15 research outputs found

    Functional condition of blood according to parameters hemocoagulation and syndrome endogenous of the intoxication at diseases of kidneys at children

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    Research of a syndrome was carried out the given work endogenic intoxications and a functional condition of blood at 133 children in the age of from 7 months till 14 years with various diseases of bodies of uric system (nephritic, renal hematuria, the mixed forms glomerulonephritis, a chronic obstructive pyelonephritis, tubulointerstitial a greenstone, chronic renal insufficiency) depending on activity of pathological process and a functional condition of kidneys. Parameters a syndrome endogenic intoxications reflecting exchange shifts in an organism of the patient, are integrated size which can be considered as criterion of activity, weights of pathological process at diseases of kidneys various genesis, safe function of kidneys or partial their decrease.В данной работе проводилось исследование синдрома эндогенной интоксикации и функциональное состояние крови у 133 детей в возрасте от 7 месяцев до 14 лет с различными заболеваниями органов мочевой системы (нефротическая, гематурическая, смешанная формы гломерулонефрита, хронический обструктивный пиелонефрит, тубулоинтерстициальный нефрит, ХПН) в зависимости от активности патологического процесса и функционального состояния почек. Показатели СЭИ, отражающие обменные сдвиги в организме больного, являются интегральной величиной, которую можно рассматривать как критерий активности, тяжести патологического процесса при заболеваниях ОМС различного генеза, сохранной функции почек или парциальном их снижении


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    Background:   Only  medical   nutrition   therapy and physical activity can be used for treatment of the group  2 (p > 0.05). The fat mass in children of the group  1 decreased from 44.4% [39.1; 48.3] to Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition1; Assistant, Chair of Dietetics and2obesity in children. In many cases, it is reasonable to  start  treatment in a hospital. Aim: To assess changes  of clinical and  biochemical  parameters and body composition with diet therapy in overweight  and  obese  children  in an  in-patient department. Materials and methods: We examined 537 children with obesity aged 13 years [11;  14] (group  1) and  104  overweight   children aged  13 [12; 14] years (group  2). Anthropometric parameters,   body   composition    by   means   ofbioimpedance  measurement,  clinical  chemistry 43.1% [37.9; 47.7] (p < 0.001), in group 2, from 33.8% [31.1; 38.5] to 32.6% [30; 36.7] (p = 0.017). The lean mass  decreased in 86.2 and  93.7% of patients, respectively.  There  were  significant  reductions on  the   levels  of  serum   total   cholesterol,  low density lipoproteins, triglycerides, high density lipoproteins  and  increase  in uric acid, compared to  their  respective  baseline  values. Conclusion: During  the  in-hospital  treatment period  obese children  show  improvements  of nutritive  status, Nutrition, Postgraduate Training FacultyPavlyuchkova Mariya S. – PhD, Dietologist1parameters of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism significant   reduction   of   fat   body   mass   with                were  assessed   at  baseline   and  at  the   end   of treatment. Duration of hospital stay was 14 days. The  children   were  on  a  diet  with  a  reduced caloric,  fat  and  carbohydrate  content.  Results: The bodymass  decreased by 5.7% [4.5; 6.9] from baseline  in the  group  1 and  by 5.3% [3.8; 7.5] in concomitant decrease  of lean mass due to a rapidbodyweight reduction

    Mechanism of Thermal Defunctionalization of Oxidized Carbon Nanotubes

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    The mechanism of thermal defunctionalization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) oxidized by nitric acid was studied. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal analysis under different heating rates combined with mass spectrometry of evolved gases (TGA–MS) were used to reveal the transformations on the CNT surface. Hydrogen–deuterium exchange and mathematical handling of TGA–MS curves were carried out to evaluate the impact of a small amount of residual oxygen on CNT defunctionalization. Water, CO, CO<sub>2</sub>, and NO/CH<sub>2</sub>O mass curves recorded during TGA–MS study were curve fitted. The resultant peaks were attributed to the different stages of CNT defunctionalization. Deuterium exchanged CNTs allowed one to reveal the mechanism of water release during heating. Kissinger’s model was applied to estimate the activation energy of the decomposition of different functional groups on the surface of CNTs