5 research outputs found

    Implementing a Web Based On-Demand Mentorship Platform for Young Entrepreneurs

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    Over 90 percent of startups fail after the first five years of kick-off in many developing economies like Nigeria due to the lack of entrepreneurial experiences, understanding of the environment and relevant insights required to handle peculiar challenges that come with running a startup company. Entrepreneurs and founders of startup companies can, therefore, improve the longevity of startups and mitigate the degree of startup failures if they can be equipped with the required knowledge and capacity. Such capacity can be harnessed from years of experiences gathered from trying, making efforts, succeeding and failing. However, entrepreneurs and founders, who are starters or lack substantial experience, may contribute to the failure rate of startups. This, nevertheless, can be addressed by taking advantage of those who have already gathered substantial experiences. These are referred to as mentorship in this study. Thus, a sound relationship between an experienced entrepreneur (mentor) and a starter entrepreneur (mentee) can enable the transfer of knowledge that mitigates the failure rate of startups. This study, therefore, seeks to explore the development of a web-based mentorship platform, where experienced entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs meet and transfer knowledge. The platform is meant to give young entrepreneurs a leverage such that they harness the already existing experiences of experienced entrepreneurs, such as their failures, successes, methods, leadership styles and efforts. This will foster mentorship relationships, quick-finding help, and knowledge-sharing such that the failure rate of startup companies in Nigeria is reduced

    Aeromonas-related Diarrhoea in Nasarawa, Nigeria

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    Background: Two hundred and fifty volunteer patients attending 5 major hospitals in Nasarawa town, Nasarawa State, Nigeria were involved in this study to determine the prevalence of Aeromonasspp in persons with diarrhoea. The study population consisted of 133 males and 117 females between the ages of 0-70 years. Methods: Stool samples (148 diarrhoeal and 102 non-diarrhoeal) were analysed for the presence of Aeromonas spp. using standard bacteriological methods. The isolates were also subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing using the disc diffusion method. Results: Four (1.60%) of the 250 stool samples were positive for Aeromonasspp. Three (2.03%) of the isolates were recovered from diarrhoeal specimens and 1 (0.98%) from non-diarrhoeal (control) samples. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The highest numbers of isolates 3 (3.66%) were recovered from age group 0-10 years while age group 61-70 years yielded 1 (14.29%). All isolates were found to be Aeromonas hydrophilia. The isolates were all sensitive to tetracycline, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole and streptomycin but resistant to penicillin and ampicillin. Other enteropathogens isolated were Shigella spp 5 (2.0%) and Salmonella spp 2(0.8%). Conclusion: This study has shown that a small percentage of gastroenteritis can be attributed to Aeromonas hydrophilia.Introduction: Deux cents cinquante patients volontaaires qui consultent 5 h\uf4pitaux majeurs dans la ville de Nasarawa l'Etat de Nasarawa, Nig\ue9ria ont particip\ue9 dans cette \ue9tude pour d\ue9cider la fr\ue9quence d'aeromone spp chez des individus atteints de la diarrh\ue9e. La population d'\ue9tude se compose de 133 du sexe masculin et 117 du sexe f\ue9minin entre 0 \u2013 70 ans. M\ue9thodes: Echantillons des f\ue8ces (148 diarrh\ue9e et 102 non \u2013 diarrh\ue9e) ont \ue9t\ue9 analys\ue9s pour la pr\ue9sence d'aeromone spp \ue0 travers l'utilisation de la m\ue9thode bact\ue9riologique. Les isolates \ue9taient \ue9galement en butte d'examen de la susceptibilit\ue9 antimicrobiale \ue0 travers l'utilization de la m\ue9thode de diffusion de disque. R\ue9sultats: Quatre soit 1,60% de 250 \ue9chantillons de f\ue8ces \ue9taient positifs pour l'aeromone spp. Trois soit 2,03% des isolates ont \ue9t\ue9 soign\ue9s des sp\ue9cimens de la diarrh\ue9e et 1 soit 0,98% des \ue9chantillons non-diarrh\ue9e (contr\uf4le). La diff\ue9rence \ue9tait statistiquement importante (p<0,05). Nombre le plus \ue9lev\ue9 des isolates 3(3,66%) ont \ue9t\ue9 soign\ue9s d'une trance d'\ue2ge 0 -10 ans, tandis que groupe d'\ue2ge 61070 ans donnent 1 soit 14,29%. On avait trouv\ue9 que toutes les isolates \ue9taient arromone hydrophilie. Toutes les isolates \ue9taient sensibles \ue0 la t\ue9tracycline, gentamicine, chloramph\ue9nicol cotrimoxazole et str\ue9ptomycine mais r\ue9sistant \ue0 la p\ue9nicilline et ampicilline, Des autres isolates enteropathogens \ue9taient shigella spp 5 soit 2,0% et salmonella spp. 2(0,8%) Conclusion: A travers cette \ue9tude on peut conclure que un petit pourcentage de la gastroenterite peut \ueatre attribuable au aeromone hydrophlilie

    Euphorbia Graminea Jacq. (Euphorbiaceae): A Comparative Antimicrobial Evaluations of Stem and Root Extracts

