187 research outputs found


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    Availability of economic enterprises of the modern metropolis of gazelles is not connected only with innovative enterprises, the town – a living organism, which needs are constantly changing and is inextricably linked to its residents, the development of the cultural environment, education and, finally, the ratio of people to him. Ability to catch this need to find a niche in the market of the modern city and allows the company to not only survive in difficult conditions of competition, but to thrive and benefit native city and its residents.Наличие среди предприятий современного мегаполиса экономических газелей не связано только с инновационными предприятиями, рынок города – это живой организм, нужды которого меняются постоянно и неразрывно связаны с его жителями, развитием культурной среды, уровнем образования и, наконец, отношением человек к себе. Умение поймать эту потребность, найти свою нишу на рынке современного города и позволяет предприятию не только выживать в сложных условиях конкуренции, но и процветать и приносить пользу родному городу и его жителям.Сборник выпущен при поддержке Фонда содействия развитию УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцин


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    We consider nonlinear discrete modes in a two-dimensional lattice of metallic nanoparticles driven by optical radiation at a frequency close to the frequency of the surface plasmon resonance of an individual nanoparticle. We suppose that the particles are small enough and the interparticle distance is large enough to treat nanoparticle within point-dipole approximation. We also assume that nanoparticles are made of silver and possess an intrinsic nonlinear Kerr-type response. Since each particle acts as a resonantly excited oscillator with slow (in comparison with the light period) inertial response, we employ a slowly varying amplitude approach to describe dynamical behavior of particle polarizations. Following a standard linear stability analysis, we obtain areas of bistability and modulation instability for the homogeneous stationary solution of the corresponding dynamical system in the plane ‘intensity-frequency’. Based on these data, we present and analyze examples of generation of plasmonic Faraday waves, stable two-dimensional solitons, oscillons, and kinks (switching waves), which separate two different homogeneous states of particle polarizations. We also discuss realistic duration of the laser pulse which should be large enough to cause the formation of the considered nonlinear modes and small enough to prevent particle ablation


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    Purpose: to study the effect of socio-economic factors on the incidence, prevalence and mortality from TB in the Kaluga region.Materials and methods: a statistical analysis of the impact of socio-economic situation in the Kaluga region on the epidemiologic situation on tuberculosis.Results: the identified socio-economic indicators, significantly influence the incidence, prevalence and mortality of tuberculosis.Summary: the dependence confirms the socio-economic conditionality of the tuberculosis problem

    Certain features of using modified collagen-containing raw materials with prolonged shelf life in food technology

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    In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen).In the current circumstances, trends in nutrition of a person striving to lead a healthy life-style require intake of meat products with the reduced energy value, minimal amounts of fat, increased protein mass fraction, presence of substances improving homeostasis of the body. The synergism of the modern nutrition science and meat industry enables creating food products that satisfy consumers’ demand. Today, in the Russian Federation, a theoretical and practical base of the technology development has been collected to the full extent in the field of rational processing of secondary raw materials in the food industry, optimal use of animal secondary raw materials, study of the protein ingredients of animal and plant origin and their deep scientifically substantiated processing, improvement of technological processes and equipment, and correspondently, product range extension. The paper broadens the information about the modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen), examines physico-chemical characteristics of the collagen-containing raw material and its changes in the process of freeze-drying with a special attention paid to the study of changes in the histological structure. The presence of the relatively uniform fibrillar structure was determined, which facilitated discovering the functional potential of proteinoids that form the fibrillar matrix in the composition of products from different groups. Analysis of IR-spectra revealed several significant absorption bands linked with the state of peptide bonds. The character of bands is linked with the complex of valence and deformation vibrations of the N- and С- types. It is believed that IR-spectra reflect conformations in the protein secondary structure, which suggests preserving properties of the tropocollagen particle or collagen molecule. Freeze-dried modified collagen-containing cattle rumen was tested by the example of jellies. The obtained databank broadens information about physico-chemical properties of modified collagen-containing raw materials (cattle rumen)

    Motivation independent of students in the implementation of the rating system

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    Implementation of rating system of an estimation of knowledge can help the student, especially on younger courses, to plan independent work and in the best way to acquire a material, and on older years to support interest to reception of a professional knowledge and development of special disciplines.Внедрение рейтинговой системы оценки знаний сможет помочь студенту, особенно на младших курсах, планировать самостоятельную работу и наилучшим образом усваивать материал, а на старших курсах поддерживать интерес к получению профессиональных знаний и освоению специальных дисциплин

