905 research outputs found

    The Scattering Theory of Oscillator Defects in an Optical Fiber

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    We examine harmonic oscillator defects coupled to a photon field in the environs of an optical fiber. Using techniques borrowed or extended from the theory of two dimensional quantum fields with boundaries and defects, we are able to compute exactly a number of interesting quantities. We calculate the scattering S-matrices (i.e. the reflection and transmission amplitudes) of the photons off a single defect. We determine using techniques derived from thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) the thermodynamic potentials of the interacting photon-defect system. And we compute several correlators of physical interest. We find the photon occupancy at finite temperature, the spontaneous emission spectrum from the decay of an excited state, and the correlation functions of the defect degrees of freedom. In an extension of the single defect theory, we find the photonic band structure that arises from a periodic array of harmonic oscillators. In another extension, we examine a continuous array of defects and exactly derive its dispersion relation. With some differences, the spectrum is similar to that found for EM wave propagation in covalent crystals. We then add to this continuum theory isolated defects, so as to obtain a more realistic model of defects embedded in a frequency dependent dielectric medium. We do this both with a single isolated defect and with an array of isolated defects, and so compute how the S-matrices and the band structure change in a dynamic medium.Comment: 32 pages, TeX with harvmac macros, three postscript figure

    Holographic classification of Topological Insulators and its 8-fold periodicity

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    Using generic properties of Clifford algebras in any spatial dimension, we explicitly classify Dirac hamiltonians with zero modes protected by the discrete symmetries of time-reversal, particle-hole symmetry, and chirality. Assuming the boundary states of topological insulators are Dirac fermions, we thereby holographically reproduce the Periodic Table of topological insulators found by Kitaev and Ryu. et. al, without using topological invariants nor K-theory. In addition we find candidate Z_2 topological insulators in classes AI, AII in dimensions 0,4 mod 8 and in classes C, D in dimensions 2,6 mod 8.Comment: 19 pages, 4 Table

    A 1D Model for N-level Atoms Coupled to an EM Field

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    We construct a model for n-level atoms coupled to quantized electromagnetic fields in a fibrillar geometry. In the slowly varying envelope and rotating wave approximations, the equations of motion are shown to satisfy a zero curvature representation, implying integrability of the quantum system.Comment: 8 pages, Plain Te

    Semi-Lorentz invariance, unitarity, and critical exponents of symplectic fermion models

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    We study a model of N-component complex fermions with a kinetic term that is second order in derivatives. This symplectic fermion model has an Sp(2N) symmetry, which for any N contains an SO(3) subgroup that can be identified with rotational spin of spin-1/2 particles. Since the spin-1/2 representation is not promoted to a representation of the Lorentz group, the model is not fully Lorentz invariant, although it has a relativistic dispersion relation. The hamiltonian is pseudo-hermitian, H^\dagger = C H C, which implies it has a unitary time evolution. Renormalization-group analysis shows the model has a low-energy fixed point that is a fermionic version of the Wilson-Fisher fixed points. The critical exponents are computed to two-loop order. Possible applications to condensed matter physics in 3 space-time dimensions are discussed.Comment: v2: Published version, minor typose correcte

    The role of symmetry on interface states in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    When an electron tunnels from a metal into the barrier in a magnetic tunnel junction it has to cross the interface. Deep in the metal the eigenstates for the electron can be labelled by the point symmetry group of the bulk but around the interface this symmetry is reduced and one has to use linear combinations of the bulk states to form the eigenstates labelled by the irreducible representations of the point symmetry group of the interface. In this way there can be states localized at the interface which control tunneling. The conclusions as to which are the dominant tunneling states are different from that conventionally found.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PRB, v2: reference 3 complete

    Boundary energy and boundary states in integrable quantum field theories

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    We study the ground state energy of integrable 1+11+1 quantum field theories with boundaries (the genuine Casimir effect). In the scalar case, this is done by introducing a new, ``R-channel TBA'', where the boundary is represented by a boundary state, and the thermodynamics involves evaluating scalar products of boundary states with all the states of the theory. In the non-scalar, sine-Gordon case, this is done by generalizing the method of Destri and De Vega. The two approaches are compared. Miscellaneous other results are obtained, in particular formulas for the overall normalization and scalar products of boundary states, exact partition functions for the critical Ising model in a boundary magnetic field, and also results for the energy, excited states and boundary S-matrix of O(n)O(n) and minimal models.Comment: 3 figures in the separate compressed file, 42 page

    QED for a Fibrillar Medium of Two-Level Atoms

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    We consider a fibrillar medium with a continuous distribution of two-level atoms coupled to quantized electromagnetic fields. Perturbation theory is developed based on the current algebra satisfied by the atomic operators. The one-loop corrections to the dispersion relation for the polaritons and the dielectric constant are computed. Renormalization group equations are derived which demonstrate a screening of the two-level splitting at higher energies. Our results are compared with known results in the slowly varying envelope and rotating wave approximations. We also discuss the quantum sine-Gordon theory as an approximate theory.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, uses harvmac and epsf. In this revised version, infra-red divergences are more properly handle


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    This report covers a three week visit to the following locations: 1.) A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia; 2.) Institute for Applied Informatics, of the Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine; 3.)Engineering Design Center.Cambridge University, Cambridge, England- and 4) Artificial Intelligence Department, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. The visits involved sites whose current research involved either empirical methods for the design of materials and resultant products and/or the development of empirical methods of potential benefit in automating empirical research of materials and/or processing. The report address, for each site, 1) a brief overview of the author\u27s perception of research in material/process discovery methods, 2) a description of each site visited, 3) facilities and assistance 4) research objectives and approach, 5) progress, 6) continuing activities, and 7) potential for further collaboration
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