21 research outputs found

    On aberration in gravitational lensing

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    It is known that a relative translational motion between the deflector and the observer affects gravitational lensing. In this paper, a lens equation is obtained to describe such effects on actual lensing observables. Results can be easily interpreted in terms of aberration of light-rays. Both radial and transverse motions with relativistic velocities are considered. The lens equation is derived by first considering geodesic motion of photons in the rest-frame Schwarzschild spacetime of the lens, and, then, light-ray detection in the moving observer's frame. Due to the transverse motion images are displaced and distorted in the observer's celestial sphere, whereas the radial velocity along the line of sight causes an effective re-scaling of the lens mass. The Einstein ring is distorted to an ellipse whereas the caustics in the source plane are still point-like. Either for null transverse motion or up to linear order in velocities, the critical curve is still a circle with its radius corrected by a factor (1+z_d) with respect to the static case, z_d being the relativistic Doppler shift of the deflector. From the observational point of view, the orbital motion of the Earth can cause potentially observable corrections of the order of the microarcsec in lensing towards the super-massive black hole at the Galactic center. On a cosmological scale, tangential peculiar velocities of cluster of galaxies bring about a typical flexion in images of background galaxies in the weak lensing regime but future measurements seem to be too much challenging.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, in press on PR

    Strong deflection limit of black hole gravitational lensing with arbitrary source distances

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    The gravitational field of supermassive black holes is able to strongly bend light rays emitted by nearby sources. When the deflection angle exceeds π\pi, gravitational lensing can be analytically approximated by the so-called strong deflection limit. In this paper we remove the conventional assumption of sources very far from the black hole, considering the distance of the source as an additional parameter in the lensing problem to be treated exactly. We find expressions for critical curves, caustics and all lensing observables valid for any position of the source up to the horizon. After analyzing the spherically symmetric case we focus on the Kerr black hole, for which we present an analytical 3-dimensional description of the higher order caustic tubes.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, appendix added. In press on Physical Review

    Kerr black hole lensing for generic observers in the strong deflection limit

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    We generalize our previous work on gravitational lensing by a Kerr black hole in the strong deflection limit, removing the restriction to observers on the equatorial plane. Starting from the Schwarzschild solution and adding corrections up to the second order in the black hole spin, we perform a complete analytical study of the lens equation for relativistic images created by photons passing very close to a Kerr black hole. We find out that, to the lowest order, all observables (including shape and shift of the black hole shadow, caustic drift and size, images position and magnification) depend on the projection of the spin on a plane orthogonal to the line of sight. In order to break the degeneracy between the black hole spin and its inclination relative to the observer, it is necessary to push the expansion to higher orders. In terms of future VLBI observations, this implies that very accurate measures are needed to determine these two parameters separately.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, one section added, to appear on Physical Review

    Viewing the Shadow of the Black Hole at the Galactic Center

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    In recent years, the evidence for the existence of an ultra-compact concentration of dark mass associated with the radio source Sgr A* in the Galactic Center has become very strong. However, an unambiguous proof that this object is indeed a black hole is still lacking. A defining characteristic of a black hole is the event horizon. To a distant observer, the event horizon casts a relatively large ``shadow'' with an apparent diameter of ~10 gravitational radii due to bending of light by the black hole, nearly independent of the black hole spin or orientation. The predicted size (~30 micro-arcseconds) of this shadow for Sgr A* approaches the resolution of current radio-interferometers. If the black hole is maximally spinning and viewed edge-on, then the shadow will be offset by ~8 micro-arcseconds from the center of mass, and will be slightly flattened on one side. Taking into account scatter-broadening of the image in the interstellar medium and the finite achievable telescope resolution, we show that the shadow of Sgr A* may be observable with very long-baseline interferometry at sub-millimeter wavelengths, assuming that the accretion flow is optically thin in this region of the spectrum. Hence, there exists a realistic expectation of imaging the event horizon of a black hole within the next few years.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure (color), (AAS)Tex, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 528, L13 (Jan 1, 2000 issue); also available at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/hfalcke/publications.html#bhimag

    Kerr-Sen dilaton-axion black hole lensing in the strong deflection limit

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    In the present work we study numerically quasi-equatorial lensing by the charged, stationary, axially-symmetric Kerr-Sen dilaton-axion black hole in the strong deflection limit. In this approximation we compute the magnification and the positions of the relativistic images. The most outstanding effect is that the Kerr-Sen black hole caustics drift away from the optical axis and shift in clockwise direction with respect to the Kerr caustics. The intersections of the critical curves on the equatorial plane as a function of the black hole angular momentum are found, and it is shown that they decrease with the increase of the parameter Q2/MQ^{2}/M. All of the lensing quantities are compared to particular cases as Schwarzschild, Kerr and Gibbons-Maeda black holes.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures; V2 references added, some typos corrected, V3 references added, language corrections, V4 table added, minor technical correction

