253 research outputs found

    Pinning down neutrino oscillation parameters in the 2-3 sector with a mgnetised atmospheric neutrino detector: a new study

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    We determine the sensitivity to neutrino oscillation parameters from a study of atmospheric neutrinos in a magnetised detector such as the ICAL at the proposed India-based Neutrino Observatory. In such a detector that can {\em separately} count νμ\nu_\mu and νμ\overline{\nu}_\mu-induced events, the relatively smaller (about 5\%) uncertainties on the neutrino--anti-neutrino flux ratios translate to a constraint in the χ2\chi^2 analysis that results in a significant improvement in the precision with which neutrino oscillation parameters such as sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23} can be determined. Such an effect is unique to all magnetisable detectors and constitutes a great advantage in determining neutrino oscillation parameters using such detectors. Such a study has been performed for the first time here. Along with an increase in the kinematic range compared to earlier analyses, this results in sensitivities to oscillation parameters in the 2--3 sector that are comparable to or better than those from accelerator experiments where the fluxes are significantly higher. For example, the 1σ1\sigma precisions on sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23} and Δm32(31)2|\Delta{m^2_{32(31)}}| achievable for 500 kTon yr exposure of ICAL are 9%\sim9\% and 2.5%\sim2.5\% respectively for both normal and inverted hierarchies. The mass hierarchy sensitivity achievable with this combination when the true hierarchy is normal (inverted) for the same exposure is Δχ28.5\Delta\chi^2\approx8.5 (Δχ29.5\Delta\chi^2\approx9.5)

    Random sampling of an AC source: A tool to teach probabilistic observations

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    An undergraduate level experiment is described to demonstrate the role of probabilistic observations in physics. A capacitor and a DC voltmeter are used to randomly sample an AC voltage source. The resulting probability distribution is analyzed to extract information about the AC source. Different characteristic probability distributions arising from various AC waveforms are calculated and experimentally measured. The reconstruction of the AC waveform is demonstrated from the measured probability distribution under certain restricted circumstances. The results are also compared with a simulated data sample. We propose this as a pedagogical tool to teach probabilistic measurements and their manipulations.Comment: Revtex4 file, 10 pages with 8 figure


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    Job satisfaction is an emotional response defining the degree to which people like their job. Work is a central part of almost everyone’s life. It is important that the employees feel a sense of satisfaction with their job or else it might lead to frustration, anger and in some cases even depression. Job satisfaction is also important in everyday life. Organizations have significant effects on the people who work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their work. This makes job satisfaction an issue of substantial importance for both employers and employees. The main objectives of this paper is to analyze the socio-economic characteristics, to study the satisfaction level of employees and to find out the several factors influencing job satisfaction of employees in Co-operative sugar mills. Descriptive research design is adopted and hypotheses were formulated based on research objectives. Interview schedule was used for data collection. The data is analyzed using percentage analysis, chi-square and Analysis of Variance

    Equity through sports - challenges and the way forward

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    One of the objectives of sports education in India is to provide skills for dealing with psycho-social issues in the school, home and the community. What does this mean? Sports could influence personal and social competencies such as self-confidence, self-discipline, body awareness, accepting rules, fairness, dealing with emotions, learning mutual respect, winning, losing, teamwork and communicative skills. Thus sports plays an important role as a socialization mechanism and for teaching values of the society. It helps build certain social skills. The former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, says sports is a universal language that can bring people together, support the work for peace and help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Sports has this capacity to transcend boundaries. Can it then play a role to bridge class, caste, gender and bring inclusiveness in India

    Book review Ideas for the classroom

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    Ideas for the classroom: Selection from the journal of the Krishnamurti schools; East West books(Madras) Pvt.Ltd. (571, Poonamelle hogh road, Aminijikarai, Chennai - 600029);pages:191; price:Rs.200. 'idea for the classroom' is the complication of selected articles from the first nine issues of journal of Krishnamurti schools

    Inclusion in science textbooks

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    One may ask: if science is all about facts, abstract concepts, definitions, theories and laws that explain the natural phenomena, how can science textbooks be inclusive? The social context does enter the textbooks through examples. In physics while explaining push and pull, the examples of someone pushing a cart or pushing a heavy object are presented. The question about inclusiveness here would be to ask ‘who’ is pushing and ‘what’? Through such examples, images, illustrations and explanations whether it is inclusive of all learners of all caste, class, religion, gender and other social markers is the question. Be it science or mathematics or social science the textbooks need to relate to the learners. The question is, does it relate to all kinds of learners and present perspectives and values? A good and effective textbook is that which represents diversity and differences. There are three different issues “a) relevance, b) silence versus candid acknowledgement of differences, and c) the type of inclusion, with genuine respect and tokenism as the two extremes” according to Majumdar and Mooij (2009, p.136). In this analysis I intend to consider the three issues mentioned above as a lens to look at inclusion and exclusion in science textbooks

    Evaluation of Physical Properties of Silver Coated and Uncoated NiTi Arch Wires: An Invitro study

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    Maintenance of oral hygiene is mandatory for patient who uptake fixed orthodontic treatment Fixed appliance has various attachments and retentive plaque forms the nidus for colonization of microorganism with the risk of white spot lesion .To reduce this bacterial count in the plaque and prevent such type of carious lesion, silver known to have anti-bacterial property is added in dental materials. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To compare the load deflection rate and surface roughness of silver coated and uncoated NiTi arch wires. 1. To evaluate the load deflection rate of silver coated and uncoated round and rectangular NiTi wire using Universal testing machine. 2. To evaluate the surface roughness of silver coated and uncoated round and rectangular NiTi wires using three dimensional optical profilometer. 3. To compare the load deflection rate and surface roughness of silver coated round and rectangular wire with uncoated round and rectangular NiTi wire of same dimension. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Surface modification of nickel titanium orthodontic wire with silver will be carried out by thermal evaporation method. It produce thin homogenous, uniform pure film coating on metal. Pure silver (99.9%) is used to obtain thin coating on the wires. Silver is heated through its vaporization temperature in a closed chamber and was allowed to pass through a valve which can be controlled according to desired thickness. In our study 10-nm thick silver film will be coated on orthodontic wires to avoid change in its dimensions. The load deflection characteristics of specimens for each group will be evaluated using three- point bending test and the test performed at room temperature, Testing will be done under universal testing machine INSTRON. A specially designed fixture with two supports 14 mm apart will be used. The striker is attached to the upper movable head of the Instron machine. The tip of the striker is the centre of the test-wire span. The crosshead speed for loading and unloading is 1 mm per minute. The mid portion of the wire should be deflected. The loading and unloading values for each sample should be recorded at 1, 2, and 3mm deflection. Loading value and unloading value for each sample will be registered and the results will be analyzed. The three-dimensional (3D) surface profilometry analysis was performed to assess the surface roughness of the arch wires. The average absolute deviation of the surface (Sa) was assessed because of the importance of amplitude parameters. A surface profilometer (Talysurf PGI 1240) was used in this study. An area of 0.24mm2 of each coated and uncoated surface was measured. The wire was placed on the worktop and surface tip was positioned on the wire followed the profile of the surface. The mean roughness of each specimen was measured. Data were directly transferred to the connected personal computer with ultra-system software. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Load deflection rate of silver coated 0.016 round and 0.016x 0.022 rectangular Niti wire and uncoated 0.016 round and 0.016x 0.022 rectangular Niti wire were compared using independent sample t test with p value of <0.05. CONCLUSION: The load deflection rate of 0.016 and 0.016X0.22 silver coated and uncoated NiTi archwire showed a statistically insignificant difference. Silver coated rectangular Niti archwire had same mechanical load deflection property as that of uncoated superelastic Niti, thus maintaining its superelastic nature. The surface roughness of 0.016 silver coated and uncoated NiTi archwire showed a statistically insignificant difference, The surface roughness of 0.016x0.022 silver coated and uncoated NiTi archwire showed a statistically significant difference, stating reduced surface roughness in rectangular silver coated Niti archwire, which is suggestive of its anti-adherent and antimicrobial effect

    A Study on Buying Behavior of Consumer towards Online Shopping With Reference to Bangalore City

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    On-line shopping is a recent phenomenon in the field of E-Business and is definitely going to be the future of shopping in the world. Most of the companies are running their on-line portals to sell their products/services on-line. Though online shopping is very common outside India, its growth in Indian Market, which is a large and strategic consumer market, is still not in line with the global market. This new shopping technique is innovative in nature. As compared to traditional way of doing shopping, it not just brings an incredible&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;number and extensive variety of stock to the purchasers; additionally offers a far reaching market and endless business opportunities. The data was collected through Questionnaires on a sample of 580 respondents from Bangalore City. Simple random sampling method has been used for data collection. Both primary data and secondary data has been collected for this stud

    A study on prevalence and co-morbidity of bipolar and anxiety disorders in chronic headache patients

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    Background: Co morbidity between headache and psychiatric disorders is more prevalent in chronic headache patients. The bipolar disorders and anxiety disorders are predominant in migraine and TTH respectively. This co morbidities have a poor reflection and impact on quality and outcome of chronic headache patients and results in worst prognosis and poor response to medical treatment.Methods: The chronic headache patients especially migraine and tension type of headache were analyzed with following materials such as the structured psychiatric clinical interview with ICD-10 mental and behavioural disorder, DSM-5 criteria. HAM-A, HAM-D, BDI-2, BPRS, young mania rating scale, Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and panic disorder scale.Results: Various subsets of bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder were found as follows: 74% of migraineurs are associated with psychiatric disorders in which bipolar affective disorder 6%, depressive episode 48%, dysthymia 30%, GAD 10% and Panic disorder 6%. 52% of TTH are associated with psychiatric disorders as follows: major depressive episode 52%, GAD 30%, separation anxiety disorder 6%, PTSD 7%, OCD 3% and panic disorder 2%.Conclusions: From previous and future studies the headache can be identified according to subsets of headache with psychiatric disorders make easier to provide appropriate pharmacological and psychological treatment which may reduce the chronicity and intractability of headache