    Wernicke encephalopathy after sleeve gastrectomy

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    The article describes the case of a patient with Wernicke encephalopathy, which developed 3 months after the sleeve gastrectomy. An MRI of the brain was performed to verify the diagnosis, which revealed a symmetrical non-uniform increase in the MR signal on T2-WI and Tirm from the medial part of the thalamus, mastoid bodies and gray matter around the aqueduct of Sylvius. Thiamine infusion was promptly initiated as therapy. During treatment, acute neurological symptoms almost regressed, the patient was discharged in a satisfactory condition with preservation of vertical nystagmus under the supervision of specialists at the place of residence. Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome more often occurs as a complication of alcoholism and arising from thiamine deficiency. However, the fact that this condition also occurs under the influence of other etiopathogenetic factors is often ignored by clinicians. In the management of patients after bariatric interventions, this condition is much more common in malabsorptive operations. However, a combination of certain factors can be described in patients after restrictive types of bariatric surgeries


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    Purpose: to examine the effectiveness of the TB control system in the Kaluga region in the modernization and optimization of health. Materials and methods: the medical records of the analysis of new TB cases. Results: the article shows that timely detection of tuberculosis in the Kaluga region at a low level. It was established nonhomogeneous quarterly detection of TB patients. The analysis of the effectiveness of the TB system in the Kaluga region. Summary: the results show weaknesses in the organization of detection and treatment of tuberculosis in the region

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical, Hormonal and Morphological Studies in Patients with Neuroendocrine ACTH-Producing Tumours

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    This paper highlights the problem of neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) with clinical symptoms of hypercorticism caused by hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by tumour cells. In most cases (85%), the tumours were localized in the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease); 15% of the patients had an extrapituitary tumour that manifest as an ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Comparative analysis of clinical, hormonal, histological, and immunohistochemical characteristics of pituitary and extrapituitary ACTH-secreting NET was performed. It included 46 patients with CD and 38 ones exhibiting ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Results of the study suggest differences between CD and EAS in terms of the severity of clinical manifestations and duration of the disease. Hormonal studies showed that EAS unlike CD was associated with high plasma ACTH and cortisol levels, late-evening salivary cortisol and daily urinary free cortisol, the absence of a 60% or greater reduction of cortisol in the HDDST test, and the presence of a low (less than 2) ACTH gradient in response to desmopressin administration with catheterization of cavernous sinuses. The study of morphofunctional characteristics of the removed NET demonstrated the ability of both pituitary and extrapituitary NETs to express ACTH as well as GH, PRL, LH, and FSH. The angiogenic markers (CD31 and VEGF) were detected with equal frequency regardless of the NET localization. The histological structure of all corticotropinomas suggested their benign origin, but extrapituitary NETs were represented by different morphological types with varying malignancy, invasiveness, and metastatic properties. A higher cell proliferation potential (Ki-67) was documented for NET in patients presenting with an ectopic ACTH secretion compared to those having corticotropinomas

    The characteristics, structure and practice of archival digital information service

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    Развитие современных информационных технологий ускоряет процесс цифрового преобразования архивов. Новые периоды должны быть направлены на то, чтобы лучше отражать информационную ценность, а не на цифровую информационную службу. Определи особенности оцифрованных услуг.The development of modern information technologies accelerates the process of digital transformation of archives. New periods should be aimed at better reflecting information value rather than at a digital information service. Define the features of digitized services

    The Development of Industrial Innovation Under the Background of Digital Economy

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    Целью исследования является рассмотреть, как цифровая экономика влияет на скорость внедрения промышленных инноваций на производственные процессы. В статье рассматриваются и анализируются вопросы, связанные с развитием цифровой экономики и повышения эффективности технологических инноваций в промышленности города Сиань, для формулирования рекомендаций с целью развития и продвижения в технологические процессы промышленного производства.The purpose of this study is to consider how the digital economy affects the speed of industrial innovation in manufacturing processes. The article examines and analyzes issues related to the development of the digital economy and improving the efficiency of technological innovations in the industry of Xi'an City to formulate recommendations for the development and promotion of industrial production into technological processes