893 research outputs found

    Vermicompost effect on the trace elements distribution in the luvic chernozem of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe

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    n the field experiment (2016-2018) in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe the number of trace elements mobile forms were determined and the effect of soil organic matter and increasing doses of vermicompost on their distribution in luvic chernozem was studied. It is established that the studied vermicompost does not pollute the soil, which allows its widespread use in agriculture. The correlation and regression analysis obtained linear regression equations that reflect the relationship of the chemical element and organic matter in the soil after using increasing doses of vermicompost adequately. Elements with positive correlation and high significance level include Mn, Cu, Co and Zn

    Simulation of total brain ischemia in rats

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    This paper deals with the study of the dependence of psycho neurological deficit in rats on the severity of brain damage, conducted on the four-vascular models of total cerebral ischemia. The obtained results demonstrate a tendency to deterioration of neuropsychiatric status of the animals with increasing severity of ischemic brain damage that allows suggesting the severity of ischemic brain damage and its correction by the degree of behavioral disorder

    Neuroprotective effects of the novel ethylthiadiazole derivatives (LHT 4-15) in male rats

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    The study was performed on male rats of the Wistar line. The animals were simulated with total cerebral ischemia with preliminary administration of LHT 4-15 compounds in doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg for 60 min. The data obtained from the neurological deficit and in the behavioral tests of the experimental groups confirm the theory of the presence of ethylthiadiazole derivatives under the LHT code 4–15 neuroprotective properti

    Influence of occupations by production gymnastics on indicators of physical development and cardiovascular system of office employees

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The article shows the positive impact of production gymnastics on the functional status and physical development of people involved in mental activity. One of the study objectives is the monitoring of the remote influence of industrial gymnastics on the health and physical development of students. The first survey was conducted prior to the production gymnastics exercises, a repeated survey was performed after one year of exercise. The production gymnastics was held in the form of sports breaks twice a day, first time-before lunch two hours after the work start and the second time-half an hour after the lunch break, as the fatigue occurs sooner in the second half of the day. During the examination, the power of a right and a left hand, the chest circumference on inhalation, exhalation and pause were studied, its tour was calculated, the vital capacity of lungs, arterial pressure, heart rate and cardiovascular system reaction to the dosed load (20 squats) were determined. The comparative analysis of health surveys among the accountants allows to make the following conclusions: 1. The exercises during a work day helps to increase lung capacity and the development of chest mobility. 2. The functionality of the cardiovascular system is increased slightly. 3. The number of complaints on headaches, heart pains, muscles, arms and back are reduced. 4. The motor-coordination abilities are improved

    Hantaviral proteins: Structure, functions, and role in hantavirus infection

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    © 2015 Muyangwa, Martynova, Khaiboullina, Morzunov and Rizvanov. Hantaviruses are the members of the family Bunyaviridae that are naturally maintained in the populations of small mammals, mostly rodents. Most of these viruses can easily infect humans through contact with aerosols or dust generated by contaminated animal waste products. Depending on the particular Hantavirus involved, human infection could result in either hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or in Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. In the past few years, clinical cases of the Hantavirus caused diseases have been on the rise. Understanding structure of the Hantavirus genome and the functions of the key viral proteins are critical for the therapeutic agents' research. This paper gives a brief overview of the current knowledge on the structure and properties of the Hantavirus nucleoprotein and the glycoproteins

    Structural, Semantic and Linguocultural Parameters of Concept Sphere of FASHION INDUSTRY (Modern English Discourse)

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    This author’s development of the concept sphere model of FASHION INDUSTRY is presented in the article. Lexical units, nominations of objects, subjects and events of the fashion industry, as well as text fragments obtained from modern English-language artistic discourse, media and blogosphere are used as empirical material. The relevance of the study is due to the high rate of transformation of this conceptual field under the influence of a number of extralinguistic factors that make certain changes in the lexical composition of the language, the value dominants of society and the mechanisms of their verbalization. It is shown in the paper that the structure of the concept sphere is anthropocentric, as it is organized around the concept PARTICIPANTS. This concept is not only interconnected with other components of the FASHION INDUSTRY cognitive space — OBJECTS, EVENTS and PROPERTIES — but also determines their semantic content and linguistic and cultural specificity. Particular attention is paid to the actualization of the PROPERTIES component incorporated into other concepts.  Cognitive modeling of the structural and content parameters of the concept sphere made it possible to determine the most highlighted value dominants in the current discourse: innovation, comfort, universality, democracy, mediation with the transition to digital format, economic feasibility and environmental friendliness

