98 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kreativitas Keterampilan Proses Sains dalam Aspek Kehidupan Organisme pada Mata Pelajaran IPA SD

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    : This research is aimed to know how far the development of creativity of science process skills in the life aspect through the science subject in elementary schools in DIY. The data were collected through a survey by employing a group sampling technique after the areas had been determined by the Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) of the education office which represented the city and suburb areas. The results of the survey which involved 400 elementary school teachers of grades IV and V as well as 1200 students from 10 UPT of 5 different regencies/municipalities in DIY show that almost all teachers stated the importance of developing creativity of the science process skill in the life aspect for the students. They hardly ever or seldom taught without giving examples. They often taught by giving examples. There was no teacher who stated that they had ever joined a training to develop the students' creativity

    Role of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in evaluation of female infertility

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    Background: Infertility affects 10-15% of reproductive age couples. Routine pelvic examination and usual diagnostic procedures can miss majority of the pelvic pathologies. Hysterolaparoscopy is an effective tool for diagnosing these pathologies and additionally therapeutic procedures, like polypectomy, myomectomy, septal resection and adhesiolysis, can be done in the same sitting. Objective of present study was to determine the role of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy for evaluating the causes of infertility.Methods: It was a prospective study conducted at the Department of OBGY from September 2015 to August 2016. Patients aged 20-40 years with infertility were included in the study. The prevalence of different lesions was analysed.Results: Out of the 30 patients studied, most had primary infertility. Laparoscopic abnormalities (56.6%) were more common than hysteroscopic abnormalities (36.6%). Adnexal adhesions (26.6%) was the most common abnormality detected on laparoscopy, while the common intra-uterine pathologies were uterine septum and synechiae.Conclusions: Hysterolaparoscopy may be recommended as the procedure of choice for evaluation of female infertility, which are usually missed by imaging modalities

    Comparative study of maternal and foetal outcome in instrumental vaginal deliveries

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    Background: The art of instrumental vaginal delivery is fading as more and more obstetricians resort to caesarean sections. Instrumental deliveries are deliveries accomplished with the use of vacuum device or forceps. Once either is applied to the foetal head, outward traction generates forces that augment maternal pushing to deliver the foetus vaginally. Objective of present study was to compare the maternal and foetal outcome of forceps versus ventouse delivery.Methods: It was a prospective observational study conducted in Sassoon Hospital between January 2014 to January 2015. A total of 120 cases, 60 each of forceps and ventouse, admitted in labour room were included in the study. Maternal and neonatal morbidity were compared in terms of perineal lacerations, episiotomy extension, post-partum haemorrhage, Apgar score, instrumental injuries. Chi square test and z test of proportion was used to analyze the data.Results: Maternal morbidity, namely episiotomy extension as well as perineal tears were significant in the forceps group. With regards to neonatal morbidity, no statistically significant difference was noted.Conclusions: Vacuum and forceps should remain appropriate tools in the armamentarium of the modern obstetrician. However, ventouse may be chosen first (if there is no foetal distress) as it is significantly less likely to injure the mother

    Active management of third stage of labour with special reference to misoprostol

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    Active management of third stage of labour is an effective method of preventing postpartum hemorrhage. It includes administration of uterotonic immediately after delivery of the baby, delaying cord clamping for at least 1-3 minutes to reduce rates of infant anaemia, performing controlled cord traction for removing the placenta and postpartum vigilance, ie, assess the uterine tone to ensure a contracted uterus; and continue to check every 15 minutes for 2 hours. If there is uterine atony, fundal massage should be performed and patient should be monitored more frequently. Though oxytocin is the best drug for routine prophylaxis, misoprostol is a relatively newer drug which is now included in the various guidelines for prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. It can be used as an effective and safe drug in areas with poor access to skilled healthcare providers and facilities

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Pendekatan Active Learning Kelas V

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    : increasing writing ability of poem in Indonesia Language by using Active Learning in fifth grade of SDN 19 Setogor, Sekayam. The purpose of this research is increasing writing ability of poem in Indonesia Language by using Active Learning in fifth grade of SDN 19 Setogor, Sekayam. The research approaching is active learning and in survey studies. This research was conducted in two cycles. On the base line reach 38,2%, on the first cycle rearch 55,4% and on the second cycle reach 84,3%. Learning results of writing ability of poem on the first cycle reach 58,5% and become 68% on the second cycle. Teacher has practice Active Learning well. On the first cycle reach 68% and become 83% on the second cycle. Learning result of writing poem reach 53% on the first cycle and become 76% on the second cycle. It means the research has reach KKM 65 in SDN 19 Setogor

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Praktikum Pada Pembelajaran Biologi Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 3 Kuntodarussalam Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    This aim of this study was to known execution of practical work at study of class student biology of VIIIin SMP Country 3 Kunto Darussalam grade academic year 2014 / 2015. This was a descriptive study. Thesampel was the student of class VIIIA and class of VIIIB taken by simple random sampling till reach the amountof sampel as a whole 53 student. Technique intake of data done by using enquette. Data analyzed by usingdescriptive statistics. Result indicated that; 1) Frequency execution of practical work (75%); 2) Studententhusiasm to practical work (77%); 3) Time execution of practical work (69%) and; 4) Preparation andexecution of practical work (78%). Amount of mean percentage of execution of practical work at study ofbiology (75%) have been applied better

    On Optimality of Long Document Classification using Deep Learning

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    Document classification is effective with elegant models of word numerical distributions. The word embeddings are one of the categories of numerical distributions of words from the WordNet. The modern machine learning algorithms yearn on classifying documents based on the categorical data. The context of interest on the categorical data is posed with weights and the sense and quality of the sentences is estimated for sensible classification of documents. The focus of the current work is on legal and criminal documents extracted from the popular news channels, particularly on classification of long length legal and criminal documents. Optimization is the essential instrument to bring the quality inputs to the document classification model. The existing models are studied and a feasible model for the efficient document classification is proposed. The experiments are carried out with meticulous filtering and extraction of legal and criminal records from the popular news web sites and preprocessed with WordNet and Text Processing contingencies for efficient inward for the learning framework
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