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a global issue. Euphorbia plants are used locally to treat microbial infections. This study examined the antimicrobial potential of Euphorbia graminea stem and root extracts. The stems and roots extracts of E .graminea were extracted using 80% methanol and tested for antimicrobial activity at concentrations between 4.69-300mg/mL against non-clinical isolates (S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albican, A. niger). The active roots extract was fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatographic fractionations (VLC) and the resulting fractions bulked and tested against the organisms at 6.25-100mg/mL.  The MIC of extracts and vlc bulked fractions were tested at 0.39-6.25 mg/mL.  The root extract recorded higher antimicrobial activities over the stem extract especially against S. aureus and E.coli, hence was fractionated. Among the vlc sub-fractions of the roots extract, fractions A (2) recorded no activity against the test organisms while fractions C (9-10) recorded 7.50 and 3.50 mm against S. aureus and E. coli only at the maximum concentration of 100mg/mL. However, fractions B (3-8) conspicuously gave zones of inhibitions far higher than the other fractions. This study has shown that the roots extract of E. graminea has higher antimicrobial activities more than the stems, further justifying the ethno-botanical potentials of the plant in treating skin infections

    Implementing a Web Based On-Demand Mentorship Platform for Young Entrepreneurs

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    Over 90 percent of startups fail after the first five years of kick-off in many developing economies like Nigeria due to the lack of entrepreneurial experiences, understanding of the environment and relevant insights required to handle peculiar challenges that come with running a startup company. Entrepreneurs and founders of startup companies can, therefore, improve the longevity of startups and mitigate the degree of startup failures if they can be equipped with the required knowledge and capacity. Such capacity can be harnessed from years of experiences gathered from trying, making efforts, succeeding and failing. However, entrepreneurs and founders, who are starters or lack substantial experience, may contribute to the failure rate of startups. This, nevertheless, can be addressed by taking advantage of those who have already gathered substantial experiences. These are referred to as mentorship in this study. Thus, a sound relationship between an experienced entrepreneur (mentor) and a starter entrepreneur (mentee) can enable the transfer of knowledge that mitigates the failure rate of startups. This study, therefore, seeks to explore the development of a web-based mentorship platform, where experienced entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs meet and transfer knowledge. The platform is meant to give young entrepreneurs a leverage such that they harness the already existing experiences of experienced entrepreneurs, such as their failures, successes, methods, leadership styles and efforts. This will foster mentorship relationships, quick-finding help, and knowledge-sharing such that the failure rate of startup companies in Nigeria is reduced

    Aeromonas-related Diarrhoea in Nasarawa, Nigeria

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    Background: Two hundred and fifty volunteer patients attending 5 major hospitals in Nasarawa town, Nasarawa State, Nigeria were involved in this study to determine the prevalence of Aeromonasspp in persons with diarrhoea. The study population consisted of 133 males and 117 females between the ages of 0-70 years. Methods: Stool samples (148 diarrhoeal and 102 non-diarrhoeal) were analysed for the presence of Aeromonas spp. using standard bacteriological methods. The isolates were also subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing using the disc diffusion method. Results: Four (1.60%) of the 250 stool samples were positive for Aeromonasspp. Three (2.03%) of the isolates were recovered from diarrhoeal specimens and 1 (0.98%) from non-diarrhoeal (control) samples. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The highest numbers of isolates 3 (3.66%) were recovered from age group 0-10 years while age group 61-70 years yielded 1 (14.29%). All isolates were found to be Aeromonas hydrophilia. The isolates were all sensitive to tetracycline, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole and streptomycin but resistant to penicillin and ampicillin. Other enteropathogens isolated were Shigella spp 5 (2.0%) and Salmonella spp 2(0.8%). Conclusion: This study has shown that a small percentage of gastroenteritis can be attributed to Aeromonas hydrophilia.Introduction: Deux cents cinquante patients volontaaires qui consultent 5 hôpitaux majeurs dans la ville de Nasarawa l&apos;Etat de Nasarawa, Nigéria ont participé dans cette étude pour décider la fréquence d&apos;aeromone spp chez des individus atteints de la diarrhée. La population d&apos;étude se compose de 133 du sexe masculin et 117 du sexe féminin entre 0 – 70 ans. Méthodes: Echantillons des fèces (148 diarrhée et 102 non – diarrhée) ont été analysés pour la présence d&apos;aeromone spp à travers l&apos;utilisation de la méthode bactériologique. Les isolates étaient également en butte d&apos;examen de la susceptibilité antimicrobiale à travers l&apos;utilization de la méthode de diffusion de disque. Résultats: Quatre soit 1,60% de 250 échantillons de fèces étaient positifs pour l&apos;aeromone spp. Trois soit 2,03% des isolates ont été soignés des spécimens de la diarrhée et 1 soit 0,98% des échantillons non-diarrhée (contrôle). La différence était statistiquement importante (p<0,05). Nombre le plus élevé des isolates 3(3,66%) ont été soignés d&apos;une trance d&apos;âge 0 -10 ans, tandis que groupe d&apos;âge 61070 ans donnent 1 soit 14,29%. On avait trouvé que toutes les isolates étaient arromone hydrophilie. Toutes les isolates étaient sensibles à la tétracycline, gentamicine, chloramphénicol cotrimoxazole et stréptomycine mais résistant à la pénicilline et ampicilline, Des autres isolates enteropathogens étaient shigella spp 5 soit 2,0% et salmonella spp. 2(0,8%) Conclusion: A travers cette étude on peut conclure que un petit pourcentage de la gastroenterite peut être attribuable au aeromone hydrophlilie