    Human adipose derived stem cells do not alter cytokine secretion in response to the genetic modification with pEGFP-N2 plasmid DNA

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    Adipose tissue contain progenitor cells with regenerative (angiogenic, neuroprotection, trophic etc.) potential and treatment based on adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) transplantation may constitute a promising therapy. Genetic modification of stem cells with genes encoding growth factors and other biologically active molecules might further increase therapeutic efficiency. However, there is a question about the advantages and disadvantages of such gene/stem cell therapy. For a better understanding of the mechanisms occurring in organism after cell transplantation we should first study cell behavior in vitro. Here we report results of ADSCs transfection with plasmid DNA pEGFP-N2 and subsequent study of cytokines and chemokines secretion using Luminex technology. We demonstrated that genetic modification of ADSCs with commonly used control plasmid vector, encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), did not affect secretion of cytokines/chemokines IFN-{filled circle}, IL-1{filled circle}, IL-2, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, MCP-1. Thus, genetic modification procedure on its own might have little effect on stem cell properties, making it useful for gene-stem cell therapy applications. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    History of ZIKV infections in India and management of disease outbreaks

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    © 2007-2018 Frontiers Media S.A. All Rights Reserved. Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emerging arbovirus infection endemic in multiple countries spread from Asia, Africa to the Americas and Europe. Previously known to cause rare and fairly benign human infections, ZIKV has become a major international public health emergency after being linked to unexpected neurological complications, that includes fetal brain damage/death and microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers and Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in adults. It appears that a single genetic mutation in the ZIKV genome, likely acquired during explosive ZIKV outbreak in French Polynesia (2013), made virus causing mild disease to target fetus brain. The Aedes mosquitoes are found to be the main carrier of ZIKV, passing the virus to humans. Originally isolated from patients in Africa in 1954 (African lineage), virus disseminated to Southeast Asia (Asian lineage), establishing new endemic foci, including one in India. Numerous cases of ZIKV infection have been reported in several locations in India and neighboring countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh since mid of the last century, suggesting that the virus reached this part of Asia soon after it was first discovered in Uganda in 1947. Although, the exact means by which ZIKV was introduced to India remains unknown, it appears that the ZIKV strain circulating in India possibly belongs to the "Asian lineage, " which has not yet been associated with microcephaly and other neurological disorders. However, there still exists a threat that the contemporary ZIKV virulent strain from South America, carrying a mutation can return to Asia, posing a potential crisis to newborns and adult patients. Currently there is no specific vaccine or antiviral medication to combat ZIKV infection, thus, vector control and continuous monitoring of potential ZIKV exposure is essential to prevent the devastating consequences similar to the ones experienced in Brazil. However, the major obstacle faced by Indian healthcare agencies is that most cases of ZIKV infection have been reported in rural areas that lack access to rapid diagnosis of infection. In this review, we attempt to present a comprehensive analysis of what is currently known about the ZIKV infection in India and the neighboring countries

    Laser submucous destruction of hemorrhoids in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

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    The article deals with the technique of laser submucosal destruction of hemorrhoids, its indications, evaluated the postoperative period on a visual-analog scale, the duration of return to work and the frequency of complications and relapses in terms of 1 and 3 months.В статье рассмотрены методика лазерной субмукозной деструкции геморроидальных узлов, её показания, проведена оценка послеоперационного периода по визуально-аналоговой шкале, продолжительности возвращения трудовой деятельности и частоте осложнений и рецидивов в сроки 1 и 3 месяцев

    Inflammatory cytokines kinetics define the severity and phase of nephropathia epidemica

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    © 2014 Future Medicine Ltd. Aims: Nephropathia epidemica (NE) is a form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome associated with the Puumala virus species of Hantavirus. The pathogenesis of NE is not well understood; therefore, investigating the inflammatory cytokine response to infection may provide useful knowledge in deciphering the pathophysiology of NE. Materials & methods: Using Luminex and ELISA, we analyzed the serum of 137 NE cases and 44 controls to investigate if serum cytokines associate with different clinical presentations. Results: Serum levels of TNF-α and IL-1β are associated with disease severity while upregulation of IL-6, CXCL10, CCL2 and CCL3 are associated with clinical presentation. Conclusion: Inflammatory cytokine kinetics associate with the severity and phase of NE. Our data support a role for inflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of NE