    Strong field limit of black hole gravitational lensing

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    We give the formulation of the gravitational lensing theory in the strong field limit for a Schwarzschild black hole as a counterpart to the weak field approach. It is possible to expand the full black hole lens equation to work a simple analytical theory that describes at a high accuracy degree the physics in the strong field limit. In this way, we derive compact and reliable mathematical formulae for the position of additional critical curves, relativistic images and their magnification, arising in this limit.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Analytical Kerr black hole lensing in the weak deflection limit

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    We present an analytical treatment of gravitational lensing by a Kerr black hole in the weak deflection limit. Lightlike geodesics are expanded as a Taylor series up to and including third-order terms in m/b and a/b, where m is the black hole mass, a the angular momentum and b the impact parameter of the light ray. Positions and magnifications of individual images are computed with a perturbative analysis. At this order, the degeneracy with the translated Schwarzschild lens is broken. The critical curve is still a circle displaced from the black hole position in the equatorial direction and the corresponding caustic is point-like. The degeneracy between the black hole spin and its inclination relative to the observer is broken through the angular coordinates of the perturbed images.Comment: 12 pages; minor changes to match the version in press on Phys. Rev.

    Optical caustics of Kerr spacetime: the full structure

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    We present an exhaustive numerical investigation of the optical caustics in gravitational lensing by a spinning black hole for an observer at infinity. Besides the primary caustic, we examine higher order caustics, formed by photons performing one or several loops around the black hole. Our investigation covers the whole parameter space, including the black hole spin, its inclination with respect to the line of sight, the source distance, and the caustic order. By comparing our results with the available analytical approximations, we find perfect agreement in their respective domains of validity. We then prove that all caustics maintain their shape (a tube with astroidal cross-section) in the entire parameter space without suffering any transitions to different caustic shapes. For nearly extremal spin, however, higher order caustics grow so large that their cross-sections at fixed radii wind several times around the black hole. As a consequence, for each caustic order, the number of images ranges from 2 to 2(n+1), where n is the number of loops spanned by the caustic. As for the critical curves, we note that for high values of the spin they develop a small dip on the side corresponding to prograde orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figure

    Gravitational lensing in the strong field limit

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    We provide an analytic method to discriminate among different types of black holes on the ground of their strong field gravitational lensing properties. We expand the deflection angle of the photon in the neighbourhood of complete capture, defining a strong field limit, in opposition to the standard weak field limit. This expansion is worked out for a completely generic spherically symmetric spacetime, without any reference to the field equations and just assuming that the light ray follows the geodesics equation. We prove that the deflection angle always diverges logarithmically when the minimum impact parameter is reached. We apply this general formalism to Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom and Janis-Newman-Winicour black holes. We then compare the coefficients characterizing these metrics and find that different collapsed objects are characterized by different strong field limits. The strong field limit coefficients are directly connected to the observables, such as the position and the magnification of the relativistic images. As a concrete example, we consider the black hole at the centre of our galaxy and estimate the optical resolution needed to investigate its strong field behaviour through its relativistic images.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, in press on Physical Review

    An extended scheme for fitting X-ray data with accretion disk spectra in the strong gravity regime

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    Accreting black holes are believed to emit X-rays which then mediate information about strong gravity in the vicinity of the emission region. We report on a set of new routines for the Xspec package for analysing X-ray spectra of black-hole accretion disks. The new computational tool significantly extends the capabilities of the currently available fitting procedures that include the effects of strong gravity, and allows one to systematically explore the constraints on more model parameters than previously possible (for example black-hole angular momentum). Moreover, axial symmetry of the disk intrinsic emissivity is not assumed, although it can be imposed to speed up the computations. The new routines can be used also as a stand-alone and flexible code with the capability of handling time-resolved spectra in the regime of strong gravity. We have used the new code to analyse the mean X-ray spectrum from the long XMM--Newton 2001 campaign of the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG--6-30-15. Consistent with previous findings, we obtained a good fit to the broad Fe K line profile for a radial line intrinsic emissivity law in the disk which is not a simple power law, and for near maximal value of black hole angular momentum. However, equally good fits can be obtained also for small values of the black hole angular momentum. The code has been developed with the aim of allowing precise modelling of relativistic effects. Although we find that current data cannot constrain the parameters of black-hole/accretion disk system well, the approach allows, for a given source or situation, detailed investigations of what features of the data future studies should be focused on in order to achieve the goal of uniquely isolating the parameters of such systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ S