151 research outputs found

    The effects of brain death and ischemia on tolerance induction are organ‐specific

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143776/1/ajt14674_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143776/2/ajt14674.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143776/3/ajt14674-sup-0001-FigS1-S2.pd

    Increasing condom use in heterosexual men: development of a theory-based interactive digital intervention

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    Increasing condom use to prevent sexually transmitted infections is a key public health goal. Interventions are more likely to be effective if they are theory- and evidence-based. The Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) provides a framework for intervention development. To provide an example of how the BCW was used to develop an intervention to increase condom use in heterosexual men (the MenSS website), the steps of the BCW intervention development process were followed, incorporating evidence from the research literature and views of experts and the target population. Capability (e.g. knowledge) and motivation (e.g. beliefs about pleasure) were identified as important targets of the intervention. We devised ways to address each intervention target, including selecting interactive features and behaviour change techniques. The BCW provides a useful framework for integrating sources of evidence to inform intervention content and deciding which influences on behaviour to target

    Искусственная вентиляция легких у пациентов с морбидным ожирением при лапароскопических операциях в положении Тренделенбурга (обзор литературы)

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       The literature review is devoted to the peculiarities of artificial lung ventilation (ALV) in patients with morbid obesity during laparoscopic oncosurgical interventions in the Trendelenburg position. At present, there are no consensus recommendations on the choice of the optimal ALV mode during anesthesia in this area of oncosurgery. When analyzing data obtained from other types of operations, there was no impression that there were significant advantages of any ALV modes, both with volume and pressure control. However, high values of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) have the most evidence of benefit in this category of patients, and the inversion of the duration of the respiratory cycle phases without creating a high PEEP can help reduce the risk of lung damage when all other ALV techniques do not allow for adequate oxygenation.   Обзор литературы посвящен особенностям проведения искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ) у пациентов с морбидным ожирением при лапароскопических онкохирургических вмешательствах в положении Тренделенбурга. В настоящее время согласительные рекомендации по выбору оптимального режима ИВЛ при проведении анестезии в этой области онкохирургии отсутствуют. При анализе данных, полученных при других видах операций, не сложилось впечатления о наличии значимых преимуществ каких-либо режимов ИВЛ – как с управлением по объему, так и по давлению. Тем не менее больше всего доказательств в отношении пользы применения у такой категории больных имеют высокие значения положительного давления в конце выдоха (ПДКВ), инверсия продолжительности фаз дыхательного цикла без создания высокого ПДКВ может способствовать снижению риска повреждения легких в условиях, когда все остальные методики ИВЛ не позволяют добиться адкеватной оксигенации

    Elucidating the Role of the Complement Control Protein in Monkeypox Pathogenicity

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    Monkeypox virus (MPXV) causes a smallpox-like disease in humans. Clinical and epidemiological studies provide evidence of pathogenicity differences between two geographically distinct monkeypox virus clades: the West African and Congo Basin. Genomic analysis of strains from both clades identified a ∼10 kbp deletion in the less virulent West African isolates sequenced to date. One absent open reading frame encodes the monkeypox virus homologue of the complement control protein (CCP). This modulatory protein prevents the initiation of both the classical and alternative pathways of complement activation. In monkeypox virus, CCP, also known as MOPICE, is a ∼24 kDa secretory protein with sequence homology to this superfamily of proteins. Here we investigate CCP expression and its role in monkeypox virulence and pathogenesis. CCP was incorporated into the West African strain and removed from the Congo Basin strain by homologous recombination. CCP expression phenotypes were confirmed for both wild type and recombinant monkeypox viruses and CCP activity was confirmed using a C4b binding assay. To characterize the disease, prairie dogs were intranasally infected and disease progression was monitored for 30 days. Removal of CCP from the Congo Basin strain reduced monkeypox disease morbidity and mortality, but did not significantly decrease viral load. The inclusion of CCP in the West African strain produced changes in disease manifestation, but had no apparent effect on disease-associated mortality. This study identifies CCP as an important immuno-modulatory protein in monkeypox pathogenesis but not solely responsible for the increased virulence seen within the Congo Basin clade of monkeypox virus

    Surviving Mousepox Infection Requires the Complement System

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    Poxviruses subvert the host immune response by producing immunomodulatory proteins, including a complement regulatory protein. Ectromelia virus provides a mouse model for smallpox where the virus and the host's immune response have co-evolved. Using this model, our study investigated the role of the complement system during a poxvirus infection. By multiple inoculation routes, ectromelia virus caused increased mortality by 7 to 10 days post-infection in C57BL/6 mice that lack C3, the central component of the complement cascade. In C3−/− mice, ectromelia virus disseminated earlier to target organs and generated higher peak titers compared to the congenic controls. Also, increased hepatic inflammation and necrosis correlated with these higher tissue titers and likely contributed to the morbidity in the C3−/− mice. In vitro, the complement system in naïve C57BL/6 mouse sera neutralized ectromelia virus, primarily through the recognition of the virion by natural antibody and activation of the classical and alternative pathways. Sera deficient in classical or alternative pathway components or antibody had reduced ability to neutralize viral particles, which likely contributed to increased viral dissemination and disease severity in vivo. The increased mortality of C4−/− or Factor B−/− mice also indicates that these two pathways of complement activation are required for survival. In summary, the complement system acts in the first few minutes, hours, and days to control this poxviral infection until the adaptive immune response can react, and loss of this system results in lethal infection