alcoholic cirrhosis than in men of the same age. The application of a neural network mechanism to predict renal dysfunction in men and women with alcoholic liver cirrhosis according to the indicators of urinalysis provides a high prognostic ability

    Разработка комплекса метрологического обеспечения пищевой промышленности

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    The paper considers the contribution of experts from the Laboratory of Metrology of Moisture Measurement and Reference Materials to the improvement of the food industry metrological assurance system. The information on the results of the development of forty types of reference materials (RM) for the composition of various nutrition, food staples and nutritional supplement in the period 2008-2020 is generalized. The development of each new RM type included preparation of the material, research for its stability and homogeneity, and determination of certified value with the appliance of State primary (GET 173) and secondary (GVET 176-1) standards, as well as primary reference measurement procedures and conducting the interlaboratory experiment for checking the applicability of the RM. The creation in 2008 of GET 173 was accompanied by the development of RMs for the composition of grains and dry milk product. The approval in 2010 of GVET 176-1 allowed to add in the RM the certified value for the mass fraction of nitrogen (protein). As a result of successful participation in comparisons, UNIIM got 6 items of calibration and measurement capabilities on measurements of mass fraction of nitrogen in glycine, milk powder, grain, egg powder, cereal and feed-stuff in the BIPM database. 35 types of RM for the composition of dairy and meat products, egg powder, infant food, oil and starch products together with the development of primary reference measurement procedures for measurement of fat, crude fat, ash and carbohydrates mass fraction were created between 2016 and 2019. Moreover, the RM for the composition of nutritional supplement (glycine, melamine, cystine) and dairy products for metrological assurance of IR-analysers as well as RM for the composition of reconstituted milk were developed for the control of measurement results by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Developed RM were systemized on fields of the appliance of Technical regulations of Customs Union and the sectors of the international food triangle model. These RMs allow providing the measurement uniformity of the identification indicators and the nutritional value of food products and food staples.Статья посвящена рассмотрению вклада специалистов лаборатории метрологии влагометрии и стандартных образцов в совершенствование системы метрологического обеспечения пищевой промышленности. В статье обобщены результаты разработки более 40 типов стандартных образцов (СО) состава пищевых продуктов, продовольственного сырья и пищевых добавок в период с 2008 по 2020 г. Разработка каждого нового типа СО включала подготовку материала СО, исследование его стабильности и однородности, установление аттестованного значения с применением Государственных первичного (ГЭТ 173) и вторичного (ГВЭТ176-1) эталонов, первичных референтных метоДик измерений (ПРМИ), проведение межлабораторного эксперимента для проверки применимости СО. Создание ГЭТ 173 в 2008 г. сопровождалось разработкой СО состава зерна и сухих молочных продуктов. Утверждение ГВЭТ 176-1 в 2010 г. позволило добавить в СО аттестованное значение массовой доли азота (белка). По результатам успешного участия в сличениях УНИИМ получил 6 строчек калибровочных и измерительных возможностей в базе данных Международного бюро мер и весов по измерению массовой доли азота в глицине, сухом молоке, зерне, яичном порошке, зерновых кашах и кормах. В период 2016-2019 гг. вместе с разработкой ПРМИ массовой доли жира, сырого жира (масличности), золы и углеводов было создано 35 типов СО состава молочных и мясных продуктов, яичного порошка, детского питания, масличных культур и продуктов на их основе, крахмалопродуктов. Кроме того, были разработаны СО состава пищевых добавок (глицин, меламин, цистин) и молочных продуктов для метрологического обеспечения инфракрасных анализаторов, а также СО состава восстановленного молока для контроля результатов измерений методом иммуноферментного анализа. Разработанные СО были систематизированы по областям применения Технических регламентов Таможенного союза и секторам международной модели пищевого треугольника. Разработанные СО позволяют обеспечить единство измерений показателей идентификации и пищевой ценности пищевых продуктов и продовольственного сырья

    Prognostic Value of Melatonin in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    The article outlines a detailed examination of multiple scientific studies investigating how melatonin affects COPD's advancement and growth. The severity of oxidative stress in COPD, a complex disease with multiple factors, is significantly reduced by melatonin by activating intracellular antioxidants, as suggested by the data acquired. Considering the available data, we can conclude that melatonin has a protective role against oxidative stress in COPD patients in addition to regulating the circadian rhythm

