2,824 research outputs found

    Newly discovered halos and outer features around southern planetary nebulae

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    We have used the SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey to look for faint outer structures such as halos, ansae and jets around known planetary nebulae across 4000 square degrees of the southern Milky Way. Our search will contribute to a more accurate census of these features in the Galactic PN population. Candidate common-envelope PNe have also been identified on the basis of their microstructures. We also intend to determine more reliable distances for these PNe, which should allow a much better statistical basis for the post-AGB total mass budget. Our survey offers fresh scope to address this important issue.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Planetary Nebulae: an Eye to the Future, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 283, held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, July 25-29 201

    The dynamics of planetary nebulae in the Galaxy: evidence for a third integral

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    We present a dynamical analysis of 673 galactic Planetary Nebulae, using a two-integral axisymmetric model with a Kuzmin-Kutuzov St\"{a}ckel potential. The method fits the kinematics to the projected moments of a distribution function, by means of Quadratic Programming. The 2.2 μ\mum COBE brightness map has been used after correction for the interstellar extinction as a projected star counts map in the modeling, because it constitutes a galactic distribution view of evolved red populations which are considered to be the progenitors of PNe. The model we have obtained provides a 2-integral distribution function for the COBE 2.2 μ\mum map, and thus {\it a fortiori} a deprojection of it, which allows moreover the identification of all the major Galactic components. We derive the density laws for them. The projected velocity dispersions are not well fitted though, especially in the disk, which points at the likely presence of a third integral. If this result can be confirmed by additional data, this would mean that for the first time the presence and importance of a third integral on a global scale is demonstrated.Comment: 9 pages, uuencoded gzipped postscript file, 9 figures include

    Constraints on decay plus oscillation solutions of the solar neutrino problem

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    We examine the constraints on non-radiative decay of neutrinos from the observations of solar neutrino experiments. The standard oscillation hypothesis among three neutrinos solves the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems. Decay of a massive neutrino mixed with the electron neutrino results in the depletion of the solar neutrino flux. We introduce neutrino decay in the oscillation hypothesis and demand that decay does not spoil the successful explanation of solar and atmospheric observations. We obtain a lower bound on the ratio of the lifetime over the mass of ν2\nu_2, (\tau_2/m_2) > 22.7 (\srm/\MeV) for the MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem and (\tau_2/m_2) > 27.8 (\srm/\MeV) for the VO solution (at 99% C.L.).Comment: 8 pages latex file with 4 figure

    MSW mediated neutrino decay and the solar neutrino problem

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    We investigate the solar neutrino problem assuming simultaneous presence of MSW transitions in the sun and neutrino decay on the way from sun to earth. We do a global χ2\chi^2-analysis of the data on total rates in Cl, Ga and Superkamiokande (SK) experiments and the SK day-night spectrum data and determine the changes in the allowed region in the \dm - \tan^2\theta plane in presence of decay. We also discuss the implications for unstable neutrinos in the SNO experiment.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The true nature of the alleged planetary nebula W16-185

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    We report the discovery of a small cluster of massive stars embedded in a NIR nebula in the direction of the IRAS15411-5352 point source, which is related to the alleged planetary nebula W16-185. The majority of the stars present large NIR excess characteristic of young stellar objects and have bright counterparts in the Spitzer IRAC images; the most luminous star (IRS1) is the NIR counterpart of the IRAS source. We found very strong unresolved Brgamma emission at the IRS1 position and more diluted and extended emission across the continuum nebula. From the sizes and electron volume densities we concluded that they represent ultra-compact and compact HII regions, respectively. Comparing the Brgamma emission with the 7 mm free-free emission, we estimated that the visual extinction ranges between 14 and 20 mag. We found that only one star (IRS1) can provide the number of UV photons necessary to ionize the nebula.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables V3: minor grammatical changes. Figure 4 is available in pdf file. Accepted for publication in AJ, April / 200

    K_L \ra \mu^\pm e^\mp \nu \overline{\nu} as background to K_L \ra \mu^\pm e^\mp

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    We consider the process K_L \ra \mu^\pm e^\mp \nu \overline{\nu} at next to leading order in chiral perturbation theory. This process occurs in the standard model at second order in the weak interaction and constitutes a potential background in searches for new physics through the modes K_L \ra \mu^\pm e^\mp. We find that the same cut, Mμe>489M_{\mu e}>489~MeV, used to remove the sequential decays K_{l3}\ra \pi_{l2} pushes the B(K_L \ra \mu^\pm e^\mp \nu \overline{\nu}) to the 102310^{-23} level, effectively removing it as a background.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure appended as postscript file after \end{document}. Fermilab-Pub-93/024-

    Decay of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos

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    Existing limits on the non-radiative decay of one neutrino to another plus a massless particle (e.g., a singlet Majoron) are very weak. The best limits on the lifetime to mass ratio come from solar neutrino observations, and are \tau/m \agt 10^{-4} s/eV for the relevant mass eigenstate(s). For lifetimes even several orders of magnitude longer, high-energy neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources would decay. This would strongly alter the flavor ratios from the ϕνe:ϕνμ:ϕντ=1:1:1\phi_{\nu_e}:\phi_{\nu_{\mu}}:\phi_{\nu_{\tau}} = 1:1:1 expected from oscillations alone, and should be readily visible in the near future in detectors such as IceCube.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. References added. Version to appear in PR