2 research outputs found


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    Dengue is one of the common mosquito-borne arbovirus infections, especially in India. Dengue virus is a single strand RNA virus, which composed of four serotypes and these serotypes, belongs to the flavivirus genus. Dengue viruses are normally transmitted through the bites of aedes mosquito species. Dengue is the most frequent cause of fever which is caused with thrombocytopenia. Dengue is probably a fatal ailment that is widely spread through the tropical and subtropical regions of the world affecting urban and semi-urban areas. It also becomes a dominant health concern globally in recent decades. The most serious complications of this infection are dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. 18 y old male patient was admitted to the general ward in thiruvallur government hospital with chief complaints of fever, vomiting and dehydration, cough with expectorant for a period of 3 d. The patient was diagnosed with dengue fever followed by thrombocytopenia and advised for proper rehydration therapy. The patient was initiated with prophylactic therapy and Oral Rehydration Solution. He was also treated by focusing points based on patient counselling to recover the current condition. The patient was counseled accordingly as regular sit-ups, with points focusing on disease condition and therapy prescribed. The current case was aimed to target on the counselling points for dengue, which made a better improvement in the patient with severe dengue fever with thrombocytopenia and this could be a measure as community awareness outlook to spread alertness which can avoid the outbreak of Dengue.Â


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    Drug-induced Psoriasis is one among the common etiological factors of Psoriasis reported worldwide. Familiar drugs known to cause psoriasiform eruptions include Anti-malarials, Beta blockers, NSAIDs, Lithium. etc. Certain antihypertensives like ACE inhibitors, diuretics are also documented to have caused psoriatic episodes. A 57 y old South-Indian male patient with a history of Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Atrial Fibrillation for 4 y; was on antihypertensive therapy for Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation with proponolol for past 2 y and metoprolol initially. He was presented to the hospital two weeks after switching on to Metoprolol therapy for chief complaints of erythematous scaly lesions especially over both the extremities and paronydrial appearance of nails. Initially, he was on Propranolol therapy which was then shifted to Metoprolol due to an appearance of oral lesions in the mouth. Metoprolol was now discontinued and switched on to Atenolol. After 1-2 w of therapy with Atenolol, the lesions were found to disappear and no recurrence of psoriatic conditions were found. Proper reviewing of medical history for any allergic reactions and the optimization of drug therapy through Therapeutic Drug Monitoring could be initiated by Clinical Pharmacist in order to avoid such drug-induced flares