    Методика и метрологические характеристики измерений массовой доли глутамата натрия в биологических матрицах

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    Over the last century the people’s mode of life and eating habits has dramatically changed: the people of developed countries began to consume fast food, and also started disorderly and frequent snacking. The production of dietary meals and the increase of food assortment, including food produced from low-quality ingredients, led to the manufacturer’s necessity to use a large number of functional ingredients, i. e. those that improve taste of the food. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is one of the widely used additives. Monosodium L-Glutamate (E621) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid found in all protein foods; it is used throughout the world as a food flavor enhancer. The legislation of the Russian Federation limits the content of monosodium glutamate, or additive E621, in a food product. Due to the fact that the glutamic acid takes the major weight in the monosodium glutamate molecule, which molecule is naturally present in almost all food products, the weight of the molecule of the E621 additive was determined by content of this amino acid expressed in terms of monosodium glutamate. In connection with the foregoing, it became necessary to develop a method for the quantitative determination of the mass fraction of monosodium glutamate introduced into food during the production of food products. Within the framework of this research a new method for determining the share of added monosodium glutamate is proposed, which is not associated with the natural content of glutamic acid. The authors have developed a method for determining the mass fraction of monosodium glutamate in food products with the help of high performance liquid chromatography with precolumn derivatization. This research presents metrological assessment of the developed methodology, determines accuracy rates and reproducibility factors in two concentrations ranges. For a range of 0.1 to 1%, the reproducibility is set at 17% and the accuracy rate is set at 30%. For the range of 1–10%, the reproducibility is 6%, the accuracy rate is 10% respectively. Also, during the development of the method, the lower limits for the quantitative determination (Limit of Detection — LOD) and qualitative determination (Limit of Quantification — LOQ) of the method were calculated. LOQ was equal to 0.01% and LOD accounted for 0.1%. The method has successfully passed the metrological certification and is included in the Register of Measurement Methods of the Russian Federation. It can be used by accredited laboratories for assessment and control of food quality.За прошедшее столетие образ жизни и пищевые привычки человека кардинально изменились: жители развитых стран стали прибегать к быстрому питанию, а также ввели в обиход беспорядочные и частые перекусы. Производство диетических блюд и увеличение ассортимента продуктов питания, в т. ч. вырабатываемого из низкокачественных ингредиентов, приводит к тому, что производителю приходится использовать большое количество функциональных ингредиентов, например таких, которые улучшают вкус. Одной из широко применяемых добавок является глутамат натрия. L-глутамат натрия (Е621) представляет собой натриевую соль глутаминовой кислоты, присутствующую во всех белковых продуктах и используется во всем мире в качестве усилителя вкуса пищи. В законодательстве Российской Федерации установлен уровень внесения глутамата натрия, или добавки Е621, в пищевой продукт. Ввиду того, что основной вес в молекуле глутамата натрия составляет глутаминовая кислота, которая естественным образом присутствует практически во всех продуктах, вес молекулы добавки Е621 определяли по содержанию аналогичной аминокислоты в пересчете на глутамат натрия. В связи с вышесказанным возникла потребность в разработке метода количественного определения массовой доли внесенного глутамата натрия при производстве пищевых продуктов питания. В рамках рассматриваемой работы предложен новый метод идентификации добавленного глутамата натрия, который не связан с природным содержанием глутаминовой кислоты. Авторами разработана методика определения массовой доли глутамата натрия в пищевых продуктах методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с предколоночной дериватизацией. Представлена метрологическая оценка разработанной методологии, установлены показатели точности и воспроизводимости в двух диапазонах концентраций. Для диапазона от 0,1 до 1% показатель воспроизводимости установлен на уровне 17%, а показатель точности — на уровне 30%. В диапазоне же 1–10% воспроизводимость равняется 6%, точность — 10% соответственно. Также в процессе разработки методики были рассчитаны нижние пределы обнаружения количественного (Limit of Detection — LOD) и качественного (Limit of Quantification — LOQ) определения метода. LOQ составил 0,01%, а LOD = 0,1%. Методика прошла метрологическую аттестацию и внесена в Реестр методик измерений РФ. Она может применяться аккредитованными лабораториями для оценки и контроля качества пищевых продуктов

    Молекулярный фенотип клеток крови, ассоциированный с прогрессированием трижды негативного рака молочной железы

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    Introduction. triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive clinical phenotype characterized by poor prognosis. immune system plays an important role in the development, treatment response, and progression of solid tumor. The search for immune-related markers associated with the prediction of treatment efficacy and disease prognosis, and based on the use of high-resolution molecular techniques, is a promising area of research, the results of which can be translated into clinical practice. Case description. The molecular profile of blood mononuclear cells in a 48-year-old female patient with histologically proven triple negative breast cancer (estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0 and Ki67 – 70 %) was described. The patient did not response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with 4 cycles of paclitaxel + carboplatin followed by 2 cycles of adriamycin + cyclophosphamide. The patient underwent surgery. disease progression (pelvic bone metastases) occurred 2 months after surgery. The features of blood lymphocytes and monocytes associated with a lack of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and disease progression were described.Conclusion. This clinical case demonstrates that sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells can be used as a method for identifying predictive markers of therapy efficacy and developing personalized treatments for patients with triple negative breast cancer.Актуальность. Трижды негативный подтип рака молочной железы характеризуется агрессивным течением и неблагоприятным прогнозом. Компоненты иммунной системы как непосредственные участники патогенеза играют роль в развитии, ответе на терапию и прогрессировании этой нозологии. Поиск маркеров иммунных клеток, ассоциированных с предсказанием эффективности лечения и прогнозом заболевания, основанный на применении молекулярных методов высокого разрешения, является перспективным направлением поискового исследования, результаты которого можно транслировать в клиническую практику. Описание клинического случая. Представлен первый опыт описания молекулярного профиля мононуклеарных клеток крови пациентки с трижды негативным раком молочной железы. Опухоль: инвазивная карцинома неспецифического типа с экспрессией: estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0, Ki67 – 70 % опухолевых клеток. Отмечено отсутствие ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию по схеме: 4 цикла «паклитаксел + + карбоплатин», с последующими 2 курсами АС (адриамицин + циклофосфан). Пациентке проведено оперативное лечение, через 2 мес после которого выявлены метастазы в кости таза. У пациентки описаны особенности лимфоцитов и моноцитов крови, которые могут быть ассоциированы с отсутствием ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию и прогрессированием заболевания.Заключение. Представленное клиническое наблюдение показывает, что метод секвенирования мононуклеарных клеток периферической крови можно использовать в качестве поискового для обнаружения предиктивных маркеров эффективности терапии и создания персонифицированной системы лечения пациенток с трижды негативным раком молочной железы

    Применение системы лиофильной сушки для подготовки материала стандартных образцов состава пищевых продуктов

