185 research outputs found

    QBO effects manifesting in ozone, temperature, and wind profiles

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    対人関係の光と影 : 「絆」の形成、拒絶、そして崩壊の社会心理学的研究

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The feasibility of applying thermal analysis to study of oil-containing rocks and organic matter is reviewed. Using heavy crudes from the Ashal'cha and Mordovo-Karmal fields, the potential for analysis of the effectiveness of iron-containing precursors of aquathermolysis catalysts is demonstrated with use of data derived from thermal analysis. The thermal effects detected in the presence of the catalyst precursor, as compared with the original sample, reflect decomposition of the catalyst precursor and degradation processes for the components of the crude oil activated by the catalyst. It is shown that use of thermal analysis is feasible for preliminary selection or optimization of catalyst compositions for in-situ upgrading of crude oils, taking into account the activity of the catalyst relative to certain components of the crude in a specific temperature range

    Road bitumen's based on the vacuum residue of heavy oil and natural asphaltite: Part II–physical and mechanical properties

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    © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This work is devoted to studying the possibility of producing bitumen for road construction by using vacuum residue > 420°C of heavy oil of the Ashal'chinskoe field in and natural asphaltite Spiridonovskoe field from Permian deposits in Tatarstan. The effect of natural asphaltite as a solid disperse phase element on the structural and group composition of the residual heavy oil product and its malacometrical qualities (penetration, extensibility, softening point, resistance to aging and adhesion) are revealed. Samples, compounded bitumen production, were carried out by introducing the required amount of the shredded asphaltite to deasphaltizat vacuum residue of heavy oil and heating their mixture to 220°С with vigorous stirring. Changes in the composition and physical and chemical properties of deasphalting the residual heavy oil product, associated with the amount of injected asphaltite, showed the possibility of production of modified bitumen with better adhesion properties that correspond to road bitumen

    Road bitumen's based on the vacuum residue of heavy oil and natural asphaltite: Part I–chemical composition

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    © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This work is devoted to studying the possibility of producing bitumen for road construction by using vacuum residue > 420°C of heavy oil of the Ashal'chinskoe field in and natural asphaltite Spiridonovskoe field from Permian deposits in Tatarstan. The effect of natural asphaltite as a solid disperse phase element on the structural and group composition of the residual heavy oil product and its malacometrical qualities (penetration, extensibility, softening point, resistance to aging and adhesion) is revealed. The production of samples of compounded bitumen production was carried out by introducing the required amount of the shredded asphaltite to deasphaltizat vacuum residue of heavy oil and heating their mixture to 220°С with vigorous stirring. Changes in the composition and physical and chemical properties of deasphalting the residual heavy oil product, associated with the amount of injected asphaltite, showed the possibility of production of modified bitumen with better adhesion properties that correspond to road bitumen

    Composition of aquathermolysis catalysts forming in situ from oil-soluble catalyst precursor mixtures

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Increasing efficiency of thermal recovery methods of heavy oil through injection of destructive hydrogenation catalysts precursors is a relevant task. In this paper the composition and properties of the active binary catalysts, which formed from a mixture of oil-soluble iron-, nickel- and copper-based precursors have been studied by XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy, SEM, EDX-mapping methods. Moreover, the efficiency of a mixture of the corresponding metals in reducing the content of heavy components (SARA) of heavy crude oil from Ashal'cha field (Republic of Tatarstan) have been investigated. Mössbauer spectroscopy and EDX-mapping detected the formation of not only spinel ferrites MFe2O4(where M = Ni or Cu), but also individual oxides. Moreover, in case of nickel-based catalyst three phases are formed: magnetite FeO⋅Fe2O3, spinel ferrite NiFe2O4and superparamagnetic finely dispersed phase of iron oxides (and probably nickel oxides). According to XRD results, the oxides formed in the first stage transform into nonstoichiometric spinel ferrites Cu0.86Fe2.14O4and Ni1.43Fe1.7O4under hydrothermal influences. It is related with the thermodynamically beneficial processes of conversion of this specific phase composition. Based on the SARA and elemental analysis of the initial and converted oil, it was found that catalytic aquathermolysis decreases the content of asphaltenes and resins (about 45%) in the presence of catalyst nanoparticles, which indicates an improvement in the quality of the heavy oil

    Mössbauer study of products of the thermocatalytic treatment of kerogen-containing rocks

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc. To understand the mechanism of highly efficient catalyst formation from precursors, the active form of an iron-containing catalyst and kerogen samples from the Bazhen formation are studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It is established that as a result of phase changes, the multicomponent precursors are transformed into mixed transition metal oxides. It is found that the thermocatalytic effect on pyrite-containing kerogen leads to the formation of pyrrhotite FeS 1 − x and mixed oxides of iron

    Photochromism of 3H-2,1,4-benzoxadiazine 4-oxides with heterocyclic substituents on the benzene ring

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.2H-Benzimidazole 1,3-dioxides undergo thermal isomerization to 3H-2,1,4-benzoxadiazine 4-oxides which are converted to 2H-benzimidazole 1-oxides on further heating. Irradiation of 3H-2,1,4-benzoxadiazine 4-oxides with sunlight induces their transformation to 2H-benzimidazole 1,3-dioxides. 3H-2,1,4-Benzoxadiazine 4-oxides containing nucleophilic heterocyclic substituents are considerably more stable to sunlight, and they can be used as photochromic compounds

    Study of rheological behavior of systems 'polymer solution - Rocks'

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    The main problem of high-viscosity oil is the low profitability of their involvement in the development. One of the promising ways to solve the problem is to find new technologies and approaches to improve the productivity of wells and oil recovery factor. For tertiary oil recovery techniques are widely used polymer and surface-active compounds that provide a controlled increase in the viscosity of formation water and extraction residual oil. The study of intermolecular interactions in the oil reservoir should be carried out, taking into account the general properties of the reservoir rock. As a result of studies have shown differences in calcite and dolomite parameters associated with different pore morphology and the interaction of polymer molecules with a porous surface. New data on the processes occurring at the interface in the system of formation fluids - mineral. Results of the study of the surface properties and rheologica! behavior of various mineral reservoir rock components, selected as model, allow us to establish the effectiveness of the various polymers in the technology of polymer flooding. The principles upon which the method further reagents for assessing the effectiveness of polymer flooding is proposed which takes into account the complex phenomena which take place in the surface layer of the formation fluid in contact with the reservoir rock

    Aquathermolysis of High-Viscosity Oil in the Presence of an Oil-Soluble Iron-Based Catalyst

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. A synthetic oil-soluble iron-based catalyst was studied experimentally. A physical model of the catalytic transformation of high-viscosity oil at 200°C was developed. The composition and physicochemical and rheological characteristics of the thermocatalysis products were studied. IR spectroscopy found that the compositions of individual fractions changed. It was shown that the fraction of high-molecular-mass components could be substantially reduced by using the synthetic catalyst in combination with a hydrogen donor. This reduced the viscosity and; therefore, increased the degree of oil extraction