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    The article presents the application of the lyophilization system for preparation of reference materials (RM) for composition of nutritive products samples. The purpose of the research was the development of lyophilization procedure of RM for composition of poultry meat samples preparation with certified values of mass fraction of moisture, nitrogen (protein) and fat.The poultry meat of two types was used as the primary material for RM for poultry meat composition preparation -1) white meat (chicken breast); 2) red meat (chicken thigh). The procedure included pounding, boiling, freezing and lyophilisation (syn. freeze drying). The researches for homogeneity were implemented with hot air dryer standard system from the State primary standard GET 173-2017. Measurement of nitrogen (protein) mass fraction was performed on State secondary standard GVET176-1-2010. Measurements of fat mass fraction were performed with accordance to State Primary Reference Measurement Procedure.The total time of lyophilization process for samples № 1 and № 2 was 19 and 28 hours, respectively. The total mass loss for sample № 1 was about 63 %, for sample № 2 was about 65 %. The difference in material moisture mass fraction values of materials dried on different trays of freeze dryer was statistically significant, i. e., material was non-homogeneous. To obtain a homogeneous material, an additional homogenization procedure was performed: grinding in a laboratory mill, sieving through a sieve, thorough mixing and conditioning. The certified values of moisture, nitrogen, protein, fat mass fraction for the sample № 1 were accordingly 4,5 %, 14,74 %, 92,1 %, 7,9 %. The same values in the same sequence were 6,3 %, 12,21 %, 76,3 %, 23,8 %.The procedure of lyophilisation was developed for production of reference materials for composition of boiled and freeze-dried poultry meat. The usage of this lyophilisation system allowed to ensure a RM expiration date of six months at ambient temperature of (7±3) °C and relative humidity no more than 60 %. The Reference Materials for composition of boiled and freeze-dried poultry meat was added into Register of certified RMs under № GSO 11276-2019 by the results.Статья посвящена применению системы лиофильной сушки для подготовки материала стандартных образцов (СО) состава пищевых продуктов. Целью исследования являлась разработка методики лиофильной сушки для приготовления материала СО состава мяса птицы с аттестованными значениями массовой доли влаги, азота (белка) и жира.В качестве исходного материала для приготовления СО использовали мясо птицы: белое (грудка, образец 1) и красное (бедро, образец 2). Процедура приготовления СО включала измельчение, варку, замораживание и лиофильную сушку. Исследование однородности материала выполняли с помощью эталонной установки воздушно-тепловой сушки из состава Государственного первичного эталона ГЭТ 173-2017. Измерение массовой доли азота (белка) осуществляли на Государственном вторичном эталоне ГВЭТ 176-1-2010. Измерения массовой доли жира проводили в соответствии с Государственной первичной референтной методикой измерений.Общее время лиофильной сушки для образцов № 1 и № 2 составило 19 и 28 часов соответственно. Общая потеря массы образца № 1 - около 63 %, образца № 2 - около 65 %. Разница в значениях массовой доли влаги материала, высушенного на разных полках сублимационной сушилки, являлась статистически значимой, т. е. материал был неоднородным. Для получения однородного материала проводили дополнительную процедуру гомогенизации: измельчение на лабораторной мельнице, просеивание через сито, тщательное перемешивание и кондиционирование. Аттестованные значения массовой доли влаги, азота, белка, жира для образца № 1 составили 4,5 %, 14,74 %, 92,1 %, 7,9 % соответственно, для образца № 2 - 6,3%, 12,21 %, 76,3 %, 23,8 %. Разработана методика лиофильной сушки для производства СО состава мяса птицы вареного сублимационной сушки. Применение системы лиофильной сушки позволило обеспечить срок годности СО, равный 6 месяцам, при температуре окружающего воздуха (7±3) °C и относительной влажности не более 60 %. По результатам испытаний СО состава мяса птицы вареного сублимационной сушки внесен в реестр утвержденных типов под номером ГСО 11276-2019

    Trends of the Major Porin Gene (ompF) Evolution: Insight from the Genus Yersinia

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    OmpF is one of the major general porins of Enterobacteriaceae that belongs to the first line of bacterial defense and interactions with the biotic as well as abiotic environments. Porins are surface exposed and their structures strongly reflect the history of multiple interactions with the environmental challenges. Unfortunately, little is known on diversity of porin genes of Enterobacteriaceae and the genus Yersinia especially. We analyzed the sequences of the ompF gene from 73 Yersinia strains covering 14 known species. The phylogenetic analysis placed most of the Yersinia strains in the same line assigned by 16S rDNA-gyrB tree. Very high congruence in the tree topologies was observed for Y. enterocolitica, Y. kristensenii, Y. ruckeri, indicating that intragenic recombination in these species had no effect on the ompF gene. A significant level of intra- and interspecies recombination was found for Y. aleksiciae, Y. intermedia and Y. mollaretii. Our analysis shows that the ompF gene of Yersinia has evolved with nonrandom mutational rate under purifying selection. However, several surface loops in the OmpF porin contain positively selected sites, which very likely reflect adaptive diversification Yersinia to their ecological niches. To our knowledge, this is a first investigation of diversity of the porin gene covering the whole genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae. This study demonstrates that recombination and positive selection both contribute to evolution of ompF, but the relative contribution of these evolutionary forces are different among Yersinia species